Saturday, March 9, 2013


The Staggering Extent of Wealth Inequality in the U.S.

An infographic-heavy video on wealth distribution that went viral over the weekend reveals that the gap between the rich and the poor in the U.S. is probably much worse than you think.
Infographics on the distribution of wealth in America, highlighting both the inequality and the difference between our perception of inequality and the actual numbers.
The reality is often not what we think it is.
Using information and statistics from Mother Jones, Think Progress and CNN Money, the video highlights the huge difference between how Americans believe wealth is divided, how they would prefer it to be divided and how it is really divided.
Among the video’s more depressing aspects:
The 1 percent control so much of the wealth in this country that to show it required breaking it out. 
(You can be sure that the 'Circumcision Industry' is in the 1%; when a doctor can make $1,000 an hour for mutilating eight baby boys... and that would be just the 'tip of the iceberg'!!!)




If you think you are a smart boy that practices Daoism and impresses the girls with the ability of not ejaculating, wasting your precious energy, you'd better open your eyes: this will bring you a nice prostate cancer later.
Even if a study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) does not link ejaculation frequency, a measure of sexual activity, with a higher risk for prostate cancer, a high ejaculation frequency may be linked to a decreased risk of prostate cancer.
Sexual activity has been hypothesized to play a role in the development of prostate cancer since long and a link between sexual activity and prostate cancer risk would have clinical and public health relevance.
Michael F. Leitzmann, M.D., of the National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Md., and his team investigated the association between ejaculation frequency (by any meaning: sexual intercourse, nocturnal emission, and masturbation) and risk of prostate cancer.
The researchers used monitoring data from the Health Professionals Follow-up Study of 29,342 men in the U.S., aged 46 to 81 years, who gave information on history of ejaculation frequency on a self-administered questionnaire and responded to follow-up questionnaires every 2 years, from 1992 to 2000.
To assess ejaculation frequency, subjects were demanded to report the average number of ejaculations they had per month during the ages of 20 to 29 years, 40 to 49 years, and during the past year.
Among the study's subjects, there were 1,449 new cases of total prostate cancer, 953 organ-confined cases and 147 advanced cases of prostate cancer.
"In this prospective cohort study among predominantly white men, higher ejaculation frequency was not related to increased risk of prostate cancer.
Our results suggest that high ejaculation frequency possibly may be associated with a lower risk of total and organ-confined prostate cancer.
These associations were not explained by potential risk factors for prostate cancer, such as age, family history of prostate cancer, history of syphilis or gonorrhea, smoking, and diet," explained the authors.

Friday, March 8, 2013


Believing Circumcision Prevents HIV,

Malawi Men Go on 'Sex Spree'.

According to news out of Malawi, men who undergo circumcision are buying into the myth that they are now protected from HIV.
As a result, many of the local men in Mangochi have gone on 'sex sprees,' participating in sexual intercourse with multiple partners, without condoms, all the while claiming they are now immune to HIV.
The Malawi Voice reports that Dickens Mahwayo of Given Secrets Consultants detests the misinformation being given to men across Malawi.
This past weekend at the College of Medicine (COM) Research Conference, Mahwayo told colleagues that he has found most men believe circumcision to be a license to have unprotected sex with anyone they choose.
"What is most saddening is that most circumcised men are now engaging in unprotected sex, claiming they are immune to HIV."
Mahwayo's research demonstrates that the vast majority, 74% of men, state that they no longer use any form of protection after being circumcised.
In addition, 58% of female sex workers do not require their male partners to use condoms if they have been circumcised.
Compounding the problem already in epidemic proportions is that circumcised men now pay significantly less for services from sex workers.
"Circumcised men are now charged peanuts for sex compared to [intact] men," stated Mahwayo.
Believed to be 'less of a risk' and easier to deal with, men who have undergone circumcision are given a break on cost.
This spurs more men to sign up for circumcision under the guise that it will equal more sex, without any risk.
The rate of intercourse with multiple partners is increasing, as is the rate of intercourse without any form of protection.
This false sense of 'HIV prevention' that current campaigns to cut in Africa pose are bringing about greater rates of the virus now spreading at an alarming rate due to these cultural myths and practices.



