Friday, April 11, 2014


Benefits of Being Uncircumcised?          [Yahoo - Q&A extract]

I've always heard the battle of circumcised vs uncircumcised. What are the factual pros and cons? I've heard foreskin feels better but I've also heard it carries some nasty bacteria when not taken care of properly!

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Best Answer...
'Nasty bacteria'? [LOL]. The natural bacteria that are there are beneficial and not at all nasty. The idea that the bacteria are nasty comes from the ignorant pro-circ brigade.
Let's put it this way: they aren't the most well-read residents of the interwebs.

As for the pros and cons, I can't tell you any benefits of circumcision - I really don't believe there's any solid basis for believing it's beneficial.
I do have a list of reasons to stay intact...

Circumcision (loss of the foreskin) makes the following changes:-

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Neonatal circumcision is often done with inadequate pain relief. The child is subjected to intense pain for up to 15 minutes.
This pain may leave a child with post-traumatic stress disorder, which is debilitating even for adults who can receive therapy for it.
For a baby, it could lead to all sorts of hidden but significant psychological problems in later life.

Life Threatening.
About 500 babies per year die from complications of circumcision - usually from blood loss, infection or anaesthetic problems.

Sensitivity Loss.
When the foreskin is removed half the penile sensitivity is instantly lost, BUT at the same time the glans is exposed, making it SEEM more sensitive.
After that, the glans keratinizes, making it very slowly get less sensitive - so slowly that it's hard to notice a difference.
This is not 'healing' - it will feel better, but only because it's being so badly damaged that the nerves are being deadened. In the end, there's a big difference (up to 75% sensitivity loss).
Nerve endings don't grow back, and a penis that has lost so many cannot possibly feel as sensitive as it did before.
But like the proverbial frog cooking slowly on a hotplate and not noticing the difference in heat, a man who gets a circumcision might think that his penis feels the same, but he just doesn't notice the difference because the process takes so long.

Failure to Heal.
A circumcised penis can never 'heal completely'. The penis has been permanently damaged.

After neonatal or childhood circumcision, it's believed that the growth of the penis is retarded, causing the adult penis to be smaller than it would have been if the foreskin had been left intact.

Further Damage.
After the glans is exposed, the 'pearly penile papules' around the corona (rim of the glans) tend to disappear. These structures are poorly understood, but may increase sexual pleasure for either the male or the female.

Loss of Function.
The foreskin is an entire mechanism, including skin, muscle, mucous membrane and supporting structures.
Cutting it off is not only excruciatingly painful, but it cripples the penis, destroying a large part of it, including the penis's only moving part, making the whole organ incapable of ever functioning the way nature intended and making sexual intercourse that much more difficult.

Difficulty Entering the Vagina.
A circumcised penis has no foreskin to help the man enter a woman's vagina. When used correctly, the foreskin is pushed forward to facilitate comfortable entry - it unfolds as the penis pushes into the vagina.
A man who has no foreskin cannot do this, so he must use lubricant.

Need For More Lubrication.
With the foreskin gone, a couple needs to use lubrication during sex to keep the vagina moist.
An uncircumcised man needs none - his foreskin forms a seal with the vaginal wall, reducing the need for lubrication and keeping the vaginal fluids where they belong.

Increased Risk of Infection.
A circumcised penis is more likely to get infected than an intact penis.

Erectile Dysfunction.
Those who have been circumcised suffer from sexual problems throughout the rest of their lives: they more easily develop erectile dysfunction as they get older.
Some unfortunate victims find the loss of sensitivity so severe that they cannot orgasm even at a young age.

No Advantage in Terms of Cleanliness.
Many people have been led to believe that circumcision is cleaner. But a circumcised penis is no cleaner than an intact penis. Both need to be gently rinsed clean while showering.

Circumcision is a Woman's Problem Too.
The circumcised penis usually gives less pleasure to the woman because the foreskin that gives the uncircumcised penis its gliding motion is no longer there.
As a result of this, and as a result of the loss of sensitivity involved in a circumcised penis, the man has to push harder and more roughly to get the same feeling that an uncircumcised penis would give.
All this, combined with the roughness and dryness of the keratinized glans, results in a less comfortable and less pleasurable experience for the woman. The circumcised penis can cause chafing and discomfort that may lead to vaginal infection.
The foreskin is designed to prevent these problems. Many female partners of circumcised males have been led to assume that feminine dryness is a common female ailment when in fact it's a male problem caused by the loss of the foreskin.

The Mutilation of the Father Revisited On the Son.
The thought of permanent loss of sensory function is so painful that men who have been circumcised often deny their loss in order to avoid facing the painful feelings.
Circumcised males may experience a wide range of emotional dysfunction resulting from loss.
This frequently results in circumcised fathers adamantly insisting that a son be circumcised and circumcised doctors recommending that their male patients be circumcised.



Premature Foreskin Retraction -
Don't Let It Happen To Your Baby.

Jenny's paediatrician told her to start retracting her baby's foreskin for cleaning at his 12-month well baby visit.  Jenny didn't do it, because she read that it's not good to retract, on the internet.

At her son's 15-month well-baby visit, Jenny's paediatrician retracted the boy's foreskin herself, scolding Jenny as she did so, for neglecting her son's genital hygiene.
The paediatrician told Jenny to retract her son's foreskin every day for cleaning.   This time Jenny listened.

Then one day, Jenny noticed her son had not wet his diaper as he dribbled a little urine.
Soon the baby was screaming each time he tried to urinate.

Jenny's son's foreskin was infected, as a result of being retracted long before it was meant to be.
By retracting the foreskin, Jenny's paediatrician had severed the fragile connective tissue between the foreskin and the glans, and prematurely stretched the sphincter opening.

[Note: Parents, please read posting in this blog on Foreskin Friendly Doctors.]




HELSINKI: MPs support law to restrict circumcision.

MPs support law proposed to ban circumcision.

A draft law aimed at banning circumcision has received considerable support from the lawmakers in parliament, reported MTV.

 Most of the members in the parliamentary Social Affairs and Health Committee supported the law.

More than half of the members extended their support to either imposing a ban or limiting circumcision.

Some expert organisations also supported the proposed law.
Circumcision of boys is often associated with religion or culture.

In Finland, most hospitals have refused to carry out circumcision because of religious reasons.

Circumcisions at homes have been subject of suspected assaults.
Some prosecutions have resulted to sentences while some have not.




Man Researches Circumcision and Becomes Intactivist.

Brian Herrity discusses the events in his life that caused him to question what circumcision is, and to speak up to protect children's rights to genital integrity.





The word frenulum on its own is often used for the frenulum of prepuce of penis, which is an elastic band of tissue under the glans penis that connects to the prepuce, or foreskin to the vernal mucosa, and helps contract the prepuce over the glans.

In the event of frenulum breve or frenular chordee, or to ensure that the glans can be freely and completely exposed, the frenulum may be partially or totally removed.


The frenulum and the associated tissue delta on the underside of the penis below the corona has been described in sexuality textbooks as "very reactive" and "particularly responsive to touch that is light and soft."

The “underside of the shaft of the penis, meaning the body below the corona” is a “source of distinct pleasure.”

Crooks and Baur observe that two extremely sensitive specific locations that many men find particularly responsive to stimulation are the corona, and the frenulum.

Repeated stimulation of this structure will cause orgasm and ejaculation in some men.

In men with spinal cord injury preventing sensations from reaching the brain, the frenulum just below the glans can be stimulated to produce orgasm and peri-ejaculatory response



Thursday, April 10, 2014



Here's something the mainstream media will probably never discuss.
The causal link between chopping a boy's foreskin off and his inability to maintain an erection later on in life.

[April.2014... There are 30,000,000 males in the U.S. suffering from erectile dysfunction.]



Does Circumcision Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

The United States, a nation with 4.5% of the world's population, consumes 47% of the world's Viagra (Pfizer's own figures). Turns out the same nation has been circumcising the majority of its male infants for generations.

A new study in the International Journal of Men’s Health shows that circumcised men have a 4.5 times greater chance of suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED) than intact men, revealing what appears to be a significant acquisition vector.

Other studies have previously observed that circumcision’s damage results in worsened erectile functioning, inability to maintain an erection, and reducing the glans sensitivity, including an overall penis sensitivity reduction by 75%.
A recent study discovered that premature ejaculation is five times more likely when adjusted for erectile dysfunction and circumcision.

Moreover, in Israel- a country that routinely circumcises their baby boys for religious reasons - Viagra is so common there that the Pfizer pharmaceutical company asked for permission to market Viagra without a doctor's prescription - making it an over-the-counter medication.

The truth is, you simply cannot change form without altering function.

While there are immediate dangers and harm caused by circumcision, there are also other problems that may not arise until much later in life.
One of these dangers is erectile dysfunction (more commonly known as ED).

One of the major reasons that circumcision can lead to ED is because of keratinization. The glans (or head) of the penis is intended to be an internal organ, protected by the prepuce (foreskin).

When the foreskin is removed, the head is completely exposed to the elements, including a constant rubbing against clothing.
Over time, the skin thickens to protect the glans (much like a callous forms in areas of excessive friction). The head becomes dry and thick and is no longer supple and moist.

As men grow older, the thickened skin of the glans becomes less and less sensitive, which can cause men to have issues with erections.

Sensitivity loss is also contributed to the circumcision itself, which removes the majority of the specialized nerve endings in the penis (over 20,000). 


Wednesday, April 9, 2014



In a new “listicle” posted on its website this week, The Huffington Post outlines Eight Things America Gets Wrong About Sex.

From health care to homophobia, the piece covers a range of historical and sociological reasons for America’s sexual dilemmas.

It speaks to just about everything, except anatomy. And what’s one thing about American sexual organs that’s unique compared to much of the rest of the world? That’s right - routine male circumcision.

It astonishes me that in talking about sex, pretty much nobody mentions that most adult men in the United States today have been deprived of the most pleasurable, sensitive part of their penises.
Without a foreskin and its sensory feedback, a man has difficulty controlling the timing of his orgasm.

Also, because he’s missing the very organ that serves a gliding and lubricating function - and because he has a scar where his foreskin used to be - his penis is calloused and dry, when compared to that of an intact man; this creates a friction during intercourse and compromises the pleasure of both sexual partners.

Don’t believe me? Then explain the uniquely American proliferation of lubricants and masturbation creams, the existence of which many Europeans - most of whom are intact - find strange.
CIRCUMserum is available for those who want to combat what it calls “Dullness Syndrome” by restoring “natural feeling for more intense sex”; Stroke 29, Wicked Cream, and others are designed to help circumcised men seeking solitary pleasure, who find the after-effects of circumcision to stand in the way of sensory pleasure.

Understanding the history of American circumcision helps to explain all of this. In fact, when doctors began promoting circumcision in the Victorian era (late 1800s), the purpose was precisely to reduce pleasure and cause pain - to dissuade men from the “immoral” and “unhygienic” practice of masturbation.

Among those who pushed the circumcision solution to masturbation were American physicians Abraham Jacobi (the organizer of the American Pediatric Society) and J.J. Moses (then-head of the New York State Medical Society and president of the Association of American Physicians).

Just as Jewish physician and philosopher Maimonides had recognized 800 years earlier, these fathers of American medicalized circumcision believed that its physiological and psychological effects - aversive pain memory and loss of sensory tissue - would help to diminish sexual gratification, whether self-sought or through genital contact with a partner.

Should we be surprised, then, with findings such as those from Denmark, published in the International Journal of Epidemiology in 2011, showing that circumcised men have greater difficulty reaching orgasm, and that female partners of circumcised men are less likely to feel sexually satisfied?

What is astonishing is that American doctors persist in a practice designed to ruin the natural pleasures of sex, and then deny that it in fact does so. Meanwhile, the vast majority of adult American men are living with scars instead of foreskins.
Half of the couple is missing a most basic, sensual part of his anatomy, and we wonder why Americans find sex less than fulfilling.



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