Thursday, July 3, 2014



This is an educational video for parents/carers of an intact son/boy.

[Video - 8mins.16secs]




Complications Following Male Circumcision.

Operation results may vary because a successful circumcision depends on the skill of the surgeon or medical practitioner, the medical reasons for circumcision, the method of circumcision, the amount of tissue removed and the way in which the wound heals.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has reported that while the exact incident of post-operative complications following a circumcision is unknown, it is thought to be between 2-10 per cent. One of the reasons for this is that many problems following circumcision do not become apparent until the child grows into adulthood.

Bleeding and infection are the most common problems. The child's urine tends to irritate the exposed glans and in rare cases can cause infection.
Post operative bleeding should be minimal.
Pain is common in any wound and circumcision is no exception. Pain should, however, be a short term difficulty.

Research studies on circumcised men report that discomfort or pain during erections and at the scar site is not uncommon.
Other long term post operative of circumcision include disfigurement of the penis when too much skin is removed and erectile curvature from uneven skin loss.   Scarring may cause numbness.

Sexual & Psychological Complications.
The sexual consequences of circumcision are often difficult to accurately calculate. It is difficult to quantify the sensory and pleasure components between intact and circumcised men.

Studies by NOHARMM report progressive sensory loss that causes sexual dysfunction. Problems included erectile problems, ejaculatory difficulties, anorgasmia and difficulty with adequate stimulation during vaginal intercourse.

Psychological trauma is also been reported; rage, resentment, depression, genital dysmorphia, low self esteem and even dependence on alcohol, drugs, food and sex to relieve suffering as a result of the circumcision.

Interestingly, men in the NOHARMM study reported that they did not seek medical help for the problems associated with circumcision because of embarrassment, fear of ridicule, mistrust of doctors and thinking no recourse available.

Ethical and Human Right Considerations. Many medical bodies advise that circumcision should not be carried out as a routine procedure.
Medical practices, fashions in medicine and society changes.
It is becoming more common for circumcision to be delayed until the individual can give informed consent themselves.


Wednesday, July 2, 2014



Today the vast majority of Australian boys are not circumcised, and grow up happily with the bodies that nature gave them.

Although circumcision was common from the 1920s to the 1960s, medical authorities have discouraged the practice since the 1970s, and it is now pretty much a thing of the past.

Most parents want their boys to be as happy and healthy as possible, and they know that leaving their penis to develop naturally is the best way to secure these outcomes.

The most recent statement (October 2010) from the Royal Australasian College of Physicians states clearly that routine circumcision of infants is not warranted in Australia or New Zealand.

Despite this, a few die-hard enthusiasts for circumcision keep popping up in the media, full of alarmist claims about the terrible risks of retaining the foreskin.

This propaganda is contrary to the advice issued by responsible medical bodies and the warnings of bioethics and human rights advocates and is intended to confuse and mislead parents, and scare them into demanding circumcision for their boys.

Most doctors are opposed to medically unnecessary circumcision of minors and will not perform the operation without genuine medical need (a rare situation).

The fanatics have given up trying to influence responsible medical and scientific bodies; instead, they aim to use the popular media to frighten parents into putting pressure on doctors to agree to their demands.




Circumcision Doctor in General Medical Council Investigation to Quit N.H.S.

A doctor under investigation by the General Medical Council after circumcising a child says he is resigning from the N.H.S.

Dr Muhamad Siddiqui, a hospital surgeon, had conditions imposed on his GMC registration after a complaint by the parents of the toddler.

The doctor, who carried out the procedure at the child's home, denies all the allegations.

Dr Siddiqui operated his own mobile circumcision service outside the N.H.S.

The GMC investigation was launched after a complaint by Kelly Braiha and her husband Ghali, from Littlehampton in West Sussex.

They claim their 23-month-old son Najem was left traumatised and suffered an infection because Dr Siddiqui, who works at University Hospital Southampton N.H.S. Foundation Trust, did not take hygienic precautions.

Najem Braiha
Najem Braiha's parents claim he was left traumatised after a circumcision operation.

Mrs Braiha says she believes home circumcisions should now be banned.

Dr. Siddiqui is also accused of failing to obtain indemnity insurance for his private work and of carrying out regulated procedures without the necessary Care Quality Commission registration.

He denies all the allegations against him.

After an initial investigation by the GMC, the case has been referred to a fitness-to-practise hearing.

In the meantime, the GMC issued an interim order banning Dr Siddiqui from carrying out circumcisions anywhere other than in a hospital or clinical




Intact or Circumcised:
A Significant Difference in the Adult Penis.

The penis and clitoris are analogous and homologous organs: they perform similar functions, share a common design, and biologically develop from the same tissues inutero.
The glans (head) of the penis or clitoris is an internal organ. It is meant to remain covered for the majority of its livelihood, in similar nature to the way that the eyeballs are covered for a good portion of our lives (when we blink or sleep), and the way the ends of our fingers and toes are protected by our nails.
If we surgically amputate the eyelids or fingernails, we will face the repercussions of making an organ that was designed to be internal, external.
In order to survive this damage, the organ must adapt.

