Monday, December 30, 2013


Beginner's Guide to Foreskin Restoration.

There are a lot of benefits to having a foreskin... Foreskin restoration allows a circumcised man to regain many of those benefits.

But, how to start?   How to restore your foreskin?

This Beginner's Guide provides basic information for someone beginning to restore. It also tries to answer some common questions.

First, it helps to understand the anatomy and the correct terminology of the penis, including the intact ones.

The head of your penis is the glans, not the gland.

The corona is the ridge between the glans and the shaft of the penis.

The sulcus is the valley behind the corona on your shaft.

The inner foreskin remnant extends from the corona to your circumcision scar.

The frenulum extends from the ventral side of your glans to your circ scar.

The ridged band, sometimes called the frenar band, is the structure at the tip of an intact foreskin that is completely removed during a routine infant circumcision.

The ridged band, the frenulum, and the corona have a high concentration of sensory receptors called Meissner corpuscles.




When circumcision can mean death in South Africa.

Nearly 80 boys and young men have died this year (2013) in South Africa from injuries sustained during ritual circumcision.

This has led to renewed calls for more effective regulation of the so-called "traditional surgeons" who carry out the procedure.

The lure of financial gain has resulted in an increase in illegal initiation schools in rural areas.

[Note: Video accompanying this post is in the link.]




Is Circumcision in America Really “Deeply Religious”?

Things have changed considerably in just the last few years with respect to mass media and the topic of circumcision. Several articles are published every month now – if not every week — in major newspapers and websites here in the U.S. and abroad.

Is Circumcision a Progressive Issue?

As a result, it’s somewhat of a luxury to find myself being critical of a piece written by an author who self-identifies as a “Humanist” and presents his personal views as “progressive” on the topic of circumcision.

In his report on a recent intactivist street protest where he interviewed several of the demonstrators, he states, “… my own feeling is that we should not be surgically altering the genitalia of our children without their consent, and that consent can only be given when the child is of legal age.”

What more could you ask, right?

But in an attempt to identify the root cause of the inertia that stands in the way of the real progress made to end circumcision in this country, the author relies on an unsubstantiated claim that conflates notions of American progressivism with unwavering support for religious freedom.

He says, “Circumcision has a deep cultural and religious meaning, and asking people to give up on that practice will be a long, uphill battle.”




Israeli woman appeals rabbinical ruling
she must circumcise son.

An Israeli woman appealed to the Supreme Court on Wednesday against a rabbinical ruling that ordered her to circumcise her one-year-old son, the Justice Ministry said, in the first case of its kind.
There is no law in Israel making circumcision obligatory for Jews, but a rabbinical court that was presiding over the woman's divorce case ruled last month that she must fulfill her husband's wish in the matter.
It fined her 500 shekels ($142) a day until she did so.
Jewish law, the rabbis said, puts the onus on the father to see his son is circumcised but the mother says circumcision is tantamount to physical abuse.
"I don't believe in religious coercion."


Rabbi Sued For Severing Baby's Penis.

A rabbi is being sued for severing a newborn baby's penis during a circumcision ceremony.
According to the Huffington Post, the child had to have micro-surgery, needed six blood transfusions and was in hospital for two months after the botched Jewish ritual.
Rabbi Mordechai Rosenberg performed the ceremony at The Tree Of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh earlier this year.
The parents, who want to remain anonymous to protect the identity of their son, have launched a civil lawsuit against the Rabbi claiming he acted with "total disregard for the child and caused catastrophic and life-changing injury".
Rabbi Rosenberg, who still "practising" said he was a "trained mohel" (Jewish circumciser) and that having a doctor perform the ritual was unethical.
He said he was well-trained and the this case was just "a tragic accident".
The newborn was rushed to the Pittsburgh Children's Hospital where doctors performed surgery for eight hours to reattach the dismembered penis.

Friday, December 6, 2013


Where do all the foreskins go?

"Is it ethical to cut off a baby's foreskin, charge his parents for the operation, sell his foreskin without telling his parents, and keep the money? Is it legal?"


Thursday, November 14, 2013


Circumcision of Males / Male Genital Mutilation (MGM).

It is the position of the Canadian Children's Rights Council that "circumcision" of male or female children is genital mutilation of children.

The statistics show more Canadians parents are not having their infant sons circumcised ( genitally mutilated ).

The rate for male infants in Canada has dropped from about 50% in 1998 to about 20% in 2000. The overall incidence of male circumcision for all of Canada declined to about 13.9 percent for the year 2003.

