Not even the most vigorous opponent of routine circumcision in the male have proposed the restoration of the prepuce, once it has been removed.
Attempts at uncircumcision have been made, nevertheless, since at least the second century before Christ, although not on hygienic or medical grounds.
Uncircumcision has appeared as a result of social and political pressures on the Jews, the most widespread group practicing ritual circumcision.
The Hellenistic Period.
The rapid spread of Greek culture and customs following the conquests of Alexander did not leave the Jewish nation in Palestine untouched.
The Hellenized Jews adopted not only the Greek style of dress but also their methods of training the young and their interest in athletic games.
Public nakedness became a commonplace throughout Judea; in Jerusalem itself baths and gymnasia were erected within sight of the Holy Temple, (to the horror of the followers of the law of Moses).
The Hellenizers, in their desire to destroy all evidence of their barbarian origin (in the Greek sense of the word), tried to destroy the evidence of the Covenant of Abraham.
Circumcision was not then standardized: the Oral tradition was ambitious, and frequently a large fragment of the prepuce was left behind.
The Hellenizers pulled this fragment forward, manually, stretched it, and even applied blistering agents thereto, in order to make it cover the glans.
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