Friday, February 15, 2008



In a two-year study, wives of circumcised men were 58% more likely to contract HIV than wives of intact men.
The study, presented at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections in Boston, was carried out in Uganda and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
It compared the annual HIV incidence in the wives of men who had been circumcised to wives of men who remained intact.

Thursday, February 14, 2008




The Intactivism Pages

The struggle for genital integrity and against the involuntary
genital modification of children of any sex:
xxx Male Circumcision
xxx Female Genital Cutting
xxx Involuntary Sex Reassignment
Genital Integrity for All!

A Gallery of Circumcisions... 





The Best Method of Circumcision.


The best method is to circumcise about an inch above the doctor's wrist
on the hand she or he uses to hold a knife.
Cut squarely and forcefully with a sharp blade.
An alternative device uses a clamp to increase pressure slowly
until the hand is severed completely.
This is thought to reduce the sudden trauma and help to
cauterize the wound.
It is important to cauterize emotions along with blood vessels
so the procedure should be a painful as possible.
There's no need for anesthetic.
Everyone knows that doctors don't feel any pain.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008




In recent years, many articles have appeared in the literature that have examined the relationship between circumcision status and the risk of contracting human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.
This page introduces abstracts, full text articles, and other material about this relationship. The materials are indexed in chronological order.

Whether circumcision status plays a role in HIV risk or not, it is important to recognize that HIV can be prevented through several known very effective means, such as condom use, and limiting exposure to multiple partners.
Rather than advocating circumcision, given the existing evidence, it would be appropriate to advocate better public health education, so that individuals can make appropriate decisions regarding their own sexual behavior.

Furthermore, the consideration of circumcision with regard to STD and AIDS prevention does not apply to children.
Kept intact from birth, they can weigh the issue for themselves when they are old enough to consent.
A vaccine may even be available by the time they reach adulthood!




Benefits enjoyed by Males who are Intact.  (not circumcised!)





“What's done to children, they will do to society.”

“Circumcision is a solution looking for a problem. The medical profession bears responsibility for the introduction of prophylactic circumcision without scientific basis in the past and for its continued use and rationalization without scientific basis in the present.”


“Circumcision is startling, all right, particularly when performed by a garlicked old man upon the glory of a newborn body, but then maybe that’s what the Jews had in mind and what makes the act seem quintessentially Jewish and the mark of their reality.
Circumcision makes it clear as can be that you are here and not there, that you are out and not in — also that you’re mine and not theirs.
Quite convincingly, circumcision gives the lie to the womb-dream of life in the beautiful state of innocent prehistory, the appealing idyll of living ‘naturally’, unencumbered by man-made ritual.

To be born is to lose all that.
The heavy hand of human values falls upon you right at the start, marking your genitals as its own.”




“Hip trouble is from falling down, an accident that children with tight foreskins are specially liable to, owing to the weakening of the muscles produced by the condition of the genitals.”

“There can be no doubt of [masturbation's] injurious effect, and of the proneness to practice it on the part of children with defective brains. Circumcision should always be practiced. It may be necessary to make the genitals so sore by blistering fluids that pain results from attempts to rub the parts.”
A remedy for masturbation which is almost always successful in small boys is circumcision. The operation should be performed without administering anesthetic, as the brief pain attending the operation will have a salutory effect upon the mind, especially, if it is connected with the idea of punishment, as it may well be in some cases."



“In all cases in which male children are suffering nerve tension, confirmed derangement of the digestive organs, restlessness, irritability, and other disturbances of the nervous system, even to chorea, convulsions, and paralysis, or where through nerve waste the nutritive facilities of the general system are below par and structural diseases are occurring, circumcision should be considered as among the lines of treatment to be pursued."


"In all cases of masturbation circumcision is undoubtedly the physician's closest friend and ally... To obtain the best results one must cut away enough skin and mucous membrane to rather put it on the stretch when erections come later. There must be no play in the skin after the wound has thoroughly healed, but it must fit tightly over the penis, for should there be any play the patient will be found to readily resume his practice, not begrudging the time and extra energy required to produce the orgasm. It is true, however, that the longer it takes to have an orgasm, the less frequently it will be attempted, consequently the greater the benefit gained... The younger the patient operated upon the more pronounced the benefit, though occasionally we find patients who were circumcised before puberty that require a resection of the skin, as it has grown loose and pliant after that epoch."