The word frenulum on its own is often used for the frenulum of prepuce of penis, which is an elastic band of tissue under the glans penis that connects to the prepuce, or foreskin to the vernal mucosa, and helps contract the prepuce over the glans.
The frenulum is sometimes colloquially known as the "banjo string".
In the event of frenulum breve or frenular chordee, or to ensure that the glans can be freely and completely exposed, the frenulum may be partially or totally removed.




Kinsey's Heterosexual-Homosexual Rating Scale.

0- Exclusively heterosexual with no homosexual
1- Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual
2- Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual
3- Equally heterosexual and homosexual
4- Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual
5- Predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual
6- Exclusively homosexual
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What is "The Kinsey Scale?"

The Heterosexual-Homosexual Rating Scale, sometimes referred to as the “Kinsey Scale,” was developed by Alfred Kinsey and his colleagues Wardell Pomeroy and Clyde Martin in 1948, in order to account for research findings that showed people did not fit into neat and exclusive heterosexual or homosexual categories.
Interviewing people about their sexual histories, the Kinsey team found that, for many people, sexual behavior, thoughts and feelings towards the same or opposite sex was not always consistent across time.
Though the majority of men and women reported being exclusively heterosexual, and a percentage reported exclusively homosexual behavior and attractions, many individuals disclosed behaviors or thoughts somewhere in between.

The Klein Sexual Orientation Grid. 

For each person, it sets out the seven component variables of sexual orientation, listed as A through G down the left side.
The three columns indicate three different points at which sexual orientation is assessed: the person's past, their present, and their ideal.
The person then receives a rating from 1 to 7 for each of the 21 resulting combinations, one rating for each empty box in the chart below.
The meanings of the ratings are indicated just below the grid itself.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


What Happens During Circumcision?

A video clip showing part of the circumcision procedure.

  (From the film "Nurses of St Vincent" by Barry Ellsworth)


Topical clobetasol propionate compared with placebo

in the

treatment of unretractable foreskin.



To assess whether it is the steroid alone or the gentle physical retraction combined with ointment that is responsible for the excellent results observed with topical steroid treatment of unretractable foreskin.



Are there health benefits which should convince you to circumcise your child?
Just ask the public health authorities.
None of them recommends routine child circumcision.
(For comparison, consider that public health institutions strongly advocate the routine vaccination of children.)
Many years ago, when it was thought important to prevent masturbation, American health authorities began to advocate child circumcision.
There is no longer any national or international public health authority in the western world which advocates the routine circumcision of children, either male or female.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is the highest child health authority in the United States.
On 1st March, 1999, the AAP released its long-awaited recommendations on circumcision.
The AAP News Release Video stated, "The AAP does not recommend the policy of routine newborn circumcision..."




The surgical removal of the lips and portions of the cheeks.
Labectomies can vary in scope: some remove only the portion of the lips immediately surrounding the mouth, while others remove all loose tissue between the bottom of the nose and the top of the chin.






Expectant parents have loads of decisions to make, from whether to find out the baby's gender beforehand to planning the birth.

But recently some have taken up another debate, over a cut that used to be nearly as routine in the U.S. as that of the umbilical cord: circumcision.

When Jessica Davis learned she was having a boy, she and her husband assumed that the baby's foreskin would be removed.

But when asked why by her obstetrician, who is originally from South Africa, where circumcision is rare, Davis, 28, a college administrator, did research and decided that the risks trumped the benefits.

She left her son Aiden, now 20 months, intact--though she says her spouse remains leery of the decision: "He's kind of like, 'Well, I work just fine.' "

Opponents, on the other hand, say foreskin-related afflictions are rare, condoms block STDs, and circumcision has its risks. Michelle Richardson, of Fort Worth, Texas, says
her 5-year-old has two genital disorders due to his botched circumcision.

The debate has even extended to the religious practice of Jews. 

