Saturday, March 22, 2014


Ending Unnecessary Male Circumcision In The U.K.

Unnecessary Male Circumcision is a serious problem in Africa with many young men being killed every year during ritual circumcisions and uncircumcised men being bullied, ostracized and forcibly circumcised.

Here we offer 10 reasons why we must stop the use of Unnecessary Male Circumcision in the fight against AIDS:
  1. It’s unethical
  2. It’s hypocritical
  3. It’s based on inconclusive evidence
  4. It ignores what’s happening in the real world
  5. It spreads dangerous myths about circumcision
  6. It puts women at greater risk
  7. It exposes men and boys to more risk
  8. It’s not as effective as other methods
  9. It's a waste of money
  10. It gives credibility to a dangerous practice that kills men and boys 



Circumcision: A Source of Jewish Pain.
Circumcision Questioned.

Currently, circumcision is not universal among Jews either inside or outside the United States.

The Circumcision Resource Center, a non-profit educational organization, knows of hundreds of Jews in Europe, South America, and in the United States who either have not or would not circumcise a son.

Even in Israel some Jews do not circumcise, and there is an organization that publicly opposes circumcision.

The purpose of this article is to coherently explain a few of the contemporary reasons for the increasing doubts some Jews have about circumcision.
Then I will apply Torah law and Jewish values to these reasons.

The increasing doubts about Jewish circumcision are based on the understanding that it causes harm.
Anatomical, neurochemical, physiological, and behavioural studies confirm what mothers already know: infants feel pain.

Drs. Anand and Hickey, in a comprehensive review of recent medical literature on newborn pain, conclude that newborn responses to pain are "similar to but greater than those in adult subjects."

This study is accepted by virtually all medical authorities and is often cited in the literature whenever there is a discussion of infant pain.

As a surgical procedure, circumcision has been described as "among the most painful performed in neonatal medicine."

Studies of infant responses show that the pain of circumcision is not like that of a mere pin prick.   
It is severe and overwhelming.




Female Genital Mutilation:
Doctor Becomes First to Face Prosecution for F.G.M.

A doctor at a major London hospital has become the first person to be prosecuted in Britain for female genital mutilation, prosecutors said today.

Dr Dhanoun Dharmasena is accused of committing an offence under a 2003 law on a woman who gave birth at the Whittington Hospital in north London in November 2012.  The hospital has specialist services to help women with FGM.

The woman had already been mutilated and it is alleged that the doctor “repaired” the FGM previously performed on the patient and carried out further FGM, according to a statement by the Crown Prosecution Service.

Alison Saunders, the director of public prosecutions, said: “Having carefully considered all the available evidence, I have determined there is sufficient evidence and it would be in the public interest to prosecute Dr Dhanoun Dharmasena for an offence contrary to S1 (1) of the Female Genital Mutilation Act (2003).”

A second man, Hasan Mohamed, who is not a medic, has also been charged with encouraging an offence of FGM and aiding and abetting Dr Dharmasena to carry out the act, said Ms Saunders.

The pair will appear at Westminster Magistrates' Court on April 15, 2014.

Prosecutors said they had also looked at four other cases.



Monday, March 17, 2014


Human Rights Group Says
All Circumcisers Should be Arrested.

A San Diego based human rights group,, called for all circumcisers to be arrested after a Ridgefield, Washington, man was charged with assault for attempting to circumcise his eight-year-old son with a kitchen knife.
The boy’s 33-year-old father, Edwin Baxter, said he was inspired to cut off part of his son’s penis after reading the Bible.

I commend the Clark County Prosecutor’s Office for bringing assault charges against the perpetrator of this crime, said Matthew Hess, President of  

But what about the more than one million other boys in this country who are circumcised each year without their consent in hospitals and religious ceremonies?

The rights of those boys are violated just as grievously as the rights of this frightened eight-year-old boy in Ridgefield.

Hess continued by saying that the U.S. uses a double standard when it comes to circumcision. We have a blatantly discriminatory circumcision policy in this country, said Hess.

Doctors and mohels who circumcise girls are thrown into prison, but if those same doctors and mohels circumcise boys, they are rewarded with a pay cheque even though circumcision impairs sexual function in both genders.

With both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Medical Association advising against circumcision, more people are questioning why the sexually damaging procedure is still being widely performed on baby boys who cannot give their consent.

A bill proposal circulating in Congress called the MGM Bill (Male Genital Mutilation Bill) would amend current law to add protection for boys, but it has yet to find a legislative sponsor.






At birth, most boys have a sleeve of skin covering the end of the penis.
This protective sleeve is called the foreskin.
During a circumcision, this sleeve of skin is cut away, exposing the glans (head) of the penis.

Circumcision is sometimes done a few days after birth under local anaesthetic or with no anaesthetic. Alternatively, it can be done at several months of age in hospital with a local or general anaesthetic, or even later on in life.

