Wednesday, October 29, 2014


What is Male Genital Integrity?

It is easy to define genital integrity. Everyone has genitals.

However, it becomes a problem to define male genitals as simply a penis and scrotum.

We could simply define male as a biological category and say that to be a proper male your genitals must look a stereotypical way. And that only those who have the "right kind" of male genitals can be called real men.
But it is this very attitude of defining "male" that leads to forced genital cutting of infants and children. According to this type of logic to be "male" your genitals must match your gender.

Proponents of infant male circumcision always refer to infants who have a penis, a foreskin, and a scrotum as "male."

This is because society dictates what male genitals are supposed to look like and that only males can have those genitals.
Therefore, male circumcision often refers to the cutting of the prepuce, a fold of sensitive skin, from around the penis.

Male Genital Cutting...

Circumcision often removes all of the loose skin from the penile shaft, skin that usually covers the glans of the penis. North American society usually circumcises their infants who have a penis and a scrotum for "health" reasons even though most pediatric medical associations say it does not improve health.

While the American Academy of Pediatrics says male circumcision may be practiced for "cultural" reasons it condemns all cultural practices that circumcise females, even those that merely prick the clitoral hood.
Many circumcisions happen because of misconceptions and ideology of proper male genitals.

The "benefits," such as "better appearance" or the prevention of urinary tract infections (UTIs) cannot justify the forced amputation or alteration of sexual tissues from infants and children.

Citing the example above, recurring UTIs are often caused by internal problems not external ones, and infants and children with penises rarely have UTIs.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics medical library, about 3 percent of girls and 1 percent of boys will have a UTI by 11 years of age.

Circumcising children for health reasons is unfounded and irrational.




Thursday, September 18, 2014


Study Confirms
Male Circumcision is Genital Mutilation.

A new study in the British Journal of Urology International shows that men with normal, intact penises enjoy more sexual sensitivity - as much as four times more - than those who have been circumcised.
Circumcising slices off more of a male's sensitivity than is normally present in all ten fingertips.

In every site tested, intact men have as much or more fine-touch skin sensitivity on their penis and foreskin than a man who has been circumcised. Circumcision removes the most sensitive portions of the penis.

This new study demonstrates what we have suspected for decades that circumcision’s result - if not its intent - is reduced sexual pleasure for men. As such, it is a violation of a male’s right to bodily integrity.

In large part, female circumcision does the same; even the mildest forms remove the most sensitive portions of the female genitalia.
Females in the USA and many other countries are protected by law from all forms of genital cutting.

The mistaken belief behind circumcision is that it is cleaner, healthier, protects against disease, and will make males more tractable in a society.

Because circumcision has such a drastic effect on sexuality later in life, no infant or child should ever experience a non-therapeutic circumcision.

Parents should not be allowed to control their son’s level of sexual sensitivity because of personal bias or prejudice, just as no parent should be allowed to request for their son or daughter any other sensitivity-reducing surgery; for example, eye surgery that would limit vision from colour to black-and-white.

In addition, circumcised men, with one-fourth the sensitivity of intact men, might decline to wear further-desensitizing condoms. Some may consider themselves “safe” because of circumcision, adding to their determination to have sex without a condom.

Adult men who want circumcision for themselves should be advised per proper informed consent that penile sensitivity will be reduced on average by a factor of four.

Men should also be advised that circumcision will not prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS.




Saturday, September 13, 2014


Child Circumcision: An Elephant in the Hospital.

What is infant circumcision?
Why is the practice common in U.S. hospitals and not in other countries?
What does it remove and how does that affect the child?
Does scientific data suggest that circumcision has benefits?
What are the potential complications?
How does it affect sexuality?
Is it a medical procedure or a social surgery?
If it's unnecessary surgery, what about contemporary bioethics principles?

