Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Anger in N.T. Community after Circumcision Rite Ends
with Three Boys Airlifted to Hospital.

There is still anger in a remote Northern Territory (Australia) community after three teenage boys had to be medically evacuated following an Indigenous initiation ceremony which went horribly wrong.

The boys were part of a group of around 20 who were circumcised two days before Christmas near the small Gulf of Carpentaria town of Borroloola, 700 kilometres east of Darwin.

They were so badly cut during the procedure that they had to be medically evacuated to Darwin for urgent treatment.

Local ambulance driver William Miller arrived at the ceremony to find his 17-year-old grandson Bryce, severely injured.

"I took one look at him and he was sitting in a pool of blood... and that really hurt me, that did," he said.

"I wasn't happy at all, with the whole people who done the job."

Bryce Miller, who had to be airlifted to hospital, had pushed his grandfather to allow him to participate in the ceremony.

"When I got cut, and I seen the blood squirting through on the wrong side, it was bad.   Squirting out bad... heaps. And losing a lot of blood," he said.




“Leave Those Babies Alone.”

This is a brand new song by Agron Belica, on the Newsic album, commissioned by
It addresses the subject of male infant circumcision and what you learn may change you forever.
The #1 controversy faced by American parents in 2010 was male infant circumcision.
That's quite a statement, but the real eye opener is the knowledge that it is needless, that it truly is nothing but genital mutilation, and that it is dangerous, even potentially fatal, for infants.
Produced by Tim Adamack; Co-Produced by Agron Belica, Patrick Dreier, and Tim King.
Video (3m.52s)...  Produced by Tim King Salem.
"Circumcision is from the devil" - Agron Belica.



Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Morris Erases Gilgal Society From Leaflets.

...but the Society fails to return the favour.

This morning, documents suddenly disappeared from the website of Professor Brian Morris of the University of Sydney.

They were his leaflets promoting circumcision, bearing the imprint of the Gilgal Society.

The head of the Gilgal Society, Vernon Quainance, has been convicted of possessing child pornography.

Until yesterday, Morris's leaflet Circumcision, a guide for parents, said it was published by Brian Morris & The Gilgal Society, with the society's address and logo.

Today, all reference to the society is gone, along with a reference to Morris's "interest in circumcision".




Sexually Transmitted Infection Epidemic Ravaging The U.S.

[Blog 2nd Version]

So much for circumcision preventing STI's = America with highest adult
population circumcision rates in western world has STI epidemic!

You have been had by your medical profession who is addicted to
cutting babies and making money from it!

According to a report just published by the US Centers for Disease Control, United States residents are in the midst of a dangerous STI epidemic of historic proportions.

So severe is the outbreak, in fact, that it’s more than just the health of Americans that’s at risk: it’s the nation’s economy.

An analysis of the latest CDC report reveals that the US health care system is tasked with dealing with around 20 million new cases of STIs annually, making America the leading nation in the industrial world in terms of sex infections, and creating what the study’s author tells NBC News is "an ongoing, severe, STI epidemic."



Monday, January 20, 2014



[ MORALOGOUS - Where Morality Meets Culture ]

As the mother of four young children and baby store owner in a high-circumcision area, I have the opportunity to see a fair amount of infant penises.     I have noticed that “loose” circumcisions are becoming more common.  What does that mean?

In cutting off the foreskin, the doctor can sometimes control how much foreskin is removed, though it is often hard to do this as the newborn penis is so tiny and it cannot be known how it will grow during puberty. 

In the mid-20th century, most American circumcisions were very tight – they removed most or all of the mobile skin, thus completely exposing the glans. 

This produced the desired look and “ease of cleaning" as there was no foreskin left to clean under; this was thought to be a benefit as they used to think you had to clean under the foreskin from birth. 
We know that this is a terrible idea as the infant foreskin is adhered to the glans with the same type of tissue that adheres nails to their nail beds. 
Forcing the foreskin back to clean under it causes such immediate problems as enormous pain, scarring, and infection.

Tight circumcisions also create long-term problems, chief among them that there would not be enough skin remaining to support full erection. 
This causes pain when erect; shiny, tight skin; and sometimes even splitting of the shaft skin when fully erect. 

It usually also causes pain for the female partner, as the lack of mobile skin forces sex to be all friction against the vaginal introitus. 
(This is not the way sex is supposed to be – the intact penis moves inside its own foreskin, thus providing a rolling, gliding, frictionless pleasure for the woman.) 
It also, of course, destroys the gliding action of the foreskin’s ridged band over the head and shaft of the penis, which is a source of tremendous pleasure for the man.

