Friday, June 6, 2014



Want to confuse a bunch of otherwise intelligent, well-informed mothers?   Just mention foreskins. 
While the debate about circumcision snips on, there is little discussion around what to do with the extra flap of skin that around 80 per cent of boy babies now carry; the foreskin. 
Adding to the confusion is that most women of parenting age are from a generation where the statistics pushed the other way, with fathers, brothers, lovers and husbands all circumcised. 
"I didn't know anything about normal foreskin development before having a boy," says Nichola, mum to two boys. 
 "I expected the foreskin would pull back fully and was surprised that it was attached. When my son was two or three I asked my GP about his foreskin as it was still attached and I was concerned that this was not normal.

He assured me it was and that the foreskin would detach over time with "use".

"I was confused because at no time did I hear about this information - not from the midwife, the paediatrician or the child health nurse. No-one discussed it with me."  
Paediatric Urologist at Brisbane's Mater Children's Dr David Winkle says there "is absolutely confusion", with what constitutes normal foreskin development obfuscated by the ongoing circumcision dispute. It's a minefield," he says. 
"Advocates of circumcision have created a perception that if a boy doesn't have a prepuce, or foreskin, which is fully retractile, then that is abnormal and justifies circumcision.




Thursday, June 5, 2014



The human penis is an external male sexual organ.
It is a reproductive, intromittent organ that additionally serves as the urinal duct.

The main parts are the root (radix); the body (corpus); and the epithelium of the penis including the shaft skin and the foreskin covering the glans penis.

The body of the penis is made up of three columns of tissue: two corpora cavernosa on the dorsal side and corpus spongiosum between them on the ventral side.

The human male urethra passes through the prostate gland, where it is joined by the ejaculatory duct, and then through the penis.
The urethra traverses the corpus spongiosum, and its opening, the meatus, lies on the tip of the glans penis.
It is a passage both for urine and for the ejaculation of semen.

The penis is homologous to the clitoris.
An erection is the stiffening and rising of the penis, which occurs during sexual arousal, though it can also happen in non-sexual situations.

The most common form of genital alteration is circumcision, removal of part or all of the foreskin for various cultural, religious, and more rarely, medical reasons. There is controversy surrounding circumcision.

While results vary across studies, the consensus is that the average erect human penis is approximately 12.9–15 cm (5.1–5.9 in) in length with 95% of adult males falling within the interval 10.7–19.1 cm (4.2–7.5 in).

Neither age nor size of the flaccid penis accurately predicts erectile length.



Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Circumcision is as good as vaccination,
saving half our baby boys from adverse health impacts.

[The circumfetish freak, Brian Morris, is at it again;
One of the most hated men in Australia, wants all
Australian males to be mutilated.
He has been identified as a member of a circum-porn group!!!!!!
Can you imagine getting sexually aroused over the mutilation
of a little boy's penis???   Sick!! Sick!! Sick!!]

The snip may not be hip, but it’s healthy.

Australia’s falling circumcision rates are putting our baby boys at risk, with 50 percent of uncircumcised boys likely to suffer an adverse health impact from their foreskin, says the Australian co-author of a new Mayo Clinic Proceedings study.
Professor Brian Morris says ignorance and prejudice about circumcision is endangering the public health of men and women.
“The debate is very emotional because there is a sexual organ involved,” he says. “But it’s an appalling public health situation.”
“There needs to be, just like vaccination, public support and measures taken to promote an increase in the rates of circumcision.”

What are the dangers of leaving a boy uncircumcised?

This new study makes some alarming claims, including:
  • The benefits of circumcision outweigh the risks of the snip by at least 100 to 1.
  • Half of uncircumcised males will contract an adverse medical condition in their lifetime caused by their foreskin.
  • Uncircumcised men have a greater chance at contracting genital ulcer disease, penile cancer and a number of STDs.
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV) –  has also been associated with uncircumcised men. For the initiated, HPV is linked to cervical cancers, 90 percent of anal cancers, and 40 percent of cancers of the penis, vulva, and vagina.
  • Urinary tract infections – the study shows that infants under 12 months are almost 10 times (and males over 16 three times) more likely to develop a UTI.
The study specifically looks at falling rates of circumcision in the US, but Professor Morris says Australian circumcision rates are lower than the US and the public health situation here is “appalling”.

Also... Brian Morris' website links to 8 circumfetish websites (Circlist, Erotic Male Circumcision, Circumcised Kids, Circumcision Fetish, Cutting Club, Gilgal Society, etc), and 7 websites that sell devices to perform circumcisions.

He's a member of the Gilgal Society, a group that publishes circumcision porn, including circumcision fan-fiction stories of children being given wine and asked to masturbate whilst being circumcised.

Brian J. Morris is a very sick man.    :( 


Tuesday, June 3, 2014



The glans (penile head) is normally an internal organ protected by the moist mucosal tissue of the prepuce (foreskin). Without the foreskin, the glans is exposed to the outer environment (air, soap, clothing, sun, etc.).

