Sunday, June 29, 2014


Circumcision: Do Risks Outweigh Benefits?

For a procedure that’s been around for thousands of years, there sure is a lot of debate about circumcision.
To many, it’s a deeply ingrained rite. Some see it as a way to prevent potential health problems. And to others it’s an unnecessary, invasive procedure that can pose very real risks.

Highly anticipated national guidelines on circumcision are expected soon from Canada’s top association of paediatricians.

Some doctors suspect it may reverse its earlier position and follow the lead of the American Academy of Pediatrics by supporting, for the first time, the health benefits of circumcision.
In that case, the debate over circumcision in Canada will only just be getting started.

If the Canadian Paediatric Society endorses the health benefits of circumcision, it would be a disservice.
Important information about risks and the fact that health benefits are relatively small would likely get lost in translation, and we could expect to see a surge in the number of parents choosing to have their newborn sons circumcised.



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