Monday, March 11, 2013




Circumcision, once accepted as the norm in the United States, has become controversial.
Technically, circumcision is the surgical removal of the skin that normally covers and protects the head, or glans, of the penis.
At birth, the penis is covered with a continuous layer of skin extending from the pubis to the tip of the penis where the foreskin (prepuce) folds inward upon itself, creating a double protective layer of skin over the glans penis.
The inner lining of the prepuce is mucous membrane and serves to keep the surface of the glans penis (also mucous membrane) soft, moist, and sensitive.
The prepuce is often erroneously referred to as ``redundant'' tissue, which allows the medical community and society-at-large to consider the foreskin an optional part of the male sex organ and, therefore, to condone its routine removal in a variety of procedures collectively known as ``circumcision.''
Circumcision, however, was also a part of religious ritual, including Judaism and Islam as well as others.
However, 85 percent of the world's male population is not circumcised.
Circumcision in 1992 was still the most commonly performed surgical procedure in America, where 59 percent of newborn males underwent this operation.
Circumcision reached its peak of 85 to 90 percent during the 1960's and 1970's.
The surgery, usually performed on baby boys within the first few days of life, is often considered "routine."
The most popular methods, the Gomco clamp and the Plastibell procedures, differ somewhat in technique and instrumentation but the effects on the penis and the baby are basically the same.
Most of the American circumcisions are not done for religious reasons, but rather, for hygienic ones.

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