Thursday, February 21, 2013


U.S. Paediatricians Back Circumcision.

{U.S. mutilators continue their usual, continuing vile rhetoric}
Circumcision of newborn boys, the procedure that has polarised Western medical opinion, has been given the tick by the influential American Academy of Paediatrics.
The surgical removal of the foreskin, now not routinely performed in most Australian public hospitals, offers more health benefits than risks, an evaluation of 10 years of evidence by the academy has found.
In a statement released yesterday, the academy said the benefits of newborn male circumcision justify access to this procedure "for families who choose it".
It said benefits from male circumcision included the prevention of urinary tract infections, acquisition of HIV, transmission of some sexually transmitted infections, and penile cancer.
It said the procedure "does not appear to adversely affect penile sexual function/sensitivity or sexual satisfaction".
{Brian Morris: One of the most hated men in Australia. His policy is every male should be circumcised. A petition is mounting for him to be sacked from his position at the University of Sydney.}
Professor Morris, who has led Australian efforts to assemble medical evidence in support of circumcision, said the American academy had stated for the first time that benefits exceeded risks, and that education and financial and other facilitators must be put in place to allow infant circumcision.
"The new policy represents a major turnaround for the better," Professor Morris said.
{Australian experts not rushing into decision without more study.}
But the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, which in a 2010 statement declared the medical benefits did not warrant "routine" circumcision, was less excited by the American announcement.
David Forbes, spokesman for the college's division of paediatrics and child health, said the college noted that the American academy did not recommend routine circumcision of all boys.
"Parents play an important role in making decisions about the health of their children.
It is crucial that parents have the necessary information and advice to weigh the benefits and risks for circumcision, as they do for other health treatments," Professor Forbes said.
The college's position was evidence based and balanced, drawing on international and local research to conclude that the frequency of diseases modifiable by circumcision, the level of protection offered by circumcision and the complication rates of circumcision did not not warrant routine circumcision of healthy infant boys in Australia and New Zealand.
Professor Forbes told the National Times that while the academy did have an influential place, the circumcision issue would need to be thoroughly debated in Australia before any significant change in policy.
He said there were several other matters in infant health of more concern than circumcision, such as breast feeding, immunisation, support of parents of infants and mental health issues.
The American academy said male circumcision was "one of the most common procedures in the world".
[With only 15% of all males mutilated, there must be a hell of a lot of mutilations to make it one of the 'most common'. All this throw-away rhetoric!]
The American findings will be considered as part of an Australian review into Medicare coverage of paediatric surgery including circumcision, a Department of Health spokeswoman said.

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