Saturday, March 2, 2013


Doctor Discusses Circumcision Controversy.

James L. Snyder, M.D., F.A.C.S., Past President of the Virginia Urological Society discusses the controversy around infant circumcision. Conversation recorded in San Francisco, California July 29, 2010.



"The Malaysian minister of culture, arts and tourism suggested last year that mass circumcision ceremonies be promoted as tourist attractions."
Newspaper article.
(Picture of a young boy being prepared for a ritual circumcision.)
"Nelson Mandela, Nobel prize winner and former president of South Africa, has often publicly declared that the most horrendous and traumatic event to occur in his long and distinguished life was his ritual circumcision at the age of sixteen."


The Rise and Fall of Circumcision in New Zealand.

"I always hated doing them, and I was glad to give it up."
New Zealand is unique in the world for adopting infant circumcision almost universally, and then abandoning it.

(A presentation to the Sixth International Symposium on Genital Integrity, Sydney, December 8, 2000,
by H. Y. and Ken McGrath.)
Its first human inhabitants, arriving more than 650 years ago, were Polynesians from the north-east, from Tahiti or the Cook Islands.
At least one of those ancestors was reportedly superincised, because it's in his name, which is in turn embedded in our famous long placename.
"Circumcision, or rather superincision, by the method of cutting through the upper surface of the foreskin in the middle line so as to expose the glans penis was performed throughout Polynesia.
Both the operatiion and the result were termed tehe."

European settlers began arriving about 200 years ago, and outnumbered the Maori by some time in the second half of the 19th century.
Very few of those Pakeha (white) immigrants would have been circumcised. One doctor who began circumcising in 1916 says it was very rare before the First World War.
In 1906, a morals campaigner, R.H.W. Bligh, wrote to the Secretary of Education urging circumcision for boys in state care who masturbated. It was already standard practice.

"It is extraordinary that in our day this rather barbaric rite should be practised almost as a routine with infants.
From the psychological point of view it is dangerous with or without an anaesthetic.
In the rare case where a child cannot urinate it may be done, but is otherwise unjustifiable.
Apparently the practice is based on a morbid fear of masturbation, and it is unconsciously propitiatory.
When performed at the age of two or three, it is frequently the basis of severe castration fears."
- "The Sources of Love and Fear"  ~  M. Bevan-Brown.


National Penis Day.

(New Zealand)

National Penis Day was celebrated in September 2002 and 2003 as a promotion of safe sex awareness by the New Zealand AIDS Foundation.
The Foundation itself got into trouble in 2002 with a signboard showing men's torsos with visible penises.

The biggest event was a promotion by a Christchurch radio station that gathered a number of men - and a much larger number of observers - in Cathedral Square.


Clearly, most young New Zealand men are not circumcised.


Jury Finds No Harm to Boy From Wrongful Circumcision. [2011]


