Saturday, July 20, 2013


The Psychological Impact of Circumcision.

From a global perspective, most of the world does not practice circumcision; over 80% of the world's males are intact (not circumcised).
Most circumcised men are Muslim or Jewish; the USA is the only country in the world that circumcises most (60%) of its male infants for non-religious reasons.
Other countries that circumcised a significant minority of male infants for non-religious reasons include Canada and Australia.
This article refers mostly to the American practice, because the USA has the highest rate of non-religious circumcision and the most contentious debate about circumcision.

Long-term psychological effects

Without published studies, current knowledge of men's feelings about their circumcision is generally based on reports from self-selected men who have contacted the Circumcision Resource Center (CRC) and other circumcision information organizations.
The feelings reported generally include anger, sense of loss, shame, sense of having been victimized and violated, fear, distrust, grief, and jealousy of intact men.

Friday, July 19, 2013


(July 2013)...
In the first hour of last night's Coast-to-Coast AM radio show, George Noory discussed the recently released U.S. suicide data and pointed out that the biggest, most shocking demographic increase in suicide rates between 1999 and 2010 were White males aged 45-60.
Noory, speculating and attempting to offer reasons for this data, following his rule of avoiding the topic of circumcision and genital mutilation, refused to mention in his discussion that these
White American men were the most savagely and uniformly circumcised generation and racial demographic in American (and probably world) history, with White males between 1950 and 1968 suffering a nation-wide average 90% neonatal circumcision rate.
Other races, Negroid and Hispanic, for a variety of reasons were comparatively exempt from the practice.
There are undoubtedly other aspects to be considered as possible contributory factors, but why refuse to discuss one of the most glaring elements that might be part of the picture?
Who besides the George Noorys of the world can deny that traumatic, invasive surgery severing thousands of sensate neurons in seconds, resultant life-long sexual desensitization, behavioural compensation and distortion for having been circumcised, and ethical consequences of being denied the right to choose regarding the shape and quality of one’s own genitalia, all as a net sum, deserves a prominent place at the table in any discussion of male-prevalent neurological disorder and suicidal tendencies?

Sunday, July 14, 2013


20 more die, nearly 300 in hospital.

July 8, 2013

Circumcision ritual kills 30 tribesmen in South Africa's Eastern Cape

Botched circumcisions killed 30 young men and landed almost 300 more in hospital during traditional initiation rites in a South African province.

The 30 deaths in rural Eastern Cape province occurred during the annual season when young males undergo a rite of passage into manhood.

Ten other youths were hospitalised after being rescued from a forest on Sunday, said provincial health department spokesman Sizwe Kupelo in a statement.

"The ten initiates' private parts are rotten. They are badly damaged. Their condition is scary," he said.

A further 293 young men were undergoing hospital treatment for dehydration, gangrene and septic wounds, Kupelo added. Some had lost their genitals.

Teenagers from ethnic Xhosa, Sotho and Ndebele groups typically spend around a month in secluded bush or mountains areas for their initiation to manhood.

This includes a circumcision as well as lessons on masculine courage and discipline.

Traditional surgeons perform the procedure in the bush, sometimes with unsterilised instruments or lacking in technique.

Botched circumcisions leading to penis amputations and deaths are an annual tragedy.

In May around 34 deaths in two other provinces were reported.

The ruling African National Congress said Sunday it was "distressed" over the latest deaths.

It called for basic medical training of the traditional surgeons to render "an entrenched and necessary part of our cultural fabric" safer.

[So was apartheid once "an entrenched and necessary part of our cultural fabric".]



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