Wednesday, November 12, 2008



In medical circles, neonatal male circumcision was long assumed to be psychologically and emotionally benign.

It was believed that newborn infants had "poorly developed" neurologic systems; that newborns could not feel pain; or, if they did feel the pain, they would not remember it.

According to that orthodoxy, the experience of neonatal circumcision could never have any lasting effect on a child and could not traumatize a child.

Thursday, October 9, 2008



On careful examination, we find that the male organ, the prolongation of the urethra, with its cavernous walls, is not a simple canal like a rubber tube, for at its end it bears a small head, the glans.

This head is-conical in shape, but oblique in the sense that only the inferior or posterior surface is not pointed.
On this aspect, the urethra may be palpated as it pursues its straight course.

The base of this head has a larger circumference than the penis at any other point and bulges considerably at the point of junction, like a circular swelling.
This provision is very important for the movements in coitus firstly as an aid to massage, secondly in view of the external occlusory muscles of the vagina which grip it and prevent its slipping out too easily.

In dogs and some related species, such an occurrence is utterly impossible, as this edge is cartilaginous, so that forcible attempts at separation would probably tear the vulva.

The glans is covered by a very delicate transparent membrane, with the typical appearance of a mucous membrane, which merges insensibly into the mucous membrane of the urethra.

Internally, the glans consists of the same cavernous tissue as the inferior or posterior surface of the penis, where the urethra may be palpated.
It is therefore not so stony hard as the rest of the penis, even when swollen.

This is very fortunate, for otherwise the first attempt at copulation might often result in damage to the urethra and bladder, or perforation of the vaginal wall.

In the flaccid condition, however, the glans is not very noticeable, of small dimensions and not conspicuously different from the cylindrical portion of the penis.
There is one more point to note.
It is due to the nature of the cavernous tissue that the penis varies so greatly in size with the blood pressure.

Sometimes, it is very large; at others, especially during excessive cold or after loss of blood, it may become extremely small. But how about the skin?

Is it tight, almost to bursting, at one time, and at others almost inconveniently wrinkled?
One need only think of the voluminous- folds of a bellows or a camera.  
Nothing of this sort is found in the penis.

Nature shames our machines with her simple-devices.

Her solution of the problem is so simple that scarcely anybody has realised its difficulty.
The skin lies nearly always smoothly disposed round the penis.
The temporary surplus is taken up at either end.

The skin of the scrotum can be wrinkled in the finest corrugations, like the most delicate crepe paper, by minute muscular fibres, and during erection these fine wrinkles are to some extent smoothed out.

As soon as the penis returns to its usual size, the scrotal wrinkles reappear.
Sometimes, when the muscles are quite relaxed, the scrotum may hang lower than the penis.

When the penis is fully erect, the scrotum disappears altogether, and the two testicles lie close against the penis. Thus the same portion of skin may be used for both organs.

At the other end of the penis, however, i.e., on the glans; the skin has lost its mobility, hut as recompense we find, at the margin of the. glans, just behind its projecting rim, a single large fold which is large enough to hide the whole glans.
In this case, the fold of skin is a double one.
Urine, after leaving the end of the urethra, must pass through this fold of skin (the prepuce) before it actually reaches the exterior.

In the erect position the glans is not exposed, and the fold of skin disappears almost entirely.

In a very flaccid condition, however, due to cold, loss of blood, or age, the prepuce entirely surrounds the glans, as though to protect it.

In the female the clitoris is similarly supplied with a prepuce.

The little protrusion known as the clitoris is not, however, quite covered by it.
Here the foreskin is a very small fold of mucous membrane which hides about half the clitoris on its anterior (in the supine position the superior) aspect.

On either side the fold merges into the two small folds of mucous membrane known as the nymphae.

Covering all this are the labia majors which merge posteriorly into the buttocks so that in the adult they appear to be an anterior hirsute prolongation of them.

If we compare the two sexes in this respect we shall see that the female form with its freedom from protuberances is more closely related to the original type common to both sexes.

However, even in the female protuberances are sometimes found, especially prolongations of one or both of the nymphae.

In exceptional cases, prolapse may bring about a prolongation of the female urethra.

I once found extroversion of the urethra in a female to such an extent that it resembled an enormously elongated clitoris.

A great enlargement of the clitoris is said to be frequent in certain lands.
This is a form of rivalry the male does not seem to appreciate, for in many tribes(1) there prevails the custom of shortening or amputating the clitoris by operation.

On the other hand there are tribes who by means of sucking or stings of insects aim at enlarging the clitoris as far as possible.