If a boy is uncircumcised...
At birth, the foreskin is joined to the underlying glans of the penis, so the foreskin can’t be pulled back. During childhood, the foreskin continues to cover and protect the sensitive glans.
At some time during childhood for most boys, the foreskin separates from the glans and can be pulled back to expose the glans.
Once the foreskin can be easily pulled back, boys can wash underneath it while in the bath or shower.
Generally, the foreskin is designed to look after itself.
No special care is needed for an uncircumcised penis.

Circumcision WorldWide...
Around the world, most Muslim and Jewish parents circumcise their boys for religious reasons.
Among other families around the world, about 85% of boys aren’t circumcised.
The only major western countries where circumcision is very common are the United States and Canada.
Circumcision is uncommon in Britain, most of Europe and Asia, South America and Central America.
The history of circumcision in Australia is unique.
From 1920-50, circumcision was actively promoted. The vast majority of boys born in Australia around 1950 were circumcised.   Since then, there has been a big move away from circumcision.
Now the majority of Australian boys aren’t circumcised.





The pain that a baby experiences during circumcision is worse than anything the average person is likely to experience in a lifetime.
Sadly, there is nothing that can be done to eliminate this pain entirely.
Studies show that anesthesia helps reduce pain to some extent, but it is powerless to make circumcision pain free.
The pain of circumcision can have serious complications. It is so severe that many babies stop breathing, vomit, and defecate in their agony.
One recent study on the pain of circumcision was stopped after several infants, circumcised without anesthesia, experienced life-threatening breathing difficulties that included choking and apnea.
The shock of circumcision results in hysterical screaming, crying, and can produce dangerous complications, including rupture of the heart, lungs, and stomach. 
Some babies are so severely traumatized by the experience that they fall into a semicomatose state.
Some circumcisers still pretend that these babies are just falling asleep! Nothing could be further from the truth.
No one falls asleep when his sex organs are being cut with a knife.
Because he is tied down, a baby has no way to escape, no matter how much he thrashes.
Going into a comalike state is one way for the baby to distance himself from his agony, but it has dangerous consequences for the brain.
Many circumcisers still repeat the ludicrous myth that babies are unable to experience pain, even though they hear the screams of the babies.
Many dismiss the evidence of their senses, and simply accuse the baby of being "fussy."
It saddens me that members of my own profession could be so wrong, insensitive, and arrogant.
A mountain of objective scientific studies has irrefutably proved that babies do feel pain.
The throbbing pain of the circumcision amputation wound is aggravated every time the baby urinates.
Babies have no choice but to urinate into the raw circumcision wound.
The hot acidic urine burns the raw flesh, inflicting even more genital pain.
Nurses who work in maternity wards have told me that they can always tell which babies in the nursery have been circumcised.
These poor babies act strangely and seem withdrawn.
They also scream hysterically when they urinate in their diapers.



Question: I heard that a friend of a friend hooked up with an uncircumcised guy and his penis was nasty. Are all foreskins gross?

Answer: No, foreskins are not gross. However, some men do have poor hygiene, just as some women have poor hygiene. Let’s discuss.

The urban legends usually start in high school or college.
One girl hears a horror story about some random stranger who had a mortifying experience with an intact guy.

The rumor spreads, usually without any proof that this mystery encounter was real.   This causes women (and men) to grow up with an ingrained disgust for the foreskin.   Sadly, I’ve heard people say they would refuse a partner if they found out he wasn’t circumcised.

Then I ask if they’ve ever seen an intact penis up-close and they say, “No.”
We have people making strong, misinformed judgements about a perfectly normal and natural part of the male anatomy, and it’s all because of some story they heard.

Is the foreskin difficult to keep clean? Circumcision is not a reasonable substitute for bathing.
When your armpits smell badly, you wash them, right? And you wouldn’t cut off your feet if they were sweaty and stinky, would you?
Of course not... That would seem ridiculous.

So does the foreskin smell?
When a man is fresh out of the shower, his foreskin is mostly odourless.
It might have a very subtle scent, just as the vagina does.
I want to emphasis scent, not odour.
All people have their own unique scent, and their genitals usually smell a bit stronger.

This is a natural part of biology, as the sex organs produce pheromones to attract mates.

With this in mind—yes, the foreskin has a scent, just as the testicles have a scent, the vagina has a scent, the butt has a scent, etc. But when men practice good hygiene, their foreskin will not smell foul.

Let’s remember that poor hygiene results in multiple problems, such as body odor and bad breath.   If a man has good hygiene habits, it will reflect in his overall appearance and scent, not just his foreskin.

To be fair, women are also capable of poor hygiene, body odor, bad breath, etc. It’s not necessary to turn this into a battle of the sexes.

