Friday, February 14, 2014


Why South Africans risk death and injury to be circumcised.

Circumcision is seen as a rite of passage into manhood by some South African ethnic groups.
Males who have not undergone the ritual are not considered real men; they are ridiculed and ostracised.

This is why thousands of young men and boys risk injury and even death to undergo the procedure during "initiation schools" in the bush.

"The practice has become a way for chancers to make money."

In a nearby hospital, a mother is in tears as she strokes her son's head.
He is still frail following months of treatment for a septic circumcision which also resulted in a penile amputation.

"Our children are dying like ants. I want the people doing this to be arrested and punished," she says, angrily.

Botched circumcisions have led to the deaths of more than 240 boys - some as young as 13 - in the last five years, officials say.



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