Friday, January 10, 2014


Foreskin Sexual Function/Circumcision Sexual Dysfunction.

The human foreskin is highly innervated, and vascularized sensitive erogenous tissue. It plays an important role in normal human sexual response and is necessary for normal copulatory behavior.
An understanding of this role is now emerging in the scientific literature. Removal of the foreskin (circumcision) interferes with normal sexual function.
This page brings together, in one place, scattered material relevant to the study of the role of the foreskin in human sexuality, and the dysfunction caused by its amputation.

Summary of the literature.

Protection. The foreskin in the adult male either partially or completely covers the glans penis. The foreskin protects the glans penis from friction and from dryness. The foreskin maintains the sub-preputial space in a state of wetness with prostatic, vesicular and urethral secretions. The glans penis is covered with mucosa, not skin, so the wetness is essential for optimum health.
Mechanical function. The foreskin provides mechanical functions to facilitate intromission and penetration. Several authorities observe that the penis enters the vagina without friction as the foreskin unfolds.
Elasticity. The foreskin has a layer of smooth muscle tissue called the peripenic muscle, which is part of the dartos muscle. The contraction and expansion of the muscle fibers in this layer give the foreskin great elasticity and are important in erogenous sensation.
Erogenous tissue. the foreskin is heavily innervated even at birth and before.   The foreskin is a specific erogenous zone with nerve endings near the surface of the ridged band arranged in rete ridges. The foreskin is noted for its sensory pleasure. Circumcision, therefore, diminishes sexual sensation.
Impotence and sexual dysfunction. The nerves in the foreskin apparently provide an impulse to aid erection. Circumcision has long been associated with an increased incidence of impotence.
Premature ejaculation. Lakshmanan & Prakash (1980) report that the foreskin impinges against the corona glandis during coitus. The foreskin, therefore, tends to protect the corona glandis from direct stimulation by the vagina of the female partner during coitus.
Inability to ejaculate or delayed ejaculation. While some circumcised males may suffer from a tendency toward premature ejaculation, others find that they have great difficulty in ejaculating. The nerves in the foreskin and ridged band are stimulated by stretching, amongst other movements.
Loss of sexual pleasure. Denniston reported that some circumcised men would not have the operation again because of loss of sexual pleasure.
Sexual behaviour. The alteration to the sexual organ causes many circumcised males to change their sexual behaviour. Foley reported that circumcised males are more likely to masturbate.
Value to female partners. The foreskin has long been known to be valuable to the female partner. The presence of the foreskin is reported to be stimulating to the female. Women are more likely to experience vaginal dryness during sex with a circumcised partner.
Recent studies. "Circumcision was associated with frequent orgasm difficulties in Danish men and with a range of frequent sexual difficulties in women, notably orgasm difficulties, dyspareunia and a sense of incomplete sexual needs fulfilment."
Library Holdings.  Documents are indexed in the approximate chronological order of publication.



Many new parents in America do not hesitate to say “yes” when asked if they will be having their newborn son circumcised. 
For many Americans, circumcision has always been just what is done.
Our fathers, partners and brothers were all circumcised.
Women gawk at the thought of a man with a foreskin even though they may have never actually seen one.  With that, like many things surrounding pregnancy, comes many myths and “old wives tales”.

The top 5 that heard the most often are laid out below.

Myth #1:  “Uncircumcised penises are just ugly and dirty”.

Fact: The penis in its natural form is an unfamiliar sight to many American women/men.  Like trying a foreign food delicacy, the thought of trying something new and unfamiliar can bring uneasiness to a person.  However, this is not the case for the majority of the people in the world. An approximate 70-80% of the world’s male population is left intact from birth.

Myth #2:  “It’s no big deal. It’s just a useless piece of skin. Followed with “my husband/brother/father is circumcised and are just fine.”