The bottom line is that all humans are capable of smelling badly, and a foul-smelling foreskin is merely a symptom of poor hygiene, not a hard-set rule that plagues all uncircumcised men.





Here’s a question for parents who promote circumcision:
Would your son be angry with you if you did not have him circumcised?
He’d still have his foreskin, and odds would be low that he’d choose to be circumcised as an adult.
But if he did decide to get circumcised, it would be his decision and at least you’d have the peace of mind knowing he wasn’t angry with you for forcing the decision onto him.
Anger is a common emotion when circumcised men come to terms with what happened to them.
Every day, I read heart-wrenching true stories on blogs and forums, written by circumcised men who are now furious with their parents for cutting them without their consent.
Some are so angry that they’ve stopped talking to their parents.
They feel mutilated and violated because they didn’t get a choice with their own body.
It’s so sad because it’s completely preventable. If you don’t have your infant son circumcised, you don’t have to worry about the consequences of making a permanent alteration to his body.
That’s a reasonable request:
Let your son make the decision about his own body.
A new generation of angry young men...
I’m really concerned about this new breed of parents who promote circumcision.          They are active on Twitter, Facebook, and blogs.
They adamantly insist it’s the parent’s choice for circumcision—not their child’s choice.
I encourage parents to think twice; I know you love your son; I don’t doubt that for a minute.
He is your world and the bond you have with him is magnificent; something bigger than words can express or describe.
Please consider the possibility that he does not want to be circumcised.
Imagine your world crumbling some day when he realizes the choice you forced on him.
Imagine all the stories out there from angry men who did not want to be circumcised, and now imagine your son being one of them some day.
Do not make a senseless choice that could tarnish your bond when he grows up.
Leave your son intact and respect his body, please.
Let’s not breed an angry new generation of circumcised men.
A world where sons don’t want to talk to their parents is a world no parent wants to live in.

Sunday, March 16, 2014


Intact -v- Circumcised.

The reasons usually given for routine circumcision in infants have been examined and found wanting.

Now let us consider whether the operation is in any way harmful or contraindicated.

The function of the prepuce is to protect the glans, the latter being almost insensitive to most ordinary tactile and thermal stimuli.

It has, however, specific receptors for other pleasurable sensations.

Removal of the prepuce exposes the glans to foreign stimuli which dull these special receptors.

During the act of coitus the uncircumcised phallus penetrates smoothly and without friction, the prepuce gradually retracting as the organ advances.

In contrast, when the circumcised organ is introduced during coitus, friction develops between the glans and vaginal mucosa.

Penetration in the circumcised man has been compared to thrusting the foot into a sock held open at the top, while, on the other hand, in the intact counterpart it has been likened to slipping the foot into a sock that has been previously rolled up.



The psychological impact of circumcision.

From a global perspective, most of the world does not practise circumcision; over 80% of the world's males are intact (not circumcised).
Most circumcised men are Muslim or Jewish; the USA is the only country in the world that circumcises most (60%) of its male infants for non-religious reasons.
Other countries that circumcised a significant minority of male infants for non-religious reasons include Canada and Australia.
This article refers mostly to the American practice, because the USA has the highest rate of non-religious circumcision and the most contentious debate about circumcision.
Discussion about the advisability of circumcision in English-speaking countries that practise circumcision typically has focused on long-held beliefs about the health benefits of circumcision.
The conflicting conclusions, beliefs and opinions surrounding circumcision, together with the tenacity with which advocates and opponents of circumcision maintain their viewpoints, suggest that deep psychological factors are involved.
The strong motivation to circumcise male infants is shown by the fact that the practice continues even though no national medical organization in the world recommends it.
Questions concerning the psychological motivation to circumcise and the longstanding psychological effects of male circumcision have rarely been studied; this lack of studies on the long term effects was noted in the medical literature about 20 years ago, and little has changed since then.
  • Infant pain and behavioural response to circumcision.
  • The parents' responses.
  • Circumcision as trauma.
  • Long-term psychological effects.
  • The motivation to circumcise.
  • Religious circumcision.
  • Cultural values and science.
  • Conclusion.






Because circumcision does not prevent HIV or other diseases.
opposed to the routine infant circumcision (RIC) of baby boys.
  • Because there is no medical reason for “routine” circumcision of baby boys.
  • Because the foreskin is not a birth defect.
  • Because you wouldn’t circumcise your baby girl.
  • Because your baby does not want to be circumcised.
  • Because removing part of a baby’s penis is painful, risky, and harmful.
  • Because times and attitudes have changed.
  • Because most medically advanced nations do not circumcise baby boys.
  • Because caring for and cleaning the foreskin is easy.
  • Because circumcision does not prevent HIV or other diseases.

    Children should be protected from permanent bodily alteration inflicted on them without their consent in the name of culture, religion, profit, or parental preference.

    10 Reasons NOT to Circumcise Your Baby Boy.


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