Circumcision was at a statistical height of about 75% of the country from 1950 to 1970.
Today it is becoming less popular, partially because of high numbers of Hispanic immigrants, and growing opposition in the more progressive northeast and west (it remains overwhelmingly common in the South).
Today, the major medical societies in the USA do not recommend routine non-therapeutic infant circumcision.
This has long also been the case in the rest of the English speaking world, which has never seen circumcision rates as high as the United States.

Friday, September 5, 2014



'Intactivism' on the website 'reddit'...

     Just read posts or get involved.



Tuesday, August 19, 2014


How the circumcision solution in Africa
will increase HIV infections.

The World Health Organization and UNAIDS have supported circumcision as a preventive for HIV infections in regions with high rates of heterosexually transmitted HIV; however, the circumcision solution has several fundamental flaws that undermine its potential for success.

This article explores, in detail, the data on which this recommendation is based, the difficulty in translating results from high risk adults in a research setting to the general public, the impact of risk compensation, and how circumcision compares to existing alternatives.

Based on our analysis it is concluded that the circumcision solution is a wasteful distraction that takes resources away from more effective, less expensive, less invasive alternatives.

By diverting attention away from more effective interventions, circumcision programs will likely increase the number of HIV infections.





"It seems strange that the most vocal supporters of circumcision are (a few) women and circumcised men. 
One never had a penis and the other never had a foreskin. 
Yet they have the expertise to tell us about the disadvantages of having a whole, normal penis!"

~Ken Derifield, an intact researcher, who lives in West Virginia.




How to Teach Boys to Retract the Foreskin When Urinating.

All children have to be potty trained. Girls are much different to potty train than boys; and boys must be taught differently depending on whether they are circumcised or not.

Uncircumcised boys have the foreskin still intact and they need to learn how to properly hygienically care for their genitals in order to avoid tearing the skin or causing pain. In order to teach boys how to retract the foreskin of the penis when urinating, you should know it's all about repetition.

1... Have a trusted male family member such as the father, older son, your brother, or your father take your son to the bathroom. Most children are visual learners, so in order for your boy to learn how to properly use his equipment, he needs to watch an older male use his.

2... Establish a routine when going to the potty. Make up a song or do the same thing every time your boy goes potty. A routine should include the following steps for an uncircumcised boy. You can add more if you like.

Step 1: Pull down pants.

Step 2: Pull down underwear.

Step 3: Pull back skin.

Step 4: Sit down and potty.

Step 5: Wipe if needed and pull up underwear.

Step 6: Pull up pants.

If your child forgets to perform one of the steps, take him back and remind him of the steps that were put in place. Model the steps if needed or help him with the steps.

3... Institute a reward system. For example, give your son one small prize like stickers or stick on tattoos for each step he remembers each time he goes to the potty correctly.

4... Show him how to properly clean himself in the bathtub and explain why he needs to keep the foreskin of his penis clean. Make moving the foreskin a normal practice during potty training and bath time.


Thursday, August 7, 2014



[A book by Rosemary Romberg.
This book is dedicated to: All of the baby boys who have yet to be born into this world ... with the sincere hope that the beginnings of your lives may be peaceful and joyous, and that you may live in this world whole and complete as you were intended to be.]


But even for ME, of all people, there was some uneasiness. 
“The baby is a boy!  He will be born with a penis!  He will have a foreskin! – Panic!!  Good grief, I wrote the book!!  

I shouldn’t be feeling scared!!  I’ve been everyone’s resource for circumcision information.  There’s no way I’ll ever put another son through that torture!! 

I’d be the biggest hypocrite of the century!!  But this one will be the one who is different!!  I’ll have to face the relatives!!  Theory will now become practice.”



Monday, August 4, 2014



There are many different methods for educating others about the risks of infant circumcision.

Here are some general tips I’ve found to be helpful in having a civil conversation with people.

Although there are multiple ways to get a point across, I’ve found that being calm and reasonable is often more effective than shouting and forcing our views.

Change doesn’t happen over night.

There are 3 steps to changing the way people perceive circumcision:-
*Appeal to their emotions.
*Appeal to their intelligence.
*Give them a clear plan.