So what is the outcome of a loose circumcision? 
You have a baby who “doesn’t even look circumcised,” who now does appear to “require” cleaning under the foreskin, but who has lost the amazing sensations of the dartos muscle and ridged bands
You’ve got the worst of all possible outcomes: it doesn’t produce the desired look of the naked glans, it needs special care and cleaning, but you don’t get the best pleasure.  Totally stupid.

Why do doctors do it? 
Perhaps they think they are doing their patients a favor – acquiescing to the parental need for circumcision while preserving some of the functionality.  This idea is misguided; the doctors should have the courage of their conviction and just refuse to do them. 
If the doctor thinks that circumcision is useful because it would “lower the chance of acquiring HIV” or “require less care” or “prevent UTIs,” then they need to explain how leaving most of the mobile skin on the penis serves those ends. 
The foreskin is still mainly there, minus the most sexually pleasurable part: if it is such a hotbed of disease, then they have not given that baby all the “protection” they could.         They are cowards.



Crazy Man: Brian J. Morris.

The following video was recorded on a Current Affairs Program in Australia. 

Brian Morris' website links to 8 circumfetish websites (Circlist, Erotic Male Circumcision, Circumcised Kids, Circumcision Fetish, Cutting Club, Gilgal Society, etc), and 7 websites that sell devices to perform circumcisions.
He's a member of the Gilgal Society, a group that publishes circumcision porn, including circumcision fan-fiction stories of children being given wine and asked to masturbate whilst being circumcised.

Brian J. Morris is a very sick man. One of the most hated men in Australia.

(Morris is mentioned in my previous post...HOW CIRCUMCISION BROKE THE INTERNET. )
[*Please read the comments to this video - after references under the video window.]



Sunday, January 19, 2014



After conception & at birth...



The Use of Male Circumcision
to Prevent HIV Infection.


Circumcision does not prevent HIV infection.

The Auvert study in South Africa reported 20 infections in circumcised males.
A study in Kenya reported 22 infections in circumcised males.
Brewer found higher rates of HIV infection in circumcised virgins and adolescents.

The United States has the highest rate of HIV infection and the highest rate of male circumcision in the industrialized world.
Male circumcision, therefore, cannot reasonably be thought to prevent HIV infection.
There are many methods of HIV transmission, including:
·         mother-to-child infection,
·         transfusion of tainted blood,
·         infection with non-sterile needles used in health care,
·         infection by homosexual and heterosexual anal intercourse,
·         infection by needle sharing to inject illegal drugs,
·         traditional African scarring practices,
·         tribal (ritual) circumcision,
·         female circumcision,
·         male-to-female heterosexual transmission, and
·         female-to-male heterosexual transmission.
Social problems.

The introduction of male circumcision into a non-circumcising society may present problems such as:
·         adverse psychological and sexual effects caused by the diminishment and desensitization of the penis,
·         increased antisocial behaviour,
·         violations of human rights,
·         violations of laws that protect children, and
·         inability to discontinue male circumcision when the need for it no longer exists.




Will Male Circumcision Be Banned in 2014?

As momentum continues to build against male circumcision, intactivists from around the USA have flooded Congress and 10 state legislatures with proposed legislation to ban genital cutting of boys.

If enacted, the Male Genital Mutilation (MGM) Bill would amend existing female genital mutilation laws by making them gender neutral.

Asa Rubin, director of's Massachusetts state office in Brookline, feels that all boys need to be protected from what is increasingly being referred to as genital mutilation.
"It is simply immoral to surgically remove any healthy, natural, normally functioning tissue from a human being without their consent," said Rubin.
"The fact that the law only forbids such barbarism for females is discriminatory and downright unconstitutional.
Genital integrity is a human right that should apply equally to both sexes."

A young mother from central Vermont has also joined the grassroots intactivist movement.
“I have been against circumcision since researching it six years ago when my first son was born,” said Amanda Fortier, who serves as’s state office director in the city of Barre.

“I try to educate everyone I know about the harm circumcision causes and that especially includes lawmakers, because they are in a position to stop it from happening. It should be obvious that healthy baby boys don’t need surgical correction.
The foreskin performs important functions, just like our eyelids and earlobes.”

Male circumcision has commanded the attention of politicians and judges during the past year.



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