Instead of opting for a bris, the rite in which a boy's foreskin is removed at 8 days old, Theo Margaritov's family welcomed him in April with a brit shalom, a cut-free ceremony.

"That's the way God made him," says his mom Deborah.



33 Photographs of the Intact Adult Male Foreskin.

These 33 photographs were originally exhibited at the Third International Symposium on Circumcision at the University of Maryland.



New insight into the optimal timing of therapy for HIV infection could give patients a better chance of responding to potential cure strategies of the future.
A new study has found antiretroviral therapy administered within four months of HIV infection restores the immune system back to healthy levels.
Patients demonstrated stronger and faster recovery of the body’s CD4+ T-cells than patients who started therapy later. CD4+ T-cells are specialised immune cells required to fight infections and are depleted during HIV infection.



Most Americans, when presented with the information that approximately 97% of the world's infant male population is not circumcised, are rather astounded.
"But I thought everybody was circumcised.  I thought it was a medically necessary thing to do," said a friend when I brought up the issue a few weeks ago.
"Nope," I replied, "not even close".
The foreskin is not a birth defect needing remedy by the A.M.A. Nobody in all of Europe, non-Muslim Asia, or Latin America is routinely circumcised.
In fact, the only people who routinely cut off the most erogenous part of their boys' penis are Jews, Muslims, certain tribal groups in far-flung parts of the world and... the United States.
"Everybody else leaves their sons intact as nature made them."
This is a fact. Indisputable. Most leave their girls intact, too.
In our culture, unlike other more civilized societies, it is perfectly acceptable to amputate the male prepuce against the shrieking protests of the victims.
Our national chauvinism has blinded us to our own human rights abuses, against our sons, and does not allow us to see anything wrong.
I never saw anything wrong with it either until I witnessed my own son being circumcised.
The doctor assured me it was a simple little snip of extra skin that had no function and that really didn't hurt the infant.
"You want him to look like you, don't you?"
Well, since I really hadn't thought much about it, and since I, too, had gone under the knife at birth, I said "Sure. I guess so. Why not?"



2,000 girls in Bristol at risk of genital mutilation.

Around 2,000 girls in Bristol are at risk of falling victim to an illegal operation that can cause death or serious illness.
Female genital mutilation (FGM), also known as female circumcision, is widely practised in Somalia, more than 20 other African countries and areas of Asia, South America and the Middle East.
Healthcare professionals, policy makers, educationalists and police representatives attended a day of performances and awards yesterday held at The City Academy Bristol in Lawrence Hill to help raise awareness of the illegal practice.
FGM involves the partial or total removal of external female genitalia.
It carries the risk of death from bleeding or tetanus, and long-term problems including urinary incontinence, recurrent infections and chronic pain.
In some cases, reversal procedures are necessary for childbirth.



Manual restoration methods.


Warning!  Overly aggressive tugging by using these methods can result in serious physical injury if you don't know your limitations!
Methods 1, and 2 are "iso-local specific", and intense in each of the divisional 1/3 areas (compared to tape or tugging devices which spread the load out over the entire shaft skin area).
You can "overstrain" the area from too much force, and you will feel a sudden sharp burning stabbing pain, and the skin area can go numb for months.
(It is the same as when you strain a muscle in a sports injury).
Just apply "gradual" spreading force with NO pain, and learn your limits!
(I learned this lesson the hard way).
During each session (if you spend as much time as I do) - (about 1hr. total, twice a day) you will reach a point where your skin will start getting sore, and pink/red from all the activity, because your fingers will tend to slip on the skin surface from lack of friction, especially during the winter-time when the air is drier, and your skin might be too dry also.
(It helps to have a wet washcloth nearby to keep your fingers damp if you can't get enough friction to grab the skin good).   (Same effect as licking a finger to make it easier to turn a page in a book).
I have also noticed while using waxed thread (for shoe/moccasin making) that the wax that ended up on my fingers also assisted skin friction for these tugging methods.

