Saturday, March 29, 2014




- - - Society's  Shame - - -

Each and every single day, thousands of innocent, helpless, newborn baby boys are taken into an operating room, strapped onto a restraining table, arms and legs firmly bound, and literally have their penises 'skinned alive'.

First, surgical instruments are used to tear the skin loose from the head of the penis.  This delicate, highly-innervated,  extremely erogenous tissue is then peeled back from the helpless baby's tiny penis, like ripping a fingernail off a finger.

The peeled-back tissue is then placed in a vise-clamp, and the tissue is crushed for approximately 10 to 20 minutes, while the baby screams in abject horror, his poor body twisting and convulsing from the pain. 
His tiny heart nearly explodes as his heartbeat soars to a staggering two hundred or more beats per minute.

Then, as shock begins to set in, his breathing stops and his body turns blue. 
A doctor then takes a knife and amputates all this exquisite tissue from the baby's penis, forever altering that innocent child's life.

There are no painkillers, no sedatives, no anesthesia - the baby is wide awake through the entire horrific experience.   All the while, the unrelenting, inescapable pain permeates every fiber of that little baby's mind. 
If he's one of the more fortunate ones, he'll lapse into a comatose, catatonic state as his body shuts down while trying to escape the bombardment of his senses with unimaginable pain.

After the amputation, there are no sedatives, no painkillers, no magical soothing ointments, lotions, or salves. 

His tiny, bloodied, nearly-skinless penis is a giant open wound - raw, bleeding, and extremely painful - and it is left in agony, to 'heal itself' over the course of the next several weeks or months.

And while the penis heals, each and every time the baby urinates he is subjected to incredible pain, as the ureic acid comes in contact with the exposed flesh.

This 'procedure' is euphemistically refered to as a 'simple circumcision'.
Every year more than a million and a half helpless baby boys are sexually mutilated in North America. 
These children have the most private and personal parts of their bodies amputated for the sole purpose of depriving them of their natural right to experience the exquisite range of sensual pleasure God intended them to have.
All other excuses put forward in the hopes of justifying this butchery, whether medical, religious, or otherwise, are lies designed to perpetuate the mutilations.



How in the world did we ever come to a place where male genital mutilation is not only completely accepted as a societal custom, but also embraced as a religious practice?!
Truly, it is regarded as a rite of passage into this world of pain and suffering.

It’s like, after the baby boy is born, as if that’s not traumatic enough, he is then forced to suffer the excruciating pain and shock of having a very important piece of his body cut off … from the most sensitive part of his body, no less!
Just who is it (or who was it) that determined that the male genitalia was somehow flawed by the Creator?

What in God’s good name is going on here? Millions throughout a whole society …an entire civilization have been stampeded into cutting off the foreskin of infant boys.

As though such a horrendous surgical procedure is without pain and AWESOME consequences.

Mothers especially, please know that this is NOT a pretty picture at all.
How could it be?   The mother’s basic instinct is to always fiercely protect their newborn, as well as their young children.

So, let’s get busy with the facts as opposed to the terrible disinformation, misinformation and false information put out by the medical establishment and religious groups.

First and foremost the foreskin of the male penis serves a very important purpose; that is to protect and lubricate the head of the penis.

From a sensitivity and vulnerability standpoint, can you imagine how much more exposed such an organ is when it is stripped of this vital skin covering?

Here’s a fairly exhaustive list of what is actually removed with circumcision...

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