Saturday, August 25, 2007


……….The Intactivist's Pledge……….

"I reject circumcision."

For girls. For boys. For women. For men. For every human alive, or who ever lived, or who ever will live.

I reject circumcision because I regret being circumcised. Because I regret having someone else circumcised. Because circumcision is regrettable.

I reject circumcision because my genitals were cut. Because my genitals were not cut. Because I own my genitals.

I reject circumcision because I did not consent to the cutting of my genitals. Because I could not consent to the cutting of my children. Because the doctor did it anyway. Because the old man did it anyway.

I reject circumcision because it did not fool me. Because it did not fool everyone. Not back then. Not now. Not ever.

I reject circumcision because it cannot prevent disease. Because it is a disease. Because it must be cured. Because it must end.

I reject circumcision for better sex. Alone. With another. For any and all sex. For joy.

I reject circumcision because I have suffered. Because others have suffered. For all who suffered. For all who suffered and died.

I reject circumcision because it is a violation of human rights. Of human dignity. Of genital integrity. Of integrity.

I reject circumcision on behalf of myself. On behalf of my children. For the children I love. For the children I'll never know. For the children who will never know to thank me.

I reject circumcision in the name of truth. In the name of medicine. In the name of science. In the name of humanity.

I reject circumcision in the name of beauty. Because it is a mutilation. Because it is an injury. Because it is unnatural. It is ugly.

I reject circumcision on behalf of those traumatized by it. For those who have been wounded by it. For those who did the wounding. For the wound.

I reject circumcision for my family. For Africans. For Jews. For Christians. For Muslims. For Americans. For Everyone.

I reject circumcision for Abraham. For Isaac. For Jacob. For baby Jesus. For the boy Muhammad. For the girl Ayaan.

I reject circumcision done for tradition. Done for the rite. Done for God. Done for power. Done for money. Done because they could. Done always for wrong.

I reject circumcision done for "my own good." For "your own good." For anyone's "own good." Done to fit in. Done for my mother-in-law. Done for no damn good.

I reject circumcision when I'm by myself. When I'm with others. When I'm holding a baby. When I'm making love.

I reject circumcision because I was involved. Because I got involved. Because someone needs to be involved. Because children are involved.

I reject circumcision because it is my right to do so. Because it is my moral duty to do so. Because I am responsible.

I reject circumcision because I should have known better. Because I know better now. Because I help others know better. Now.

I reject circumcision to redeem myself. To redeem others. To redeem a man-made plague of six millennia.

I reject circumcision by speaking up. By speaking out. By blogging and posting and emailing and writing and mailing. Again.

I reject circumcision and I prevented one circumcision. I can prevent ten circumcisions. Or 10 thousand. Or 10 million.

I reject circumcision and when I do, others follow. Because it has to be stopped. Because it will not stop until it is stopped. Because we will not stop. Or be stopped.

This is my Covenant with myself, with my children, and with children everywhere:
I reject circumcision in order to end it.
I am an Intactivist.


Thursday, August 23, 2007



True accounts of personal tragedy.

Advocates of routine circumcision say it is a safe procedure, with a negligible rate of mistakes and things that go wrong, and in a relative sense (compared with brain or heart surgery) this may be true.
Even so, the rate of immediate complications in the USA is between 3 and 9 per cent, meaning (tens of thousands of boys each year), with a further 5 per cent experiencing problems later.
Outside the sterile wards of US hospitals, in tribal initiation settings as in Africa, circumcision may infect boys with tuberculosis, tetanus and possibly AIDS, as well as causing crippling injury to the penis.
Between 60 and 80 boys die each year in southern Africa alone.

Even if the rate of complications in western countries is low in a statistical sense, the result for the unlucky few can be a personal disaster, as the tragic cases recorded on this page show.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007



(Pages 6-8,September/October 1994.)

"The case against circumcision."

The origin of circumcision as a form of ancient sacrifice is discussed.
Recently described information about the structure and function
of the prepuce is presented.
It is suggested that the prepuce is responsible for much of the
erogenous sensation in the penis.
The indications for circumcision are considered.
Unnecessary circumcisions are still being carried out.
The methods and results of foreskin restoration in circumcised
men are referred to.
It is recommended that circumcision should be avoided whenever
possible and that there is a need for further research into the
location and function of sensory receptors in the male genitalia
and the psychological effects of circumcision.




Circumcision is, of course, just a holdover
from a barbaric past.

Medically speaking, circumcision either of males or females is of
course just a holdover from a barbaric past.
No enlightened modern Jew, Muslim or generic American -- groups that cultivate this cultural trait -- should even consider it for their children.
A cultural identity strongly contingent on the mutilation of babies can't be worth hanging on to without modification.

Before anyone calls me a xenophobe, let me state that I don't single out cultures and religions for disrespect: I disrespect harmful traits of all cultures, including my own. I'm an individualist.
Don't be cultural cattle, people, think for yourselves!

Male circumcision may protect men to some extent from catching
HIV from women, a recent discovery that may become somewhat
 useful in Third World countries with a rampant HIV epidemic.
Countries, incidentally, where a safe and clean circumcision is hard to come by.

So there's no question that I'm against circumcision.
My quandary is whether a secular state should aid those deluded
individuals who want to put their children through the procedure.
I have a feeling that it's against the Hippocratic Oath for a physician to
perform a circumcision without a purely medical motivation.


How Low Can A Mutilator Go?


This Australian academic's philosophy is that every repeat every
born male should be mutilated... and if he isn't, the doctor
responsible should be sued !!

How can this man be allowed to influence parent's to
mutilate their sons thus destroying their genital integrity?

If you challenge the 'so-called' doctor
(more like doctor-of-death)
he writes-off the challengers calling them...
"the lunatic fringe";
85% of the world's males are natural - as nature intended -
so we are definately in the majority but all the general public
 everhears about circumcision is what the very vocal
minority is saying to the media.
Don't fret - the truth will prevail.
Male Genital Mutilation is a life sentence.

"Non-Circumcision a Legal Risk!"



Monday, August 20, 2007




TOP 10 ways Circumcised SEX Harms women.

During circumcised sex, the woman's sex organ does not experience the true feelings that nature intended.

And instead of the loving sensuousness and pure pleasure of natural intercourse, circumcised sex can subject the woman to various degrees of discomfort and displeasure, often accompanied by incompleteness, frustration, and disappointment.

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