The Benefits of the Foreskin and
Why Routine Infant Circumcision Is Unnecessary.
Informed consent is meaningless when the patient himself is given no right to refuse the surgery.
"My own preference, if I had the good fortune to have another son, would be to leave his little penis alone."
-- Benjamin Spock, M.D., Redbook, April 1989.
The forced amputation of a healthy part of an infant's or child's genitals in the name of medicine, religion, or social custom violates his human rights.
-- NORM: The National Organization of Restoring Men
What is circumcision?
Every day in this country, more than 3000 infant males are strapped to a circumcision board, against their will to have their penis irreversibly altered for life.
Amputation of a newborn's health foreskin is the only contraindicated surgery for which the patient does not consent. It is an unethical practice.
Parents often consent with incomplete knowledge of anatomy or surgical consequences.
Tragically, many infants (who we know feel pain acutely) receive no anaesthesia.
The baby's arms and legs are restrained. A probe is inserted between the glans and the foreskin and the two structures are torn apart.
The foreskin is crushed and a cut is made in it. It is then pulled forward and amputated.
The raw glans is then totally exposed, which, along with the remaining inner foreskin, eventually becomes dried membrane and leaves the shaft skin taut and immobile.
This "Little snip" removed from 50 to 80% of the sheath's structure.
A permanent, visible scar remains.
This violation of body and human rights robs the male of his birthright:
an intact, fully functional penis.