Studies show that in order to truly and permanently change the way people look at anything in life, you have to hit all 3 of these areas.

Emotion is what drives human beings. It gets us fired up about a topic. But information is what seals the deal.

Once we understand the facts and information, our brain can process both the emotion and the intellect.

A clear plan is the final step. People must have guidance to follow-through. Otherwise, there is confusion and mixed responses, which can trigger people to revert back to their old way of thinking.

Clarity is an essential key to inspiring a permanent change.


Saturday, August 2, 2014





Friday, August 1, 2014



If you were circumcised, are dissatisfied and would like to reverse some of the effects of this operation, you are not alone.
Thousands of men are undergoing foreskin restoration today, and their numbers are growing.
While non-surgical restoration of the foreskin takes patience, the benefits of this process are many. 

A return of sensitivity to the glans and what remains of the inner lining of the foreskin are the most notable benefits. 

Others include protection from chafing by clothes, protection from cold weather and harmful effects of the sun (if you’re a naturist), and a feeling of regaining control of one’s body after it was violated by others.

The erogenous tissue and mucous membrane of the foreskin are gone forever, but with skin stretching, the glans can be recovered and the appearance and function of a real foreskin can be approximated, bringing with it a renewed feeling of wholeness.  Not surprisingly, most restorees also experience enhanced sexual satisfaction.  

A restored foreskin can enable you to enjoy sensations you had never previously experienced.  This is especially good news for men who are circumcised so tightly that they experience pain with erection, masturbation or intercourse. 
Once the glans is covered and protected, the keratinization process reverses itself, sometimes with dramatic speed.  This means that the extra layers of skin slough off.

Most men restore by stretching.  Some undergo surgical foreskin restoration, which is costly and not without risk.  Also, the result is generally not as satisfactory as the stretching technique has proven to be.  Some men have recovered the glans by persistent manual stretching.
The standard stretching technique is as follows:-
Purchase a good brand of first aid tape, either of the paper, cloth, or plastic variety.  Tape especially designed for sensitive skin such as Transpore (can be found at most drug stores, chemists or surgical supply stores). 

Do not use masking tape or cellophane tape, as they will cause discomfort.

To begin, pull the existing shaft skin forward over the glans and hold it in place with tape.  This may be difficult at first, depending on the severity of the circumcision.  Over time, the skin stretches, much like an earlobe does when weighted down with heavy earrings. 

Progress varies greatly -- sometimes taking months or years.
Be patient.  Much of the stretching takes place during nocturnal erections if you stay taped at night.  This may be painful if the skin is too tight. 
At any sign of pain, loosen or remove the tape.

Over time, the skin will stretch and become more comfortable.
Eventually a point of equilibrium will be reached.  Then little or no progress will be made by the tape alone. 

Certain devices are then needed to facilitate the stretching process. 
These work by providing more surface for the skin to be pulled over, and by adding weight or tension on the skin.  Various weighted devices are available. 
Some men also use an elastic strap device.  Others simply use consistent and persistent manual stretching techniques. 