If you keep tugging beyond the point of this sore feeling, you might start getting "chaffed", (if you keep grabbing the same area "too much").
If you get sore, then stop for 6-7 hours until the soreness goes away.
Usually, I will get a "itchy" feeling down there when it's time to do it again.

One more problem that has arose in these methods, is from wearing snug fitting briefs that help hold the developing new foreskin over the glans once you have enough skin.
I wear my penis pointed down, and snug up against my scrotum while in my briefs.
I position it where the skin is over the glans, and hold my penis snug against the scrotum, and with it going sort of in between my legs with one hand as I pull my briefs up with my other hand fairly snug.
This helps keep the foreskin in place over the glans, and works at night even with a nocturnal erection usually (once you have enough skin).
The problem is, in the summertime activities, sometimes it gets too sweaty up snug like this, and the skin can't get enough air circulating around it, and it will start to break down.
It will turn "slimey" (similar to foot "jungle rot" from constantly damp boots on soldiers in Vietnam), and you will get a sore rash (even if you take a bath everyday).
I used a few squares of tissue paper or cloth in between penis and scrotum to stop the problem.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013




Surely, President Clinton was a little freaked out last night when in the middle of his event -- a Clinton Foundation Millennium Network talk in New York featuring the former president, Chelsea Clinton, and actor Ed Norton -- a whistle blew and a group of men stood up, held hands, and chanted,
"Stop exploiting Africans; circumcision does not stop AIDS!"
The protesters were self-described "intactivists" -- those who believe that circumcision is actually a mutilation of the genitals.
Although circumcision is routinely performed on infants in the United States, it is not in other developed countries.
Germans even moved to outlaw the practice last year (though Jews stopped the law on religious grounds), and it is banned in some Australian hospitals.
Circumcision became widely popular as a means to prevent males from masturbating.
Today's medical establishment generally supports circumcision, arguing that it has preventive effects for penile cancer and other diseases, though some studies say it leads to erectile dysfunction and other problems.




[ The Man-Nurse Diaries ]

Before having my first son, we were presented with the routine decision (at least in the United States) of whether to circumcise him.
While we were initially assuming we would, we did some research.
We began finding out that only is male infant circumcision almost never medically necessary, but it's not even performed by most of the developed world.
Most European countries never began circumcising in the first place.
The United Kingdom doesn't pay for it; it's an out-of-pocket expense.
The United States is the only secular country which routinely circumcises males.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013



(...and the brain-washing & rhetoric go on, and on, and on, and on...

Dear Doctor,

My son is 18 years-old and in his S.4 holidays.
Recently, he was circumcised because he heard that it reduces the risk of contracting HIV.
I have been counselling my children to abstain from sex until they get married, since this is the only sure way to avoid the dreaded disease.
However, now I fear he may become sexually active.
Don’t you think that the current craze about the wonders of circumcision might encourage sexual promiscuity, as it sends mixed messages?
Dear Victoria,
Your son should be commended for choosing to be circumcised, whether he is sexually active or not.
Circumcision is a biomedical HIV prevention procedure, which has been proven scientifically to reduce the risk of acquiring HIV in men, by at least 60%. (possibly 60%!!!!!! - how about 100%???)
(Brian Morris, Australia's No.1  proponent of male genital mutilation, calls circumcision - 'a surgical vaccine'!! No way!! Rhetorical lies & BS!!)
Many people actually abstain from sex, only to be infected with HIV when they become sexually active.
This is because they engage in unsafe sexual practices.
By being circumcised, your son has reduced this risk, but also needs to use other proven HIV prevention strategies like abstaining, since he is not yet married. (Well! what do you know... don't have sex and you won't catch AIDS!)
He should also be faithful to his sexual partner in future, whose HIV status is known to him and use condoms whenever he is not sure of his safety.
It is the rational use of a combination of different prevention methods, other than one, which will help us stop this disease.
At the moment, we are vigorously promoting circumcision because most Ugandan men are not circumcised and the target is to circumcise at least 4.2 million men by 2015.
It is estimated that if this target is met, we shall avert 400,000 new HIV infections, which will be a significant number as we move towards zero new infections.


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