Thursday, January 22, 2015


Why We Chose NOT to Circumcise Our Son.

I’m a bit depressed. Our midwife gave me a book about circumcision.
I’ve started the book and can’t put it down. I’m not sure that I’ll ever fully recover.

The book tells me that the foreskin is like an eyelid protecting the sensitive mucous membrane underneath. Circumcision removes this protective skin, so the skin underneath keratinizes, meaning it hardens and desensitizes, like a callus.

Therefore, the book posits, circumcision removes length and girth from the penis and decreases enjoyment of sex. You do not say these things to a man. I’m trying to climb out of the hole. I tell myself that most men in the United States are circumcised, so it’s a level playing field.

It just means that uncircumcised men are heroes and that we are at a disadvantage when we leave the country. Now, keep in mind that whether or not sex is less pleasurable without a foreskin is, of course, very difficult to test. Nobody is lining up for a double-blind controlled study.

Circumcision was the new snake oil. It was touted to prevent or cure syphilis, epilepsy, hernia, headache, clubfoot, alcoholism, gout, and, god forbid, masturbation!
As I read older parenting books, I am absolutely astonished at how often people bring up masturbation. They were obsessed. “We must stop this epidemic!”

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