Rates of male infant circumcision in the province of Quebec dropped from about 30% in 1971 to a rate of less than 3% in 2003.

The rate in the province of Ontario, Canada's most populous province, dropped from about 60% in 1971 to about 18% in 2003.

Western provinces generally dropped the same rate to about 20-25% in 2003. Newfoundland had a 1971 rate of about 7% and has dropped to about .6% at most in 2001.
Nova Scotia had a 1971 rate of approximately 53% and has dropped to a 2001 rate of  1.5%.

In 2003, the rate of male circumcision in the United States of America was about 55.9% with a rate of about 77.8% in the Midwest.

In South Korea, boys 10-13 years old are routinely circumcised mistakenly "for medical reasons". 

About Male Circumcision / Genital Mutilation.

At birth, the foreskin is normally fused to the underlying glans, protecting that delicate organ and, also, the urinary meatus. As the child gets older, the foreskin very gradually loosens and becomes retractable.


Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Circumcision and Rape: Does a Victim’s Memory Matter?

Several days ago, Intact America posted this meme on Facebook:

The response was astonishing – the posting got the greatest number of views and comments, by far, of anything we’ve ever posted on our Facebook page.

Many of the comments contained arguments and rejoinders about the relative “badness” of circumcision and rape; some objected strenuously to the insinuation that circumcision was “as bad as” rape; and others said that circumcising an unconsenting infant was “worse than” raping an unconscious woman.

These arguments miss the point of the meme, which is: The fact that a victim has no memory of having been wronged does not mean that a wrong has not been done, nor does it let the wrongdoer off the hook.

Think of it this way: If a neighbor enters your home unbeknownst to you, takes a gold necklace from your jewellery box, and leaves, and you never discover that the necklace is missing, did a burglary occur?
Of course. Is the neighbour who took the necklace not guilty, simply because you didn’t miss the item?
Of course not. Your home was burgled, and your neighbour is guilty of burglary.

Why should wrongs committed upon someone else’s body be different from a property crime?

Both circumcision and rape meet the common law definition of batteryan intentional, unpermitted act causing harmful or offensive contact with the “person” of another.




Circumcision Rate Has Declined Over 30 Years.


4 Reasons the Circumcision Rate Has Declined Over 30 Years...

The rate of circumcisions performed on newborn boys in US hospitals has steadily declined over the last three decades, the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has said in a new report.

Overall, the national rate dropped about 10 percent, but the numbers varied dramatically by region. 

The CDC's report looked at rates of newborn boys circumcised in hospitals from 1979 to 2010.

It's important to note that since it only includes hospital circumcisions in its figures - and not any performed outside hospitals, such as those done in religious ceremonies - it doesn't give a complete picture of the rate of circumcision in the US. 

In 1979, 64.5 percent of newborn boys were circumcised in hospitals, the report says.

Overall, circumcision rates were the highest in the Midwest, with a high of 82.9 percent in 1989 and a low of 68.8 percent in 2009. While the rate stayed flat in the Northeast, the decline was especially steep in the West.

Over the 32-year period studied, rates in the West dropped 37 percent, from 63.9 percent in 1979 to 40.2 percent in 2010. The lowest rate recorded over the three decades was in the West, where only 31.4 percent of newborn boys were circumcised in hospitals in 2003.

Let's take a look at some of the reasons for the decline......


Wednesday, September 18, 2013



Male circumcision has often been, and remains, the subject of controversy on a number of grounds—including religious, ethical, sexual, and health.

The Ancient Greeks and Romans valued the foreskin and were opposed to circumcision—an opposition inherited by the canon and secular legal systems of the Christian West that lasted at least through to the Middle Ages, according to Hodges. Traditional Judaism and Islam have advocated male circumcision as a religious obligation.

The ethics of circumcision are sometimes controversial. From the mid-19th century, there has been advocacy in some Anglophone countries on medical grounds, such as the prevention of masturbation and "reflex neurosis".

Modern proponents, such as Brian Morris, argue that circumcision reduces the risks of a range of infections and diseases as well as conferring sexual benefits.

In contrast, opponents, particularly of infant circumcision, often question its effectiveness in preventing disease, and object to subjecting newborn boys, without their consent, to a procedure they consider to have debatable benefits, significant risks and a potentially negative impact on general health and later sexual enjoyment.


Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Is the non-therapeutic circumcision
of infant boys morally permissible?

You may have the idea that the foreskin of the penis is nothing but a disease-incubating, hard-to-clean nuisance, my moral points notwithstanding. But you’d be wrong. The foreskin serves more than one important function.

First, it protects the soft, moist, and sexually-sensitive glans penis from environmental degradation. The “head” of a circumcised penis, in contrast, becomes leathery and tough, as well as desensitized, as it rubs against clothing and other foreign elements year after year. Second, it serves a sexual function as well.
The nerve endings on a foreskin’s inner surface become exposed when the penis is engorged—while the foreskin glides over the glans during intercourse—increasing pleasure for both partners and making vaginal dryness less likely a problem.

As one of my readers, citing this study, relates:

The foreskin contains 85% of the sexually receptive nerve endings of the penis. The “ridged band,” also known as the “preputial sphincter” is the most sensitive part of an intact male’s body, containing 20,000 meisner’s corpuscle nerve endings.
These are the nerve endings that sense light touch, as in the anus or lips. They are also found in highly concentrated patterns on the palms of our hands and soles of our feet.
[To get a rough idea of the difference between an intact versus a circumcised penis on the sensitivity dimension] compare the sensation of gently gliding a finger over your palm versus the back of your hand.

In fact, circumcision first became a standard medical practice in the US, and subsequently a mindless cultural habit, specifically as a means to combat masturbation.

The aim, that is, was to reduce the sexual function of the penis:

In cases of masturbation we must, I believe, break the habit by inducing such a condition of the parts as will cause too much local suffering to allow of the practice being continued. For this purpose, if the prepuce [foreskin] is long, we may circumcise the male patient with present and probably with future advantage; the operation, too, should not be performed under chloroform, so that the pain experienced may be associated with the habit we wish to eradicate.
(“On An Injurious Habit Occasionally Met with in Infancy and Early Childhood.” The Lancet, Vol. 1; 7 April 1860.)

We’ve moved past the folly of anti-masturbationism; we should move past the cruelty of circumcision as well.



Friday, September 13, 2013


Ridiculous Circumcision Euphemism.

Dr. Limakatso Lebina’s Ridiculous Circumcision Euphemism.

Anyone familiar with the way voluntary, adult male circumcision is being promoted as a way to reduce the risk of female-to-male HIV transmission in high-risk populations already knows how it’s promoted. The brochure excludes context-specific qualifiers.

That mouthful in the first sentence is always shortened to “circumcision reduces the risk of HIV”, even though that broad statement isn’t supported by the studies.

In addition, voluntary, adult male circumcision loses words over time.
Adult was the first word to go. Voluntary is still used, but that word doesn’t mean what it’s used to represent. Consent must only come from the patient when the circumcision is non-therapeutic.

Absent that consent, the surgery shouldn’t be imposed on a healthy minor.
In a discrediting move, no one adheres to that.
It took six days from the 2006 release of the major HIV study on voluntary, adult circumcision in Africa for the U.N. to propose targeting infants first among all males in HIV-ravaged parts of Africa. Perpetuating circumcision via physical indoctrination is the new standard.

Voluntary disappeared a long time ago as anything more than a marketing word.

I do not wish to suggest I think this is a conspiracy. Public health officials believe they are acting nobly. A well-meaning focus on one’s own preferences explains this at least as well.
We must do something to reduce HIV. Circumcision is something. Therefore, we should circumcise.

That’s bad logic, and relies too heavily on the nonsensical idea that someone happy with being circumcised proves everyone will be happy being circumcised.

It treats the individual as a tool to achieve some public goal. That’s mistaken but it seems rooted in good intentions.

Now, knowing all of this, I’m difficult to surprise with how public health officials promote circumcision. I expect dumb, offensive strategies.

Rather than “voluntary” male circumcision, we have a “love cut”.
This is no different than asking opponents “Why do you want people to get HIV?” as if one can’t be opposed to both non-voluntary forced circumcision and the transmission of HIV.

Here, Dr. Lebina implies that an intact man who won’t have himself circumcised doesn’t love his partner as much as someone who would have himself circumcised.

It’s preposterous. It also encourages parents to circumcise their sons because they love them.

That’s twisted. Circumcision is not a gift.

Public policy needs to return to voluntary, adult male circumcision and mean it.

Euphemisms like this, however well-intentioned, are Orwellian distortions that hide the ethical issues from those promoting and from those deciding on circumcision.




Thursday, September 5, 2013

Tuesday, August 27, 2013



At 44 years, Patrick Izimba, is a lost man after he lost his penis to a botched male medical circumcision procedure in a private clinic.
Izimba is at Mulago Hospital’s Urology Ward 2A, where he has endured pain for the past three weeks. 
Speaking with teary eyes, Izimba curses the day he read a sign post at the private clinic that offers free male medical circumcision
“I underwent an operation at Medik Medical Centre Limited in Kawempe,” he says. “Free things are expensive they have cost me a life.
I depend on pain relievers. My penis is falling off and requires me to wear a skirt.”
“Pain killers have become my daily bread because if I do not take them, I cannot sleep,” Izimba narrates. Izimba has a catheter connected to his bladder to allow urine to flow out. 

Start of his woes...
On the fateful day, Izimba met Dr. Kunonya who told him the circumcision was free, but he had to pay sh20,000 for the drugs.
Izimba paid the money and was asked to bring Jik and a polythene bag to place on the surgical table. 
He recalls that before the surgery, Dr. Kakooza administered an injection which was painful.
I objected to the operation, but Kunonya shouted at me: "Be a man, don’t fear."

Meanwhile, Kunonya sprayed something on my nose that threw me into sudden deep sleep,” Izimba recalls. 
He woke up three hours later.
“My penis was very stiff and I had lost a lot of blood.
They bandaged the penis to prevent further bleeding.
Kunonya, Kakooza and two unidentified ladies surrounded me,”  
“Kunonya transferred me to another room and I was put on a drip.
I was weak. They gave me tablets to swallow.
I had a sleepless night due to the pain and the penis remained stiff.

The following day I reported for dressing in terrible pain, the penis skin became dry and pale,” he says. 
On the third day, Izimba’s penis was still stiff; the skin had tuned so dark and began to peel off. 
However, Kunonya insisted I dress the wound using warm water mixed with salt. 


Thursday, August 22, 2013





“Some parents, often with the best of intentions, give their consent to medically unjustified operations or interventions, which may have serious consequences for the physical integrity of their children, some of whom suffer for the rest of their lives,” said Marlene Rupprecht (Germany, SOC), whose report was today adopted by the PACE Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development.

The practices condemned by Ms Rupprecht include the circumcision of young boys for religious reasons, female genital mutilation in some cultures, medical interventions in the case of intersexual children, and the submission to or coercion of children into piercings, tattoos or plastic surgery.

If circumcision seems to be indicated for medical reasons, its necessity should be closely examined on a case-by-case basis; in the religious context, families should be systematically made aware of the risks of the procedure and be provided with full information on the alternatives, the report says.

The committee found that female genital mutilation, which evidently has no medical benefit whatsoever but is a procedure intended to control the sexual behaviour of girls and women throughout their lives, must be officially prohibited through legislation, backed by effective measures and sanctions to eradicate the practice and make the public aware of the problem.

The report recommends various steps that can be taken to effectively protect children, in particular filling the most evident legal loopholes (for example, by prescribing that only qualified medical staff be allowed to undertake circumcisions, in sterile conditions), educating families so that they understand the risks involved in certain operations, and, in the longer term, changing deeply rooted and unquestioned religious and cultural practices that can very often be harmful to children.






The rates of circumcision are on the downturn, which means more parents will have questions about how to care for an uncircumcised penis in the future.

Parents – and their sons – often have heard confusing, conflicting or just plain wrong information about how to care for the uncircumcised penis.

I have seen teen boys who have come in, concerned about whether or not they will be able to have sex in the future, because they aren't circumcised.

Let's set the record straight on what's normal, what's a problem and what is an emergency.




(Male Urogenital System)

What is the male urogenital system?

The term urogenital refers to something that has both urinary and genital origins.

The word urogenital is used because the urinary and reproductive systems in males merge.

The male urogenital system consists of several parts, including the testes, epididymis, vas deferens, ejaculatory ducts, urethra, penis, prostate and accessory glands. 


Monday, August 19, 2013



I'm going to raise an issue a lot of women and men would rather not think about. Circumcision (also known as male genital mutilation, or "MGM").

I think there are several reasons it's difficult to talk about.

First of all, it involves male genitals, which we don't usually like to discuss in polite society.

Secondly, it involves a very painful operation done to children, and we would probably rather not think too much about that.

Finally, I think many of us aren't quite sure why we do it, and feel the easier option is just not to discuss it.

But I think it's important to look at because in many ways it's revealing about the differences between how we view women and men in this culture, differences which in varying ways harm and limit all of us.

Male circumcision is closely connected with is closely connected with other forms of male oppression and has much to teach us about our condition.

The simple fact that circumcision can happen in this country is astounding.

When we are days old, doctors cut off the most sensitive part of our body without anesthesia.

The operation is very violent, performed without anesthesia, and unspeakably painful to the infant.

The screams, shaking, and frantic attempt by the newborn to escape this unexpected and unbearable pain can be truly horrible to watch, let alone experience.

Concrete medical evidence demonstrates that relative to an adult, the circumcision experience is significantly MORE traumatizing to an infant, who has not yet developed methods to cope with pain and whose neurological pathways are not yet fully developed.

Researchers found that circumcised boys exhibited, 4-6 months after their circumcisions, heightened physiological pain responses to inoculation shots as compared to girls and boys who had not had the experience of circumcision.


Circumcision DOES Reduce Sexual Pleasure
by Making Manhood Less Sensitive.

  • Men who had foreskin removed reporting feeling less intense sexual pleasure
  • 75% of men in US and 6% in UK have circumcision for non-religious reasons
  • NHS don't routinely perform them saying risks outweigh benefits.

  • Men who are circumcised are in for some bad news - it puts them at a disadvantage in the bedroom, according to experts.

    A study found those who've had their foreskin removed as children or adults experience less intense sexual pleasure and orgasm than their peers.

    'We're not saying less sexual activity or satisfaction, but sensitivity,' senior author Dr Piet Hoebeke, from Ghent University Hospital, said.

    The practice is common in the U.S, with three-quarters of men having the procedure for non-religious reasons.

    However, it is rare in the UK, with a rate of just six per cent, according to World Health Organisation figures.

    Some religions, such as Judaism and Islam, consider circumcision part of religious practice.

    British doctors say that although it can reduce the risk of some types of infection the risks associated with routine circumcision outweigh any potential benefits.




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    Friday, August 16, 2013



    I can’t count the times I’ve heard people say that female genital mutilation (FGM) is “much worse” than routine infant male circumcision.
    And frankly, I’m tired of it.
    Cutting the genitals of children - female or male - is a gross violation of their basic human rights. Period!!
    Which is why a recent New York Times article, "Genital Cutting Found in Decline in Many Nations", really galled me.
    While it’s indeed encouraging that the incidence of FGM is declining in some African countries, the article failed to note that in the United States, more than a million newborn boys are subjected to circumcision each year.

    Thursday, August 8, 2013


    Is Sexual Addiction The Real Deal?

    Controversy exists over what some mental health experts call "hypersexuality," or sexual "addiction." Namely, is it a mental disorder at all, or something else?

    It failed to make the cut in the recently updated Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM-5, considered the bible for diagnosing mental disorders.

    Yet sex addiction has been blamed for ruining relationships, lives and careers.

    Now, for the first time, UCLA researchers have measured how the brain behaves in so-called hypersexual people who have problems regulating their viewing of sexual images.
    The study found that the brain response of these individuals to sexual images was not related in any way to the severity of their hypersexuality but was instead tied only to their level of sexual desire.
    In other words, hypersexuality did not appear to explain brain differences in sexual response any more than simply having a high libido, said senior author Nicole Prause, a researcher in the department of psychiatry at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at UCLA.
    "Potentially, this is an important finding," Prause said. "It is the first time scientists have studied the brain responses specifically of people who identify as having hypersexual problems."



    Monday, August 5, 2013


    Me But Not My Son:

    A Young Jewish Man Breaks Rank on Circumcision.


    When I found out I was circumcised, I was horrified.

    I was in second grade when I first heard about circumcision.

    A group of boys at school were talking about it. I walked into the middle of the conversation.

    At this point, I knew some penises looked different than others, but had assumed it was just one more way people were naturally different, like hair or eye colour.

    One of the boys accused the Jews of circumcising their babies.

    I was the only Jew at my school so I felt I had to defend my people.

    How could a religion of tikun olam do something destructive to their newborns?

    The scariest part for me, then, was thinking this might have been done to me.

    I couldn’t believe my parents would have done this, so I told the other boys there was no way Jews did this to their newborns and that I wasn’t circumcised.

    I didn’t find out I was wrong until sometime later.
    One day, my dad pointed to the table in my house where it had happened to me and talked about it.
    He seemed proud but he might have been joking.
    After he told me, I ran to my room crying. My mom comforted me.

    Before this, I had felt proud of being perfect, unaltered.
    Now I knew I had been changed.
    Somehow, I still couldn’t fully understand or accept what had happened.
    I put it out of my mind and “forgot.”


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