Friday, April 25, 2014


Intactivists of Australasia.

(Bringing an end to the non-therapeutic circumcision of minors in Australia and New Zealand.)

Minority Reporter:
How Brian Morris fought a personal war against the human foreskin (and how he lost).

Brian Morris, who is a Professor of molecular biology at the University of Sydney, has spent much of his adult life attempting to defend the practice of routine infant circumcision.

He has, in essence, fought a personal war against a normal part of the human anatomy (the male foreskin).

Morris has utilised a wide range of tactics in order to prosecute his case in relation to this issue.

He has mastered the art of optimising media opportunities to promulgate his views on the subject.

He has also surrounded himself with like-minded individuals, whom he has hoped would provide credible support for his war against the foreskin.

Morris and his allies have attempted to harness scientific research in order to underpin their opinions and they have been unrelenting in their attempts at discrediting those who express views that contradict their own.

Despite his dedication and persistence, the evidence provided below demonstrates quite clearly that Morris has lost the battle.

The ‘courts’ of science, medicine and (perhaps most importantly) public opinion have ruled against him.



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