Friday, January 10, 2014



Many new parents in America do not hesitate to say “yes” when asked if they will be having their newborn son circumcised. 
For many Americans, circumcision has always been just what is done.
Our fathers, partners and brothers were all circumcised.
Women gawk at the thought of a man with a foreskin even though they may have never actually seen one.  With that, like many things surrounding pregnancy, comes many myths and “old wives tales”.

The top 5 that heard the most often are laid out below.

Myth #1:  “Uncircumcised penises are just ugly and dirty”.

Fact: The penis in its natural form is an unfamiliar sight to many American women/men.  Like trying a foreign food delicacy, the thought of trying something new and unfamiliar can bring uneasiness to a person.  However, this is not the case for the majority of the people in the world. An approximate 70-80% of the world’s male population is left intact from birth.

Myth #2:  “It’s no big deal. It’s just a useless piece of skin. Followed with “my husband/brother/father is circumcised and are just fine.”

Fact:  Foreskin is a far cry from “useless”. It actually has many, wonderful uses. Many people have no idea that the glans or “head” of the penis is intended to be an internal organ. It is meant to be kept moist and protected by the surrounding prepuce. Actually, all mammals have a foreskin, all with the same purpose. The foreskin is filled with more than 20,000 erogenous (fine touch) nerves making the tissue surrounding the penis the most sensitive part of his body. These nerves actually enhance the sexual pleasure the man feels during intercourse.

Myth #3:  “Circumcision prevents Cancer, HIV, STDs and UTIs”.

Fact: Doctors have been known to spread this false information for years.  There are several studies that prove just the opposite of what the doctors want to hear.  Doctors cannot make this easy money if people are shown the truth.

Myth #4 “Everyone is circumcised. He will be made fun of if he isn’t”.

Fact: As stated before among the world’s men, approximately 70-80% are intact. So what about the USA? As of 2009 it was estimated that 60% of American boys are now being left just as they were made.

Myth #5 “My God/Religion says I have to circumcise my boys”.

Fact: Many Christians use this as their reason to circumcise. The one thing Preachers, Bishops, Rabbi’s and Priests can all agree on is that being intact will NOT keep you from entering heaven (or paradise).



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