It is advised that you seek out a local support group, known as **NORM, the National Organization of Restoring Men. 
These groups can provide valuable technical support, as well as the moral support one needs for a lengthy process of this type.




~~~~~~~~~~~ Living with the Effects of Circumcision ~~~~~~~~~~~

Circumcision Surgery Accidents, Complications, and Atrocities.




Justin Bieber with his arms wrapped around every boy's favourite toy.
It is today forgotten that Mr. Kellogg got millions of mothers to buy his cornflakes by promising that if their sons ate them they would not masturbate.



Thursday, July 31, 2014



Forced circumcision most commonly refers to the circumcision of a male who has not given his consent.

The vast majority of circumcisions, albeit non-violent, are done to male neonates and children, who cannot give informed consent; but this article covers mainly forced circumcisions of adult men as acts of violence.

In a biblical context the term is used especially in relation to Paul the Apostle and his polemics against the forced circumcision of gentile Christians.

More often, forced circumcisions have occurred in a wide range of situations, most notably in the compulsory conversion of non-Muslims to Islam and the forced circumcision of Teso, Turkana and Luo men in Kenya, as well as the abduction of South-African teenage boys to so-called circumcision schools ("bush schools.").

In South Africa, custom allows uncircumcised Xhosa-speaking men past the age of circumcision (i.e., 25 years or older) to be overpowered by other men and forcibly circumcised.





(Video)...    From ~ 'Desmond Morris' ~ "The Human Sexes."




Slicing Through the Myths of Circumcision...  


Wash Your Hands Clean of the AAP...

The American Academy of Pediatrics policy on male genital cutting is culturally biased and seriously flawed.
It should be withdrawn.

·         It fails to consider the structure or functions of the foreskin, a normal healthy body part, only the cutting of it off. It does not, for example, cite Taylor's ground-breaking 1996 paper, the prepuce: Specialized mucosa of the penis and its loss to circumcision.
The erogenous value of the foreskin has been known for millennia, even to its enemies. Recent denial of that value is confined to those who have no experience of it.

·         It bases its conclusions about sexuality on two physiological studies that did not consider the foreskin, and on surveys of African adult volunteers for circumcision in the context of HIV prevention.

·         It treats normal intact penile features as pathological; late separation of the prepuce from the glans can take as long as 17 years but the AAP says it should separate within two months; and it associates "preputial wetness" with disease when it is normal, just like oral wetness.

·         It is filled with confirmation bias - finding the results the authors want.

·         It claims benefits of circumcising outweigh the risks without ever numerically comparing them.

·         It exaggerates benefits and minimizes risks and harm: For example -
      It cites a study showing that "circumcision ablates [removes] the most sensitive part of the penis" and ignores that finding.

·         It admits the African HIV findings may not be applicable to the USA, but goes ahead and applies them. (In three pages discussing STIs and HIV, the word "condom" does not appear.)

·         It cites a study suggesting circumcising men increases the HIV risk to women, and ignores that finding. (That study was called off "for futility" - an increased risk of HIV transmission apparently of no interest to the researchers - before it could reach statistical significance.)

·         It cites a study showing that a narrow foreskin (phimosis), not a normal one, is the issue in penile cancer, and ignores that finding.

·         It dismisses major complications and death from circumcision because it did not find any statistical studies of them.

·         It discusses the action of the Mogen circumcision clamp without mentioning that the clamp has caused too much of several boys' penises to be cut off; lawsuits have driven the company out of business.

Google hits for "botched circumcision": 36,400
Occurrences of "botch" in AAP policy:                0

·         It repeats the common claim that it is safer to circumcise babies than adults, but offers no evidence for that claim.

·         Its discussion of the ethical question of removing genital tissue from a non-consenting person versus leaving it for him to decide assigns no value to his autonomy or his human right to bodily integrity.

·         It compares the costs of circumcising early vs late, but not with the benefits of not doing it at all.

·         Its ethical consultant has said elsewhere that circumcision is not necessary and has a risk of harm, and that a parental wish is not sufficient to justify doing any surgery, and it ignores that.

The AAP should withdraw its circumcision policy the way it withdrew its female genital cutting policy after a storm of outrage two years ago, when it recommended a token ritual nick to baby girls, much LESS extensive than neonatal male genital cutting.
If that was unacceptable, how can this be acceptable?

The public mood is turning against infant circumcision. The Intactivism movement has found a receptive audience, especially among young people through social media.
(This video was created within 36 hours of the AAP releasing its policy.)

The AAP's policy seems bent, not on considering the healthy intact penis at all, but on restoring insurance and public funding to circumcision in order to find a new market among the poor.
It does a disservice to the growing number of boy babies being left intact, and their parents - and an even greater disservice to the boys who will be circumcised as a result of its strident advocacy, and to the men they become.



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