Fact:  Foreskin is a far cry from “useless”. It actually has many, wonderful uses. Many people have no idea that the glans or “head” of the penis is intended to be an internal organ. It is meant to be kept moist and protected by the surrounding prepuce. Actually, all mammals have a foreskin, all with the same purpose. The foreskin is filled with more than 20,000 erogenous (fine touch) nerves making the tissue surrounding the penis the most sensitive part of his body. These nerves actually enhance the sexual pleasure the man feels during intercourse.

Myth #3:  “Circumcision prevents Cancer, HIV, STDs and UTIs”.

Fact: Doctors have been known to spread this false information for years.  There are several studies that prove just the opposite of what the doctors want to hear.  Doctors cannot make this easy money if people are shown the truth.

Myth #4 “Everyone is circumcised. He will be made fun of if he isn’t”.

Fact: As stated before among the world’s men, approximately 70-80% are intact. So what about the USA? As of 2009 it was estimated that 60% of American boys are now being left just as they were made.

Myth #5 “My God/Religion says I have to circumcise my boys”.

Fact: Many Christians use this as their reason to circumcise. The one thing Preachers, Bishops, Rabbi’s and Priests can all agree on is that being intact will NOT keep you from entering heaven (or paradise).





It is the circumcised father who may feel uncomfortable if he looks different from his son.
Circumcision is often chosen by parents so that their son will not "look different" from his father or peers.
The belief is that an intact (uncircumcised) boy will feel uncomfortable if he does not "match" others.
In fact there is no published evidence whatsoever to support this belief.
This assumption may be the product of a psychological defense mechanism called projection, the process of attributing feelings to others that belong to oneself.
It is the circumcised father who may feel uncomfortable if he looks different from his son.
The fear of confronting these feelings in themselves motivates circumcised men to cling to the myth that intact sons will have such feelings.
Furthermore, when the first generation of American boys was circumcised, they looked different from their intact fathers.
This belief was not prevalent then because intact men had no repressed feelings about how their penis looked.
Investigation of the literature, interviews with intact men, and other pertinent information lead to the following inferences regarding the decision to circumcise for social or "matching" reasons........



It happens remarkably often. You'd think a circumcision episode was obligatory.

The stories convey some interesting underlying themes/myths:
  • "If circumcision of a baby is discussed, baby will be circumcised."
    (Ari's [Zighelboim] Law).
  • "The foreskin is disgusting." (In "Marked in Your Flesh" Leonard Glick traces this view back to Jewish reactions to Christian polemic against circumcision in the second and third century C.E.)
  • "Anyone may be as insulting as they like about the foreskin or the man who has one. They have no feelings or rights."
  • "American gentiles are not routinely circumcised: Jews circumcise - and gentile men who want to marry Jewish women."
    (Judaism specifically forbids converting in order to marry a Jew, but that is never mentioned. Other Jewish rules concerning circumcision are also ignored - because the Jewishness of circumcision on TV is only a plot device - a deus ex machina - to explain and justify the otherwise inexplicable American circumcision.)
  • "Circumcision is highly controversial and (paradoxically) no big deal."
  • "Circumcision is safe, quick, painless, and beneficial."
  • "Circumcision is harder on the parents than the baby."
Foreskin restoration is a recent element. It is always presented as surgery. (When non-surgical restoration enters sitcoms the comedy will doubtless be based on the public and noisy loss of huge weights, shaming the restoring man and convincing him that restoration is foolish.)

Game and Talk Shows:
Game shows generally refer only to Jewish circumcision.
Talk shows promote circumcision through ignorance and misinformation.





[Book - PDF Format]





Smegma is widely believed to cause penile, cervical and prostate cancer. This nearly ubiquitous myth continues to permeate the medical literature despite a lack of valid supportive evidence.

Smegma, the collection of material in the subpreputial space, is perhaps the most maligned of all human products.

This normal substance has been causally linked to cervical, prostatic and penile cancers, all matters unhygienic, and any preputial pathology for which a clear aetiology has not been established.

While these associations are widely endorsed and disseminated, the scientific evidence supporting these claims is flimsy, or non-existent.