Here and there attempts are made and with some success, artificially to lengthen the labia majora by pulling on them or suspending weights from them (cf. Hottentot aprons obtained by this means).

Generally, however, prolongations are reserved for the male sex.
In the male, through natural selection the prolongation and swelling of the genital canal has become a normal phenomenon, because of its great advantages in the struggle for existence.

In the female on the other hand it has become a rare exception.

The enlargement of the male copulatory organ has gradually accommodated itself to the female dilatation, and vice versa.

Not only the mental characteristics, but physical conformations as well have become mutually adapted in man and woman.
Matter has far more inertia than spirit and so bodily adaptation in pre-historic times has taken much longer.

(1)... For a small penis to occur in females it would be necessary for both clitoris and urethra to be greatly enlarged and to coalesce.
This would be the female equivalent of hermaphrodite-formation in males.

(Webmaster's Note: We have not finished yet.)



Friday, April 11, 2008



Every year, in hospitals across the United States, hundreds of thousands of newborn boys are strapped naked to a board and assaulted in their genitals by ritually attired practitioners known as physicians.

Although the operation is painful, it is performed without anesthetic; the baby's cries are interpreted as signs of healthy lungs, and his subsequent traumatized sleep explained as proof that the operation caused no discomfort.
Memories of the pain may impair his intellectual or emotional development.
And the procedure, although safe as surgeries go, is not risk-free.
Boys experience hemorrhage, infection, and ulceration; the urethral opening narrows due to scarring; and the penis may be bent, deformed, split, perforated, amputated, or burned off.5 Even if the operation goes well, the boy ends up with genitals that are structurally altered.
Viewed from the perspective of normal human anatomy, he has been mutilated.
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Thursday, April 10, 2008



Is Smegma useful?

Yes, certainly!

It lubricates the cavity between the foreskin of the penis and the glans, thus allowing smooth movement between them during intercourse.

During an erection, the glans increases in size.

The foreskin, on the other hand does not change its dimensions.

It is yielding enough and thin enough to accept the enlarged glans.

Furthermore, the foreskin is pressed backward during intercourse, and on subsidence of erection returns to its normal position.


Thursday, April 3, 2008



An estimated 650 million males and 100 million females
living today were genitally altered as children.
Annually, 13 million boys and 2 million girls in developing
and developed nations undergo customs of genital cutting,
euphemistically termed 'circumcision'!
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Thursday, March 27, 2008



About This Video:
In this 2-minute excerpt, you will see two separate circumcisions.
The first is the beginning of a 'Plastibell' circumcision and shows the very beginning -
(and then the very end, where you see the baby being picked up)-
of what happens in every hospital circumcision.

The second is a 'Gomco Clamp' circumcision and starts basically where
the first video left off, but after the clamp has been assembled and put on
the baby's penis.

What you see is the tightening of the 'Gomco Clamp'.

The actual circular cut is not shown, but what immediately follows,

when the clamp is left on to assure that the blood has sufficiently clotted;
then finally you will see the wrapping of the penis with gauze, before the
baby is re-diapered.





Wednesday, March 12, 2008




The desire by adults to attack the genitals of their infants and
young children with sharp knives is a subject about which a
tremendous amount has been written, the majority of which
attempts to justify and "explain" it, but in a manner which
leaves the larger cultural-social backdrop uncriticized.
This paper takes a different approach...


Circumcision losing favour with U.S. parents.

When Nancy McIlvaine told her parents that her newborn son wouldn't
be circumcised, her mother gasped.

McIlvaine, who lives in Napa with her husband, Willem Maas, said she consulted with health professionals about circumcision and never heard a compelling reason to snip her baby's foreskin.

"It's just inflicting pain to a newborn when there doesn't seem to be any evidence of it being beneficial," said McIlvaine, who gave birth to
Theodore on June 8.

McIlvaine is part of a growing trend away from male circumcision.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the
circumcision rate in the United States dropped to 55.9 percent in 2003 --
an all-time postwar low.    In the early '60s, it peaked at 90 percent.




Monday, March 10, 2008



Infant circumcision in the United States has been on a steady decline for several decades, and has been all but abandoned in other medically advanced countries that once practiced it.

Introduced into the U.S. in the late 19th century as a "cure" for masturbation, circumcision became a widespread social custom in America by the mid-20th century.




Tuesday, March 4, 2008



The continuing practice of routine neonatal non-religious circumcision represents an enigma, particularly in the United States.
About 80 percent of the world's population do not practice circumcision, nor have they ever done so.
Among the non-circumcising nations are Holland, Belgium, France, U.K., Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, Austria, Scandinavia, Russia, China, Papua New Guinea and Japan.
People employing circumcision do so either for 'health' reasons or as a religious ritual practiced by Muslims, Jews, most black Africans, non-white Australians, and others.



Sunday, March 2, 2008


Problems With The Scar.

Incorrectly performed circumcisions can lead to painful and disfiguring complications.

Botched circumcisions may result in excessive scarring, skin bridges, excessive skin removed and even penectomy with gender reassignment and death.

Such cases are rare, but many men do not know that abnormalities in the appearance of their penises are sometimes the results of a botched circumcision.

Occasionally, the scar can swell or become irritated during intercourse.

Some men with significant amounts of scarring have used cream or silicone scar pads to cause the scar to fade.

There is some controversy as to what happens to the severed nerves of the foreskin at the scar.

Xin et al suggest that nerves regenerate, forming new receptors.

However, pathologists Cold and Taylor assert:
"Histology of the male circumcision scar shows amputation neuromas, Schwann cell proliferation
and the bulbous collection of variably sized neurites.  Amputation neuromas do not mediate normal sensation and are notorious for generating pain." 

Other men, many of whom where circumcised as adults, find the circumcision scar to be an erogenous zone in its own right.

Penile cancer can occur on the scar in some cases, the scar can form a tight constricted ring causing preputial stenosis.


Friday, February 22, 2008


The Use of Male Circumcision to Prevent HIV Infection.

There have been a number of exaggerated claims made for the alleged efficacy of male circumcision in preventing female-to-male infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

This statement examines those claims and puts them in proper perspective.





HIV Increases in Africa Where Most Men Circumcised.

his is not a big shocking surprise to anyone who knows about the immunological and protective functions and purposes of the prepuce foreskin) or the hard, cold facts that when you circumcise men, you increase rates of all STDs (including HIV).
Countries where 99% of men are intact have the lowest rates of HIV.
The United States, with the highest number of circumcised adult men, has
the highest rate of HIV among developed nations.
Condoms prevent the spread of HIV, not circumcision.
This is not a difficult equation to figure out.
But apparently we must wait for the 'experts' amputating foreskins in Africa to tell us this.




Intactivist groups say African Circumcision-HIV studies show

how little men’s rights are valued.

San Diego, CA - July 27, 2005 --
In response to results of a male circumcision HIV study presented yesterday at the Third International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, several intactivist groups called on the United Nations to classify circumcision of male children as a human rights crime.

The study, performed on more than 3,000 African men, concluded that circumcision reduced the chance of HIV infection by 65% over an 18 month period.

Friday, February 15, 2008



In a two-year study, wives of circumcised men were 58% more likely to contract HIV than wives of intact men.
The study, presented at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections in Boston, was carried out in Uganda and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
It compared the annual HIV incidence in the wives of men who had been circumcised to wives of men who remained intact.

Thursday, February 14, 2008




The Intactivism Pages

The struggle for genital integrity and against the involuntary
genital modification of children of any sex:
xxx Male Circumcision
xxx Female Genital Cutting
xxx Involuntary Sex Reassignment
Genital Integrity for All!

A Gallery of Circumcisions... 





The Best Method of Circumcision.


The best method is to circumcise about an inch above the doctor's wrist
on the hand she or he uses to hold a knife.
Cut squarely and forcefully with a sharp blade.
An alternative device uses a clamp to increase pressure slowly
until the hand is severed completely.
This is thought to reduce the sudden trauma and help to
cauterize the wound.
It is important to cauterize emotions along with blood vessels
so the procedure should be a painful as possible.
There's no need for anesthetic.
Everyone knows that doctors don't feel any pain.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008




In recent years, many articles have appeared in the literature that have examined the relationship between circumcision status and the risk of contracting human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.
This page introduces abstracts, full text articles, and other material about this relationship. The materials are indexed in chronological order.

Whether circumcision status plays a role in HIV risk or not, it is important to recognize that HIV can be prevented through several known very effective means, such as condom use, and limiting exposure to multiple partners.
Rather than advocating circumcision, given the existing evidence, it would be appropriate to advocate better public health education, so that individuals can make appropriate decisions regarding their own sexual behavior.

Furthermore, the consideration of circumcision with regard to STD and AIDS prevention does not apply to children.
Kept intact from birth, they can weigh the issue for themselves when they are old enough to consent.
A vaccine may even be available by the time they reach adulthood!




Benefits enjoyed by Males who are Intact.  (not circumcised!)





“What's done to children, they will do to society.”

“Circumcision is a solution looking for a problem. The medical profession bears responsibility for the introduction of prophylactic circumcision without scientific basis in the past and for its continued use and rationalization without scientific basis in the present.”


“Circumcision is startling, all right, particularly when performed by a garlicked old man upon the glory of a newborn body, but then maybe that’s what the Jews had in mind and what makes the act seem quintessentially Jewish and the mark of their reality.
Circumcision makes it clear as can be that you are here and not there, that you are out and not in — also that you’re mine and not theirs.
Quite convincingly, circumcision gives the lie to the womb-dream of life in the beautiful state of innocent prehistory, the appealing idyll of living ‘naturally’, unencumbered by man-made ritual.

To be born is to lose all that.
The heavy hand of human values falls upon you right at the start, marking your genitals as its own.”




“Hip trouble is from falling down, an accident that children with tight foreskins are specially liable to, owing to the weakening of the muscles produced by the condition of the genitals.”

“There can be no doubt of [masturbation's] injurious effect, and of the proneness to practice it on the part of children with defective brains. Circumcision should always be practiced. It may be necessary to make the genitals so sore by blistering fluids that pain results from attempts to rub the parts.”
A remedy for masturbation which is almost always successful in small boys is circumcision. The operation should be performed without administering anesthetic, as the brief pain attending the operation will have a salutory effect upon the mind, especially, if it is connected with the idea of punishment, as it may well be in some cases."



“In all cases in which male children are suffering nerve tension, confirmed derangement of the digestive organs, restlessness, irritability, and other disturbances of the nervous system, even to chorea, convulsions, and paralysis, or where through nerve waste the nutritive facilities of the general system are below par and structural diseases are occurring, circumcision should be considered as among the lines of treatment to be pursued."


"In all cases of masturbation circumcision is undoubtedly the physician's closest friend and ally... To obtain the best results one must cut away enough skin and mucous membrane to rather put it on the stretch when erections come later. There must be no play in the skin after the wound has thoroughly healed, but it must fit tightly over the penis, for should there be any play the patient will be found to readily resume his practice, not begrudging the time and extra energy required to produce the orgasm. It is true, however, that the longer it takes to have an orgasm, the less frequently it will be attempted, consequently the greater the benefit gained... The younger the patient operated upon the more pronounced the benefit, though occasionally we find patients who were circumcised before puberty that require a resection of the skin, as it has grown loose and pliant after that epoch."


"Local indications for circumcision: Hygienic, phimosis, paraphimosis, redundancy (where the prepuce more than covers the glans), adhesions, papillomata, eczema (acute and chronic), oedema, chancre, cancroids, cicatrices, inflammatory thickening, elephantitis, naevus, epithelioma, gangrene, tuberculosis, prepupital calculi, hip-joint disease, hernia. Systematic indication: Onanism [masturbation], seminal emissions, enuresis [bed wetting], dysuria, retention, general nervousness, impotence, convulsions, hystero-epilepsy."




"It has been urged as an argument against the universal adoption of circumcision that the removal of the protective covering of the glans tends to dull the sensitivity of that exquisitely sensitive structure and thereby diminishes sexual appetite and the pleasurable effects of coitus. Granted that this be true, my answer is that, whatever may have been the case in days gone by, sensuality in our time needs neither whip nor spur, but would be all the better for a little more judicious use of curb and bearing-rein."


"Another advantage of circumcision... is the lessened liability to masturbation. A long foreskin is irritating ‘per se’, as it necessitates more manipulation of the parts in bathing... This leads the child to handle the parts, and as a rule, pleasurable sensations are elicited from the extremely sensitive mucous membrane, with resultant manipulation and masturbation. The exposure of the glans penis following circumcision ... lessens the sensitiveness of the organ... It therefore lies with the physician, the family adviser in affairs of hygiene and medical, to urge its acceptance."


"Frequent micturition [urination], loss of flesh, convulsions, phosphatic calculus, hernia, nervous exhaustion, dyspepsia, diarrhea, prolapsed of rectum, balanitis, acute phimosis and masturbation are all conditions induced by the constricted long prepuce, and all to be rapidly remedied by the simple operation of circumcision."


“I have repeatedly seen such cases as convulsions, constant crying in infants, simulated hip joint diseases, backwardness in studies, enuresis, marasmus, muscular in coordination, paralysis, masturbation, neurasthenia, and even epilepsy, cured or greatly benefited by the proper performance of circumcision."



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