In a blow to supporters of male “genital integrity,” an Indiana jury has ruled that a doctor did not injure a boy by circumcising him when he was an infant even though his mother wanted him to be left intact.
Dr. Michael R. Burt, a Muncie, Ind., pediatrician performed the procedure a day after the boy, now 7, was born in November 2003. He admitted being negligent but a Delaware County Circuit Court jury found he did not commit an intentional battery and awarded the boy no damages on the negligence claim.
The boy, identified only as N.S., and his mother hired David J. Llewellyn, the country's leading wrongful circumcision lawyer, to represent them. He argued that the boy was entitled to $400,000 — or $15 a day over his “natural” life expectancy — for his “sexual loss” and other damages.
“Full justice means full damages,” Llewellyn told jurors in his closing argument, saying his client had “a right to be whole, a right to have a normal penis” and should be compensated for being “permanently deprived of having normal sexual intercourse when he is an adult.”
Anti-circumcision activists — or “intactivists” — claim the procedure reduces sexual sensation. But Edward L. Murphy, an attorney for Burt, said an award of $400,000 in damages to the boy would “open the courthouse door to every kid who's been circumcised.”
“Let's pay [the boy] $15 a day until he dies?” he asked the jury. “That's nonsense!”
Llewellyn, of Johnson & Ward in Atlanta, has now lost two out of three wrongful circumcision trials, his only plaintiff's verdict being for $65,000. “These cases are difficult,” he told On Point, citing a social consensus that still favors circumcision.
The mother of N.S. alleged that Burt was aware of her opposition to circumcision, in part because he was the pediatrician for her “genitally intact” older son. Her family believes “genital integrity is a basic human right,” she said in her lawsuit.
Burt admitted making a mistake but denied injuring the boy. “They can't say [circumcision] is harmful,” defense co-counsel Benjamin D. Ice said. “All they can really say is it's not medically necessary.”
Holding up a photo of the boy, Ice called him “healthy, happy [and] everything you could possibly want a kid to be.”
The plaintiffs were seeking damages for the “tremendous pain” of the procedure, the boy's sexual loss, and his emotional distress. Having a brother who is not circumcised “creates a psychological problem for a child” who is circumcised, Llewellyn says. “That is a heavy burden for a boy to bear.”
Llewellyn admits that N.S. "would not know the difference,” but “we argued that he's suffered a true loss because the foreskin is valuable. The jury evidently did not accept that proposition.” He noted that no one on the jury knew anyone who had been circumcised.
The boy and his mother previously reached a settlement with Ball Memorial Hospital, where the birth and circumcision took place. Llewellyn has won confidential settlements in other wrongful circumcision cases, including that of a man who, upon turning 18, sued an obstetrician for circumcising him when he was an infant.
Jury awards, though, in wrongful circumcision cases do not appear to have exceeded $65,000 — hardly enough, as the authors of a book about circumcision have noted, “To alert hospitals or physicians to the financial liabilities of routine circumcision.”
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These penile celebrations/festivals are very, very old.
Japan keeps up its old customs and that is why these
are still going on each year.
They are Shinto religious ceremonies tied in with fertility
gods and held out in the small farm, country villages.
[ Japan does not mutilate their baby sons! Another intact nation. :) ]