In this review we explore the physical attributes of smegma, its function, its epidemiology, and the attempts to demonstrate its carcinogenic capabilities.

Finally, to develop a full appreciation of the current status of smegma in the scientific community, the interpretation of smegma’s role in health and in disease over the past two centuries needs to be chronicled.

The inner surface of the foreskin and the surface of the glans penis are mucosal membranes that must remain moist to function properly.

Smegma beneficially serves to preserve subpreputial wetness.

Smegma takes on the colour of the inner lining of the prepuce and is darker in highly pigmented individuals.
In most men it is odourless, but it has been reported to harden into ‘smegma stones’ in men with extremely poor hygienic habits.
Chemically, smegma contains immunologically active compounds such as cathepsin B, lysozyme, chymotrypsin, neutrophil elastase, cytokines, and hormones such as androsterone.

Lytic materials, such as lysozyme, which probably originates from the prostate and seminal vesicles, destroy bacterial cell walls and inhibit and destroy Candidal species.



Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Masturbation 'Cuts Cancer Risk'.

Men could reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer through regular masturbation, researchers suggest.

They say cancer-causing chemicals could build up in the prostate if men do not ejaculate regularly.

And they say sexual intercourse may not have the same protective effect because of the possibility of contracting a sexually transmitted infection, which could increase men's cancer risk.

Australian researchers questioned over 1,000 men who had developed prostate cancer and 1,250 who had not about their sexual habits.

They found those who had ejaculated the most between the ages of 20 and 50 were the least likely to develop the cancer.

The protective effect was greatest while the men were in their 20s.

Men who ejaculated more than five times a week were a third less likely to develop prostate cancer later in life.


Previous research has suggested that a high number of sexual partners or a high level of sexual activity increased a man's risk of developing prostate cancer by up to 40%.

But the Australian researchers who carried out this study suggest the early work missed the protective effect of ejaculation because it focused on sexual intercourse, with its associated risk of STIs.

Graham Giles, of the Cancer Council Victoria in Melbourne, who led the research team, told New Scientist: "Had we been able to remove ejaculations associated with sexual intercourse, there should have been an even stronger protective effect of ejaculations."

The researchers suggest that ejaculating may prevent carcinogens accumulating in the prostate gland.

The prostate provides a fluid into semen during ejaculation that activates sperm and prevents them sticking together.

The fluid has high concentrations of substances including potassium, zinc, fructose and citric acid, which are drawn from the bloodstream.

But animal studies have shown carcinogens such as 3-methylchloranthrene, found in cigarette smoke, are also concentrated in the prostate.

'Flushing Out'.

Dr Giles said fewer ejaculations may mean the carcinogens build up.

“It's a prostatic stagnation hypothesis. The more you flush the ducts out, the less there is to hang around and damage the cells that line them.”

A similar connection has been found between breast cancer and breastfeeding, where lactating appeared to "flush out" carcinogens, reduce a woman's risk of the disease, New Scientist reports.

Another theory put forward by the researchers is that ejaculation may induce prostate glands to mature fully, making them less susceptible to carcinogens.

Dr Chris Hiley, head of policy and research at the UK's Prostate Cancer Charity, told BBC News Online: “This is a plausible theory.”

She added: "In the same way the human papillomavirus has been linked to cervical cancer, there is a suggestion that bits of prostate cancer may be related to a sexually transmitted infection earlier in life."

Anthony Smith, deputy director of the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society at La Trobe University in Melbourne, said the research could affect the kind of lifestyle advice doctors give to patients.

“Masturbation is part of people's sexual repertoire.”

“If these findings hold up, then it's perfectly reasonable that men should be encouraged to masturbate," he said.




Then we have another whole issue of, as I've said it's a procedure in search of a disease.

And all of the diseases that it's been purported to cure, from masturbation to epilepsy to schizophrenia, to urinary tract infections, or cancer of the cervix/cancer of the penis.

None of them have held up to scientific scrutiny.

The latest one is HIV/AIDS in Africa.

There were three studies done that were highly biased, seriously flawed, and they purport to show a 60% reduction in transmission from females to males.
It actually is greater from males to females, but that hasn't been talked about.
But the studies are so confounded with other variables, they were stopped early, just a lot of things that were done.  There was big money behind them.
They were clearly on a mission to bring circumcision to Africa.

If you just look at the simple numbers... Europe is largely uncircumcised, has a low HIV rate. 
The U.S. is largely circumcised, has a high HIV rate.
How hard can it be to see there ain't no correlation?

At the same time they're fighting female circumcision, they're promoting male circumcision, w
hich, while they're very different on the outside, if it's done to an infant, it seems like a minor procedure, as opposed to a young girl having her clitoris either dehooded or removed.



Tuesday, January 7, 2014



A new study in the International Journal of Men’s Health shows that circumcised men have a 4.5 times greater chance of suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED) than intact men, revealing what appears to be a significant acquisition vector.

Researchers Dan Bollinger and Robert S. Van Howe, M.D., M.S., FAAP found a strong association between circumcision and ED in their survey of 300 men (OR = 4.53, p=.0058).
What other studies support this finding and what could be an underlying cause?

Eighteen percent of adult American men—three-fourths of whom are circumcised—have ED, affecting 18 million men.

Circumcision’s role as a risk factor may be reflected in ED drug sales; while the United States represents 5% of the world’s population it also accounts for 46% of Viagra sales.

Other studies have previously observed that circumcision’s damage results in worsened erectile functioning, inability to maintain an erection, and reducing the glans sensitivity, including an overall penis sensitivity reduction by 75%.

A recent study discovered that premature ejaculation is five times more likely when adjusted for erectile dysfunction and circumcision.

A new Danish study also found that circumcised men are three times more likely to have sexual dysfunction.




To fully appreciate the damage caused by circumcision, one must understand how the natural, intact penis should look and function.

The photos on this page show the way that Nature/God intended the human penis to look and function.



Famous Men Who Resent Being Circumcised.

"The Tip of the Iceberg."



Sunday, January 5, 2014


Circumcision Quotes.

The bris is nothing more than pedophilia masquerading as a religious ritual.
If a gentile engaged in the conduct of the Jewish mohel of sucking on an infants penis he would be prosecuted under the New York Penal Code [§ 130.50] for engaging in a criminal sexual act in the first degree. 
Anyone convicted of criminal sexual conduct in the first degree is subjected to the potential punishment of up to 25 years in prison and is put on the rolls as a registered sex offender.
There are similar laws in every state against fellatio on infants.
The laws are simply not enforced against Jewish mohels.
The conduct of the mohel in sucking on the penis of an infant during circumcision is just one example of the permissive attitude toward pedophilia within orthodox Jewry.

"I have some good friends who are obstetricians outside the military, and they look at a foreskin and almost see a $125 price tag on it.
Each one is that much money. Heck, if you do 10 a week, that's over $1,000 a week, and they don't take that much time."

Circumcision has few if any medical benefits.
Any link between circumcision and the prevention of genital cancer is at best unproved.   Circumcision is not only unnecessary but barbaric.
It can cripple children, both physically and mentally, for their whole lives.
And as for the motives behind circumcision, psychiatrists are agreed that they are irrational and punitive.

MGM is also a lucrative practice for medicine,  which charges, first, for the amputation and clinical facilities, and then profits from the sale of the baby's purloined sexuality to biotechnology and cosmetics companies.
This provides an economic incentive for the withholding of anesthetic: the MGM aftermarket requires a pristine product for tissue culture and research.
In short, parents would be ill-advised to rely solely on medical advice in reaching a decision on circumcision.

Don't expect to be reading about this impending social explosion in an AMA press release, there's far too much money involved.
As in politics, if you are not armed with the facts, you will become an instrument of other people's interests.

...and many more at........



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