Thursday, January 1, 2015


Circumcision Guidelines Target Teenagers. Roni Rabin (East Meadow Jewish Center).
Doctors should start telling sexually active teenage boys who aren’t circumcised that if they have the surgery, they can reduce their risk of contracting H.I.V. and other sexually transmitted infections from their female partners, federal health officials propose.
Similar counselling is urged for adult heterosexual men who remain uncircumcised and for expectant parents who will be making a decision about newborn circumcision if they have a boy, according to the new recommendations, proposed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Most American boys are circumcised as newborns, but the percentage of parents having their infants circumcised in hospitals has fallen in recent years, even as evidence from African studies suggests that it may be protective.
Georganne Chapin, founding director of Intact America, a national group that opposes circumcision, argued that the United States had historically had much higher rates of circumcision than European countries, “but we still had comparable or even higher rates of sexually transmitted diseases than in European countries, where there is virtually no circumcision.”

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