Study Confirms
Male Circumcision is
Genital Mutilation.
A new study in the
British Journal of Urology International shows that men with normal, intact
penises enjoy more sexual sensitivity - as much as four times more - than those
who have been circumcised.
Circumcising slices off more of a male's sensitivity than is normally present in all ten fingertips.
Circumcising slices off more of a male's sensitivity than is normally present in all ten fingertips.
In every site tested, intact men have as much or more fine-touch skin sensitivity on their penis and foreskin than a man who has been circumcised. Circumcision removes the most sensitive portions of the penis.
This new study demonstrates what we have suspected for decades that circumcision’s result - if not its intent - is reduced sexual pleasure for men. As such, it is a violation of a male’s right to bodily integrity.
In large part, female circumcision does the same; even the mildest forms remove the most sensitive portions of the female genitalia.
Females in the USA and many other countries are protected by law from all forms of genital cutting.
The mistaken belief behind circumcision is that it is cleaner, healthier, protects against disease, and will make males more tractable in a society.
Because circumcision has such a drastic effect on sexuality later in life, no infant or child should ever experience a non-therapeutic circumcision.
Parents should not be allowed to control their son’s level of sexual sensitivity because of personal bias or prejudice, just as no parent should be allowed to request for their son or daughter any other sensitivity-reducing surgery; for example, eye surgery that would limit vision from colour to black-and-white.
In addition, circumcised men, with one-fourth the sensitivity of intact men, might decline to wear further-desensitizing condoms. Some may consider themselves “safe” because of circumcision, adding to their determination to have sex without a condom.
Adult men who want circumcision for themselves should be advised per proper informed consent that penile sensitivity will be reduced on average by a factor of four.
Men should also be advised that circumcision will not prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS.