Thursday, October 29, 2009


The Foreskin.


...also called the prepuce [Latin: prae = in front & putium = penis] is the protective sheath of penile skin, which covers the head of the penis, otherwise called the glans [Greek: balanos = acorn & Latin: (pl) glandes (pen[i]um) = acorn (of the penis)].

The skin of the penis is continuous, forming a cylindrical double layer of tissue consisting of the outer foreskin tapering at the acroposthion, which inverts into itself becoming the inner foreskin.

Upon erection it may retract and unroll of itself into a single layered cylinder, but not necessarily and can be retracted manually.

Some foreskins however are tight, retracting with difficulty and some foreskins don’t retract at all.

This condition called Phimosis [Greek: muzzling] is the natural state for neonates (new born) and boys.

The synechia, also known as the balano-preputial membrane or the
balano-preputial lamina is the membrane that attaches the inner surface
of the foreskin to the glans. 
A Danish study found that 50% of foreskins became retractable (desquamation) before 10 years of age and 99% of foreskins were retractable by the end of puberty through the vigorous erections of adolescence, helped by masturbation.

Therefore the foreskin should be left alone whilst a boy is growing up and should not be forcefully retracted for any reason whatsoever, because it may tear or harm the penis in some way.

The only person to retract a child's foreskin should be the child himself, when he has discovered that his foreskin is ready to retract.



Friday, May 1, 2009



Listen carefully to what men have to say about their own circumcisions.
These are direct quotes, compiled by John Erickson and Jeffrey Wood.

I think I could have accepted a deformity that was an accident of nature,
but I can't accept that someone did this to me.

My feelings about the doctor who circumcised me are too violent to describe.

I have never been able to accept the fact that when I was a baby someone cut part of my penis off. The sheer monstrousness of it haunts every waking moment of my life.

Sometimes I'm beginning to make some sort of adjustment to it, but then I see an unmutilated man in a shower or magazine and I become overwhelmed by uncontrollable feelings of outrage and disbelief that I was made the victim for life of something so sick.

There's something very wrong and very frightening about a society that systematically tortures and mutilates babies.

I am Jewish and I hate the tradition that robbed me of my best part.

I was circumcised when I was five, seventy years ago.
I felt rage then and I still feel rage now. 
The worst thing about circumcision is that it produces circumcisers.

I wish I could circumcise every uncircumcised man in the world, so they'd all be like me.  I don't have a foreskin and no one else should have one either.


I was circumcised by force when a child, and it has ruined my entire life as far as I'm concerned.

Fear, pain, crippling, disfigurement and humiliation are the classic ways to break the human spirit.    
Circumcision includes them all!



Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Horror Stories.

Living with the Effects of Circumcision –
Circumcision Surgery Accidents, Complications, and Atrocities...

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Thursday, January 8, 2009




[AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF SURGERY (MELBOURNE) Volume 64, Number 5: Pages 327-328,May 1994.]

A prospective study of the efficacy of topical steroid in the treatment of childhood phimosis is reported.

Boys referred to a paediatric surgical practice with pathological non-retractable foreskins were treated with topical (surface) beta methasone cream.
[Applied twice daily - for four to six weeks.]

One hundred and thirty-patients were treated and 111 completed the study.
A satisfactory result, defined as foreskin retractability appropriate for the boys' age, was achieved in 80% of patients.

In 10% the response was inadequate at the end of the study period, but these boys were still under treatment or surveillance because their parents declined circumcision.

In 10%, circumcision was performed because of failure of treatment.

In six patients this was due to balantis xerotica obliterans (lichen sclerosus 
et atrophicus) which does not respond to conservative treatment.

Successful treatment depends upon the presence of a normal supple foreskin
at the outset, and on parental compliance.



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