Monday, December 31, 2007


Criminalise Infant Circumcision Until The Age Of Consent.

(British government.)

Young British boys are being circumcised without proper consent and the police are covering up evidence, CPS, Health Visitor and social service services are all failing us.

Currently this practise is not a criminal offense the only protection a helpless baby boy has is the hope that one of his parents will have the sense to object such abuse and protect him.

But when it is done without appropriate consent it should be treated as child abuse and assault.

Why should it be done with both parents consent if it had to be done at all?

The answer to this is because we have a legal system ready to take a draconian approach to protecting women.

This system as necessary as it maybe, fails especially when women lie to get the men out of the way so they can circumcise their children without consent.

So why do we consider this barbaric practise ok and allow it to go on?

Is it because we are afraid of being called racist or have we been bribed to look the other way?

Whatever the reason they have let children down badly.

Who is responsible for protecting the human right of children if they are at risk from their parent?

What happen when this is failed?

Is social services supposed to encourage this barbaric practice because of either one of the parent religious orientation?

Someone in social services did, and made comparisons with his own children who were also circumcised.

Who have we got running our offices?

Is it the child abusers themselves?

Who is responsible to protect the children and stop them from becoming victims of this abusive culture? 

There is evidence of lack of awareness about the true damage both psychologically and physically done to these unfortunate and helpless babies. 

Then we wonder why some men have a propensity for violent and sexual abuse.




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