Men who
have not been circumcised typically have larger penises than men who have been
What is the reason for this?
Circumcision is a surgical process usually performed when the male
is in his infancy.
It removes the foreskin from his penis.
It is a traumatic process for the infant and some researchers
believe that it creates deep-based psychological fears, as the male is so
When the foreskin is surgically removed it creates scarring and
scar tissue.
If a circumcised male looks at his penis he can usually see the
scarring between the shaft of the penis where it meets the corona (the
corona is at the base or back of the head of the penis).
The scarring is usually visible because the skin will have a
different color than the rest of the penis.
This scarring damages the tissues in this area of the penis and
will impede penis length on erection.
Because this is done in infancy (usually) and before
puberty, this will affect the size of the penis when it gets its growth spurt
during adolescence.
They found that the average penis length in circumcised men was 5%
less than non-circumcised men.
This, of course, is the average. Some men lost less and some men
lost more of their size.
It's also worth noting the research of Dr. John Taylor who revealed
that 51% of an infant's penile skin is removed with circumcision.
But affecting penis size isn't the only problem with circumcision.
The foreskin is rich in sensory nerve endings and is one of the
main areas of the penis that increases a man's sexual pleasure.
When it is removed this decreases the sexual pleasure a man will
feel during intercourse.
The foreskin is also rich in tactile nerve endings, like those
found in the fingertips that can perceive very fine sensations through feeling.
With removal of the foreskin, the male loses this very fine touch
sensation in his penis. This is important because he won't be able to
"feel" the vagina with his penis.
The scarring of the penis
cannot be reversed, unfortunately, but there are methods of natural penis
enlargement that can help increase a man's size if he was robbed of it through
this surgical procedure.
There are also methods of
increasing the sensitivity and sensation-ability of the penis.