On surfing the web, checking out information and advice given out by 'mothering' websites and the feedback from mothers on the subject of circumcision.
The 'massive brainwashing' in the US has worked very well.
Mother referring to her son's mutilated, circumcised penis, as looking 'normal' now.
'Botched Circumcisions' have a new, more 'palatable' term - "recircumcising"...!!!
Even though the boy had been circumcised, the mothers are still saying that they had to pull back the foreskin to see the glans.
Here are some Mothers' responses in after-care of son's mutilated penises. 
My son's penis (circumcised) has gone from being out to being inverted. 
Question - Is it normal?
My son is circumcised and is now 3 months.
As of 3 weeks ago his penis is completely covered and I have to pull his foreskin back to even see his penis.
Was his circumcision done wrong?
His penis went from looking normal and being out to looking like something is wrong with it because it is inverted.
Is this normal?
###  My son was recircumsized at age 2. 
His penis head never looked like it was out far enough, so when he was 2 years old, I asked my doctor if his penis looked right and she said he needed to be recircumsized. 
He had the surgery (they completely knock them out) and it all turned out okay. 
When he was having the surgery, the nurse said that they do that same surgery all day, everyday.
###  OK,I had Xactly the same situation, having to pull the foreskin back to see his penis so when changing/bathing him I could take a wipee & clean around it to keep good hygiene... sound familiar?
Had his circum done b4 we left hosp, I just kept thinking this doesnt look right, my other sons never looked like that and no offense intended here towards your cutie patootie but my little one was and kinda is my chunky monkey,so we go to his ped dr visit (this was at the 4 months visit).
So I asked,she immediately said "Its perfectly fine, the circum was done right he just has a little fatty pocket around that area that, FOR NOW, is just pushing the foreskin up around his penis..and to just make sure during changing/bathing to pull that back to ensure clean, and as he grows, becomes more mobile his fat will go down making foreskin recede back making his private look normal.
From that day till now @ 1 yr old, he has lost that fatty pocket around that area and looks normal. Hope this helps.
(Blog.Note: News to me... I didn't know that circumcised babies had foreskins!!??)
###  Wow can I relate. Our son was circumsized right after birth and after bringing him home, and taking care of it, the foreskin was still over the head of the penis. 
I would pull back the skin, clean it, and make sure everything looked okay. There was almost always a white film under the skin. 
Well, last July around his 2nd birthday, I had to take him to a pediatric urologist because the foreskin started attaching to the base of the head and I couldn't pull it back to clean (it would hurt him). 
His pediatrician had told me that it would start retracting as he got thinner, but it didn't. 
So, the urologist said we had three options: leave it alone and let him have problems as he got older peeing and with erections, get some Rx cream to apply to the base of the head to dissolve the adhesions, or have surgery to remove adhesions and heal all problems. 
We chose surgery. 
It was the best thing we ever decided, though very hard to decide. 
Took 3 days to heal and everything looks perfect.
### I am going through the exact same issue with my son! 
We were just at the doctor for his 6 month check up on the first and she was concerned. 
She said the foreskin had started to reconnect to the head and she pulled it apart a little, which made it bleed. 
My husband and I were supposed to continue to pull at it everyday until it separated again. 
We were both having a hard time because he was so uncomfortable and we could not bear to hurt him. 
We went back to the doctor today for some help and to have her check it again. She prescribed a steriod cream to put on it twice a day and to clean and pull it back every time we change his diaper. 
We will have to us the steriod for a month, then go back in for another check! She is pretty sure the cream will help, if it doesn't then we will have to go in to see a specialist! 
would definitely have your doctor check it out before it gets too far along! 
I wish they would have talked to us a more about how to take care of it before now!
### Wow I am so glad my girlfriend sent me this link. 
I am having or have had the same problen with my sons penis. 
We had him circumsized while we were in the hospital after he was born. 
About a month later he didnt look like he was circumsized and I asked my doc about it. 
She had said hopefully he will grow into it and to pull it back. 
My mom on the other hand who had a son told me that there shouldnt be any skin at all if it were done right in the first place. 
My son is 1 now and we were just seen by the Urologist and it turns out it wasnt done right or not enough was taken off at birth. 
So now my poor lil guy has to have surgery to remove the excess skin. 
I really dont know why so many people are having this problem but it sucks that the doctors arent doing something better to insure these poor kids don't have to go through this twice. 
I feel so bad and hurt knowing that my son is going to be in pain but I have to do it because it looks deformed now.   :( Good luck ladies.

Friday, March 1, 2013





 To map the fine-touch pressure thresholds of the adult penis in circumcised and uncircumcised men,
and to compare the two populations.




Keratinization: Etiology and Relationship to Age.

Etiology — The glans (head) of the penis is a genital structure that is normally protected from external contact by the foreskin of the natural penis. When the penis is modified by amputation of the foreskin, then this natural protection is lost and a process called keratinization proceeds to protect the delicate glans surface tissue from drying and the abrasion of the external environment. In other words, the normally delicate and smooth glans external membrane becomes calloused, or keratinized.

Relationship to Age — Although keratinization is an expected age-related change in the circumcised penis, it is not a manifestation of normal aging in the intact penis, as shown in the illustrations above. We document this fact using men of substantially different ages and opposite circumcision status as models. There is no evidence of keratinization in the 71 year old intact penis, and obvious keratinization in the 40 year old circumcised penis.

Effects of Keratinization.

Delayed Clinical Presentation —
Although the adaptation of glans surface tissue to exposure to the external environment necessarily begins soon after the trauma of circumcision, the process of keratinization progresses for decades and is rarely, if ever, seen as a source of presenting complaints by the OB-GYN or pediatrician who performs the circumcision surgery.

Loss of Glans Sensitivity —
However, there are clinical problems due to keratinization that present long after childhood. This is because in protecting the unnaturally exposed glans, keratinization decreases its sensitivity. Research has documented that many different areas of the intact penis are more sensitive than the most sensitive area of the circumcised penis – which is the circumcision scar itself (see Sorrells, M, et al, ‘Fine touch pressure thresholds in the adult penis.’

