Monday, March 17, 2014



The pain that a baby experiences during circumcision is worse than anything the average person is likely to experience in a lifetime.
Sadly, there is nothing that can be done to eliminate this pain entirely.
Studies show that anesthesia helps reduce pain to some extent, but it is powerless to make circumcision pain free.
The pain of circumcision can have serious complications. It is so severe that many babies stop breathing, vomit, and defecate in their agony.
One recent study on the pain of circumcision was stopped after several infants, circumcised without anesthesia, experienced life-threatening breathing difficulties that included choking and apnea.
The shock of circumcision results in hysterical screaming, crying, and can produce dangerous complications, including rupture of the heart, lungs, and stomach. 
Some babies are so severely traumatized by the experience that they fall into a semicomatose state.
Some circumcisers still pretend that these babies are just falling asleep! Nothing could be further from the truth.
No one falls asleep when his sex organs are being cut with a knife.
Because he is tied down, a baby has no way to escape, no matter how much he thrashes.
Going into a comalike state is one way for the baby to distance himself from his agony, but it has dangerous consequences for the brain.
Many circumcisers still repeat the ludicrous myth that babies are unable to experience pain, even though they hear the screams of the babies.
Many dismiss the evidence of their senses, and simply accuse the baby of being "fussy."
It saddens me that members of my own profession could be so wrong, insensitive, and arrogant.
A mountain of objective scientific studies has irrefutably proved that babies do feel pain.
The throbbing pain of the circumcision amputation wound is aggravated every time the baby urinates.
Babies have no choice but to urinate into the raw circumcision wound.
The hot acidic urine burns the raw flesh, inflicting even more genital pain.
Nurses who work in maternity wards have told me that they can always tell which babies in the nursery have been circumcised.
These poor babies act strangely and seem withdrawn.
They also scream hysterically when they urinate in their diapers.

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