The glans dries out and develops several extra layers of skin (keratinization).

Compare the dry, cracked appearance of the glans of a circumcised penis (Pic.001) with the moist mucosal end of the glans of an intact penis (Pic.002).

The unnatural dryness of the circumcised penis can cause abrasion and bleeding during sex, whereas the moistness of the intact penis makes sex more comfortable, especially during penetration.

For women with circumcised male partners, the problem of 'vaginal dryness' during sex may also be partly attributable to the unnatural dryness of the circumcised penis.

Besides removing the densely nerve-laden foreskin, circumcision removes 50% of the penile shaft skin and associated nerve endings.
The exposed glans then keratinizes, causing further loss of sensation.

Many circumcised men in the Awakenings survey reported that desensitization caused them to abandon or bypass the subtler pleasures of genital foreplay in favor of immediate intercourse, which would offer them greater stimulation.
They often hurried through intercourse, however — often needing extraordinary and sometimes violent thrusting — to obtain sufficient stimulation for both pleasure and orgasm.

Other men reported frequent reliance on behaviors offering more stimulation than vaginal sex (e.g., oral sex, anal sex or masturbation) or compensating for diminished quality of sexual response with quantity (sexual compulsivity).

Eventually, keratinization occurs even after adult circumcision.
It can also occur in intact men with short foreskins or those who habitually wear their foreskin in the retracted position.

Imagine how different female sexual response would be if the clitoral hood (female foreskin) and the labia were removed.
Exposure of the clitoris to the constant effects of the outer environment would approximate the effects of male circumcision.







Researchers tried to answer one of the most important questions to mankind: In which country do men have the largest penis size?

Well, in African and South-American countries men seem to have the largest, and in Asian countries the smallest.

F.Y.I. the average size in America is 5.1 inches (12.9 cm), and that includes Jonah Falcon, the man with largest penis in the world, 13.5 inches (34 cm)!

10 Countries with the largest penis.

  1. 1. Congo -         7.1 inches – 17.93 cm
  2. 2. Ecuador –  6.9 inches – 17.77 cm
  3. 3. Ghana –      6.7 inches – 17.31 cm
  4. 4. Colombia – 6.7 inches – 17.03 cm
  5. 5. Venezuela – 6.7 inches- 17.03 cm
  6. 6. Lebanon –   6.6 inches – 16.82 cm
  7. 7. Cameroon – 6.5 inches – 16.67 cm
  8. 8. Bolivia –       6.5 inches – 16.51 cm
  9. 9. Hungary –   6.5 inches – 16.51 cm
  10. 10. Sudan –      6.4 inches -16.47 cm

10 Countries with the smallest penis.

  1. 1. South & North Korea – 3.8 inches – 9.66 cm
  2. 2. Cambodia – 4 inches – 10.04 cm
  3. 3. Thailand –   4 inches – 10.16 cm
  4. 4. India –          4 inches – 10.24 cm
  5. 5. Burma –       4.2 inches – 10.7 cm
  6. 6. Taiwan –      4.2 inches – 10.78 cm
  7. 7. Philippines – 4.2 inches – 10.85 cm
  8. 8. China –        4.3 inches – 10.89 cm
  9. 9. Sri Lanka – 4.3 inches – 10.89 cm
  10. 10. Japan –      4.3 inches – 10.92




Danish Baby Goes Into Coma After Circumcision.

A circumcision has led to terrible, potentially fatal complications in Denmark. The lamentable situation is drawing further attention to the dangers of the procedure (circumcision).

A little baby has been so badly injured in connection with a circumcision at a private clinic in Nørrebro [Northwest district of Copenhagen, ed.] that he has been put into a coma.
That is what was reported in a post on Facebook, which has been spread with lightning speed on facebook over the past few days.
Among others, people like Suzanne Bjerrehus and renowned consultant and researcher in sexual health Morten Frisch have shared the post widely.
The latter confirms that the story is true to BT.
“I can confirm that the story is true. I have spoken with the doctor who performed the surgery, and he confirms that the boy is on life support,” says Morten Frisch.
According to the post, allegedly written by a family member of the little boy, the baby ended up in a coma after he was circumcised on Tuesday at a private clinic in the Northwest District of Copenhagen.
The boy was subsequently hospitalized at Hvidovre Hospital, where he was in a coma.
“Before circumcision, he (the doctor) gave anesthetic, unfortunately the amateur gave the baby too much anesthetic ca. 8ml. (He ought to give a maximum of 3 ml. Since the baby only weighs 3 kg.)
Shortly after circumcision, and while the baby was still at the clinic, he began to find it difficult to breathe and the colour of his face changed while liquid was coming out of his mouth,” according to the wording of the post, which warns everyone against using the mentioned doctor.



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