"Local indications for circumcision: Hygienic, phimosis, paraphimosis, redundancy (where the prepuce more than covers the glans), adhesions, papillomata, eczema (acute and chronic), oedema, chancre, cancroids, cicatrices, inflammatory thickening, elephantitis, naevus, epithelioma, gangrene, tuberculosis, prepupital calculi, hip-joint disease, hernia. Systematic indication: Onanism [masturbation], seminal emissions, enuresis [bed wetting], dysuria, retention, general nervousness, impotence, convulsions, hystero-epilepsy."




"It has been urged as an argument against the universal adoption of circumcision that the removal of the protective covering of the glans tends to dull the sensitivity of that exquisitely sensitive structure and thereby diminishes sexual appetite and the pleasurable effects of coitus. Granted that this be true, my answer is that, whatever may have been the case in days gone by, sensuality in our time needs neither whip nor spur, but would be all the better for a little more judicious use of curb and bearing-rein."


"Another advantage of circumcision... is the lessened liability to masturbation. A long foreskin is irritating ‘per se’, as it necessitates more manipulation of the parts in bathing... This leads the child to handle the parts, and as a rule, pleasurable sensations are elicited from the extremely sensitive mucous membrane, with resultant manipulation and masturbation. The exposure of the glans penis following circumcision ... lessens the sensitiveness of the organ... It therefore lies with the physician, the family adviser in affairs of hygiene and medical, to urge its acceptance."


"Frequent micturition [urination], loss of flesh, convulsions, phosphatic calculus, hernia, nervous exhaustion, dyspepsia, diarrhea, prolapsed of rectum, balanitis, acute phimosis and masturbation are all conditions induced by the constricted long prepuce, and all to be rapidly remedied by the simple operation of circumcision."


“I have repeatedly seen such cases as convulsions, constant crying in infants, simulated hip joint diseases, backwardness in studies, enuresis, marasmus, muscular in coordination, paralysis, masturbation, neurasthenia, and even epilepsy, cured or greatly benefited by the proper performance of circumcision."



M.G.M. BILL...(U.S.)

M.G.M. BILL...(U.S.) 2013.

"We call on members of Congress to pass the MGM Bill into law
without delay so that boys may enjoy the same protection from
circumcision as girls."




Tuesday, February 12, 2008


"Millions of Jews were murdered during the Holocaust because circumcision marked them as Jews!
This must never happen again!   Everyone should be circumcised!"


Pediatrician's wife, American Academy of Pediatrics Annual Conference Hyatt-Regency Hotel, Chicago, April 14, 1996.


[The pediatrician she spat this out to and a nurse who heard her
(both of
whom asked to remain anonymous) told me this in two
separate conversations.
The nurse said there were not enough exclamations points in the universe to convey the ferocity this woman displayed.
How common is this woman's attitude -- especially among obstetricians, pediatricians and urologists?]



Monday, February 11, 2008


Circumcision - Why are Human Males Born with a Foreskin?

The foreskin plays a role during embryogenesis and development of the distal end of the penis, including the head (glans) and anterior aspect of the urethra.

Separation of the prepuce from the glans during development begins by 24 weeks of gestation.
The foreskin has no role after birth.  (????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

In fact, as detailed in this review, we now know that the foreskin poses a risk  to the male from various diseases and adverse conditions over his lifetime.

Nevertheless, one possible function of the foreskin in primitive humans may have been to protect the head of the penis from long grass, shrubbery, etc when humans wore no clothes, where, evolutionarily, our basic physiology and psychology are little different than our savannah-wandering or cave-dwelling ancestors tens to hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Also, the moist tip of the uncircumcised penis would facilitate quick enetration of a female, where lengthy foreplay and intercourse would be a survival disadvantage, since the risk to the copulators from predators and human enemies would be greater the longer they were engaged in sex.