To do so, a variety of features will change (both immediately, and progressively over the years): pH will be altered, temperature will no longer remain stable in that organ, moisture and lubrication levels will not be maintained, leading to dryness and potential chapping, antibodies and healthy microflora that previously served to protect will cease to exist, and callusing (the build-up of multiple hardened layers of skin) will take place.
Our body may attempt to heal itself by forming skin bridges or re-adhesions over the amputation site. Our eyeballs and fingertips would become thick, dry, discoloured, and no longer function in the manner they were designed to.
So it is the same with the glans of the penis or clitoris. If we remove the very organ, the prepuce, which serves to cover, protect and regulate the health, pH, temperature, lubrication, antibodies, movement and functioning of the genitals, we've altered form so dramatically that the purposes it was created to fulfill can no longer be realized.
Not only is this evident in research: human development and sexuality especially, but the dramatic difference is also readily apparent to any lay onlooker observing the intact human genitals versus those that no longer remain in their original whole state.







Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Companies also know the value of neonate foreskins and the Cosmetics Industry have been silently taking advantage of newly circumcised babies by using the ‘fresh’ baby boy foreskins to utilise in skin rejuvenating lotions, creams and solutions because of the ability of foreskins cells to regenerate new skin cells.
Cosmetics companies, such as Estee Lauder, Helene Curtis, and Mary Kay Cosmetics, use babies' foreskins in their products. There is a product called TNS Recovery Complex by SkinMedica whose face cream costs over US$100 for a 0.63 oz bottle and is used by many high-profile celebrities (such as Oprah Winfrey and Barbara Walters) as an alternative to cosmetic surgery.
It happens to be made from that discarded piece of skin that some parents opt to have removed from their newborn baby boys before they leave the hospital.

It’s been talked about enthusiastically on ‘The Oprah Show’ where it was announced that this new product which boosts collagen production and can rejuvenate skin contains an ingredient “engineered” from human foreskin cells.

Oprah Winfrey YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER than to promote unethical products on your show and your website. Shame on you Oprah for using your influence to promote and advocate circumcision to make your ageing skin look good at the expense of a baby boy’s most sensitive part, his foreskin.

Circumcision is a multi billion dollar industry in North America and one doctor alone in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia claims having performed 20,000 circumcisions over the past decade, charging around $250 per procedure, which has earned this doctor an unbelievable $5 million.

It is estimated that between the surgery and the foreskin's resale value, each foreskin is worth approximately $100,000. 
The number crunchers estimate the developed world's market for human-skin constructs is somewhere between $1 billion and $2 billion for the treatment of burns alone; for the treatment of chronic wounds (diabetic ulcers, pressure sores, and venous ulcers), the market is roughly $10 billion.

Advanced Tissue's flagship skin-construct, Dermagraft (described on their website as “manufactured from human fibroblast cells derived from newborn foreskin tissue”), sells for $3,000 per square foot, harvesting 250,000 square feet of Dermagraft from one foreskin alone.
The math translates theoretically into a $750,000,000 transaction, which is astounding, outrageous and atrociously sickening….Is it not?





I'm going to raise an issue a lot of women and men would rather not think about. Circumcision (also known as male genital mutilation, or "MGM").  I think there are several reasons it's difficult to talk about. 
First of all, it involves male genitals, which we don't usually like to discuss in polite society. 
Secondly, it involves a very painful operation done to children, and we would probably rather not think too much about that. 
Finally, I think many of us aren't quite sure why we do it, and feel the easier option is just not to discuss it. But I think it's important to look at because in many ways it's revealing about the differences between how we view women and men in this culture, differences which in varying ways harm and limit all of us. 
 Male circumcision is closely connected with is closely connected with other forms of male oppression and has much to teach us about our condition. The simple fact that circumcision can happen in this country is astounding. 
 When we are days old, doctors cut off the most sensitive part of our body without anesthesia. The operation is very violent, performed without anesthesia, and unspeakably painful to the infant. The screams, shaking, and frantic attempt by the newborn to escape this unexpected and unbearable pain can be truly horrible to watch, let alone experience. 
 Concrete medical evidence demonstrates that relative to an adult, the circumcision experience is significantly MORE traumatizing to an infant, who has not yet developed methods to cope with pain and whose neurological pathways are not yet fully developed. 
 Researchers found that circumcised boys exhibited, 4-6 months after their circumcisions, heightened physiological pain responses to inoculation shots as compared to girls and boys who had not had the experience of circumcision.
The procedure also can cause a broad range of traumas including serious harm to infant neurological development and memory capability, learned helplessness, weakening of the ego, disturbance of sexual identification, disruption of maternal bonding, distrust, suppression of pain and empathy, damage caused by memories of the procedure, and later damage to self-esteem and body image as well as post-traumatic stress disorders. 
 While societies tend to be blind to the horrors they create themselves, anyone must concede that this is brutal and an act of mutilation. 
This pain in turn causes permanent and irreversible changes in the developing brain, altering portions of the brain responsible for perceiving pain. 
Developmental neuro-psychologist James Prescott found that domestic levels of violent crime, particularly violent sex-related crimes such as rape, grew in direct proportion to the rise in the number of sexually active circumcised males in American society.