Full text of this scientific publicatio­n is available:  
Thus, there is no question that the glans of the circumcised penis is a less sensitive structure than that of the intact penis.
Sex Partner Complaints —
Not only has decreased glans sensitivity been associated with complaints of decreased sexual pleasure in men, their partners also suffer consequences of circumcisions. Anecdotal evidence includes complaints of pounding sex, dry unpleasant sex, and vaginal abrasion or lesions that are commonly heard from older women sex partners of circumcised men. The etiology of these complaints involves loss of penis sheath mobility and loss of glans sensitivity in the circumcised penis.

Erectile Dysfunction —
Decreased glans sensitivity has also been associated with erectile dysfunction (ED). Men have complained that sexual stimulation during intercourse has been insufficient for them to maintain an erection firm enough for coitus, and have sought relief through the use of prescription medications for treatment of ED.





The glans penis (or simply glans) is the sensitive bulbous structure at the distal end of the human penis.

The glans penis is anatomically homologous to the clitoral glans of the female.

It is generally completely or partially covered by the foreskin, except in men who have been fully circumcised.

The glans is also commonly referred to as the "head of the penis", while common British slang terms include "helmet," "knob end," "popper" and "bell end", all referring to its distinctive shape.

The medical name comes from Latin glans "acorn" + penis "of the penis" – the Latin genitive of this word has the same form as the nominative.







Anatomy and Functions

of the

Male Foreskin.

To understand the function of the prepuce, it is necessary to understand the function of the penis.

While it is commonly recognized that the penis has two functions - urination and procreation - in reality, it is essential only for procreation, since it is not required for urination.

For procreation to occur, the normally flaccid penis must become erect.

As it changes from flaccidity to rigidity, the penis increases in length about 50 percent.

As it elongates, the double fold of skin (foreskin) provides the skin necessary for full expansion of the penile shaft.

But microscopic examination reveals that the foreskin is more than just penile skin necessary for a natural erection; it is specialized tissue [especially the "ridged bands" described in research by Taylor], richly supplied with blood vessels, highly innervated, and uniquely endowed with stretch receptors.

These attributes of the foreskin contribute significantly to the sexual response of the intact male.

The complex tissue of the foreskin responds to stimulation during sexual activity.

Stretching of the foreskin over the glans penis activates preputial nerve endings, enhances sexual excitability, and contributes to the male ejaculatory reflex.

Besides the neurological role of the preputial tissue, the mucosal surface of the inner lining of the foreskin has a specific function during masturbation or sexual relations.




A skin-bridge is formed when the raw remnant where the foreskin was cut attaches to the raw surface of the glans and heals that way.
This happens after the doctor has lost interest in the case and the mother, who has been told her son's circumcised penis is now "low maintenance" and has no idea what it is "supposed" to look like, does not notice that anything is the matter.
It is not only ugly, but creates a space where smegma may be trapped and - unlike under the intact foreskin - cannot be readily cleaned.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


<<< Another Invention to cash in on infant circumcision >>>


Bobbi Shield Helps Baby Boys Recover After Circumcision.

Male circumcision, whether for religious or health reasons, can be a bit of an unpleasant reality for newborns.
The procedure leaves some particularly sensitive tissues open to contact by a diaper.
To alleviate the pain and irritation caused by contact with the healing penis, Respitek, a South African company, has released the Bobbi Shield, a cup that keeps the diaper at a safe distance from the sensitive parts.
After the bris, the cup is placed over the pubic area.
A film is then removed from the external surface of the device exposing its sticky surface, which adheres to the diaper to keep the Bobbi Shield in place.

From the product page:

Bobbi Shield creates a barrier between the diaper and the genitals, which prevents the baby’s penis from sticking to his diaper, as this causes pain, discomfort and worst still, it tears off the healing barrier when the diaper is removed.
The moulded structure of the Bobbi Baby Shield which is “worn inside the diaper”, creates a physical barrier between the newborn boy’s genitals and the diaper.
Faecal contact is minimised from the surgical site and bandage reducing the risk of infection.
The Bobbi Shield is lightweight ensuring maximum comfort for the baby.
The material is also flexible allowing for body position and movement from the infant.
Using the Bobbi Baby Shield during the post surgical recovery period allows for the baby to be ‘burped’ or ‘winded’ either over the shoulder or on the lap, without causing discomfort and physical pressure to his circumcised penis.

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