Dr Guy Cox from The University of Sydney has suggested that the foreskin could in fact be the male equivalent of the hymen, and served as an impediment to sexual intercourse in adolescent primeval humans before the advent in our species of civilization and cultures.

Way back then, Cox says the foreskin would have reduced 'successful' sexual acts in those too young to adequately care for any offspring that might arise.

With the advent of civilization, he suggests that control of the sexual behaviour of the young by society made the physical mechanism redundant and society introduced circumcision to free the individual from the impediment of having a foreskin.

Interestingly, the physical difficulties experienced by the uncircumcised may explain why the word for uncircumcised in Hebrew means 'obstruction' or 'to impede', so explaining the Biblical term 'uncircumcised heart' when referring to obstructionism. 






"Circumcision Facts Trump Anti-circ Fiction"

"Rarely in my life have I read such unscholarly poppycock
(a good word, given the subject matter) as the article by
David Vernon in the Spring issue of the Skeptic.
Vernon, a freelance writer and former public servant with
 degrees in political science, economics and law, is hardly
well-placed to write on circumcision.
He seems to have scoured the internet and been duped by the
propaganda of various anti-circumcision organisations found
therein, rather than attempting to get a grasp of the abundant
medical evidence arising from good research studies published
in reputable international journals.
He presents anecdotes rather than science and tries
to draw a connection between quotes from ancient religious
texts and erroneous statements about circumcision.
Vernon is either quite gullible or a representative of the
anti-circumcision movement.
His words do not belong in a magazine that purports to
  present rational argument, logic and factual information.


Note: Dr. Brian Morris, of Sydney University, Sydney, is the
major proponent of male genital mutilation in Australia.
He believes that all males should be circumcised!
He refuses to acknowledge the research findings from the
Netherlands & Scandinavia which shows only intact penises
prevent the hiv-virus from entering the body.
Findings... "Foreskin; a natural barrier to hiv infection."



Is Circumcision Necessary?

Today the world's pediatric associations unanimously agree that there is no medical reason to circumcise and many insurance companies now refuse to pay for the procedure, yet circumcision is still performed on 60 percent of newborn males in the United States each year. Some babies are circumcised for religious reasons, some for cultural belief that it makes the body more attractive sexually, and many others are put through this unnecessary surgery because it is erroneously claimed to promote hygiene and prevent infection. In circumcision, the delicate covering of the head of the penis is pulled away, crushed, and cut off. For many years people believed that babies--especially newborns--did not feel or remember pain. Because of the known risks of giving babies anesthesia, all kinds of surgeries used to be performed on conscious babies. Today, it is understood that a newborn baby does feel pain and is traumatized by undergoing surgery without anesthesia; circumcision is the only surgery that continues to be done without it. I recall the first circumcision I saw. The parents had gone to great lengths to birth their baby without drugs other interventions so that he might have a peaceful beginning. He had spent his first week at home, breast-fed and cuddled, before arriving at the pediatrician's to be circumcised. The couple had argued over whether it should be done at all, but the boy's father prevailed. He felt his son's penis should look like his. Both Parents were present, and the mother held the baby down. The moment the doctor put the clamp on the foreskin, the boy began to scream. His father went pale, turned away, and left the room. Holding her son's legs apart, the mother bent over him and tried to calm him as the doctor cut quickly. The baby, awake and helpless, continued to scream. It took less than a minute, yet during that time, the baby had arched his back, grabbed his mother's collar in both hands, and tried in vain to pull himself away from the source of pain. Afterward, his mother picked him up and put him to her breast. He suckled frantically, crying and gulping air between swallows of warm milk. Turning to me, the mother said, "I'd never have allowed it if I'd known it would hurt him." "We were told it was a simple procedure, that few babies find it painful, and that if they do, they get over it," the father later said. I've since witnessed a number of circumcisions. In each case, the baby obviously feels pain and makes a strong effort to escape. Parents trying to decide whether to have their infant son circumcised need to know that the foreskin is a normal, healthy, protective tissue, and that the circumcision procedure carries the serious threat of hemorrhage and unintentional mutilation. Even if the procedure is successful, the wound is raw for ten to fifteen days. Circumcision is painful and potentially traumatic, and the imprint of that trauma can be lasting.
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