Sunday, June 29, 2014


Circumcision: Do Risks Outweigh Benefits?

For a procedure that’s been around for thousands of years, there sure is a lot of debate about circumcision.
To many, it’s a deeply ingrained rite. Some see it as a way to prevent potential health problems. And to others it’s an unnecessary, invasive procedure that can pose very real risks.

Highly anticipated national guidelines on circumcision are expected soon from Canada’s top association of paediatricians.

Some doctors suspect it may reverse its earlier position and follow the lead of the American Academy of Pediatrics by supporting, for the first time, the health benefits of circumcision.
In that case, the debate over circumcision in Canada will only just be getting started.

If the Canadian Paediatric Society endorses the health benefits of circumcision, it would be a disservice.
Important information about risks and the fact that health benefits are relatively small would likely get lost in translation, and we could expect to see a surge in the number of parents choosing to have their newborn sons circumcised.




Alexithymia and Circumcision Trauma.

This preliminary study investigates what role early trauma might have in alexithymia acquisition for adults by controlling for male circumcision.

People suffering from the personality trait disorder alexithymia have difficulty identifying and expressing their feelings.
They daydream less, and confuse emotions with body sensations, such as physical pain.  They tend to lack imagination and intuition.

This translates into not being able to imagine what others are feeling, leading to an inability to respond to others' needs.

People with severe alexithymia are so removed from their feelings that they view themselves as being robots or automatons.

If acquired at an early age, this might limit access to language and interfere with the socialization process that begins early in life.

Moderate to high alexithymia can interfere with personal relationships and hinder therapy.

A number of studies have shown an alexithymia prevalence for adults at less than ten percent, while one study revealed that 28 percent of men were alexithymic. Alexithymia is not classified as a mental disorder in the DSM-IV.

Neonatal trauma has been associated with alexithymia, dissociation, aggressive behaviour, and suicide; and alexithymia has been associated with life expectancy, being male, dissociation, aggressive behaviour, childhood, and sexual abuse; thus creating a plausible connection between early trauma and alexithymia.

Knowing if alexithymia might be acquired from early traumas such as circumcision could be valuable for a number of reasons.

It would...
(a) help to explain why some groups of men have alexithymia levels higher than women;
(b) lead to a better understanding of normal alexithymia levels for men;
(c) provide alexithymic men with new insights into their behaviour;
(d) assist parents deliberating about circumcision for their son;
(e) provide new information in what role early trauma has on the development of children.



Why We Chose NOT to Circumcise Our Son.

I’m a bit depressed. Our midwife gave me a book about circumcision.
I’ve started the book and can’t put it down.   I’m not sure that I’ll ever fully recover.

The book tells me that the foreskin is like an eyelid protecting the sensitive mucous membrane underneath.
Circumcision removes this protective skin, so the skin underneath keratinizes, meaning it hardens and desensitizes, like a callus.
Therefore, the book posits, circumcision removes length and girth from the penis and decreases enjoyment of sex.
You do not say these things to a man. I’m trying to climb out of the hole.
I tell myself that most men in the United States are circumcised, so it’s a level playing field.

It just means that uncircumcised men are heroes and that we are at a disadvantage when we leave the country.
Now, keep in mind that whether or not sex is less pleasurable without a foreskin is, of course, very difficult to test.
Nobody is lining up for a double-blind controlled study: Have sex. Rate it on a scale from 1 to 10.
Then lose the foreskin, heal, have sex again with the same partner, and rate it again from 1 to 10.
Any takers? So it’s difficult to test the reduced-pleasure hypothesis. And people don’t talk about it much, so we don’t gather much anecdotal evidence, either.
Unless you are a professional sex worker or my friend Adeline, you probably rarely talk about sex, especially the specifics.

I don’t even know which of my friends have a foreskin and which don’t.
Maybe I’ll ask the question on Facebook: “Share or Like if you have a foreskin.”


Fine Touch Pressure Thresholds of the Human Penis:
Intact and Circumcised.

The graphic demonstrates the fine touch pressure thresholds of the human penis in its intact and circumcised states.
Note that the most sensitive parts of the penis are contained within the prepuce (foreskin) and that the amputation of the prepuce leaves very few of these sensitive areas behind.
The prepuce is an organ present on the clitoris and penis of all mammals at birth, and serves many functions, including that of sexual pleasure and sensation.

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