Friday, August 31, 2007



1. Preserve HIS choice.
2. Avoid unnecessary pain.
3. Not interupting bonding.
4. Avoiding trauma, sleepiness, and pain that could

affect breastfeeding.
5. No need for a surcose pacifier=less chance of

nipple confusion.
6. Virtually no chance of meatal stenosis.
7. No urine/feces in an open wound.
8. No wound-care. No vasoline. No gauze.
9. No need for giving Tylenol to a newborn.
10. Not circumcising is FREE.
11. No medical reason to do it automatically at birth
12. It's not my penis
13. The foreskin has functions that are removed with circ.
14. If HE doesn't like being intact, then HE can

change that.
You can't undo a circ.
15. Avoid the 71% risk of adhesions that comes with

16. No risk of bleeding.
17. No risk of post-op infection.
18. No risk of taking 'too little' or 'too much'.
19. He gets to keep 3-4 feet of blood vessels, interupting

normal blood flow to the penis.
20. He gets to keep 240 feet of nerves.
21. He gets to keep tens of thousands of specialized

nerve endings (Meissner's Corpuscles).
22. His penis retains it's 'gliding mechanism'.
23. The foreskin protects his glans throughout

life, keeping it soft, supple, and sensitive.
24. No frenulum damage/amputation.
25. No scars on his penis.
26. No skin bridges.
27. Less risk of inconspicuous penis/buried penis,

conditions caused/aggravated by circumcision.
28. No risk of reaction/allergic reaction to

anesthetics like EMLA or Lidocaine.
29. No wound/entry point for nosocomial infections,

like MRSA.
30. No risk of glans/partial glans amputation.
31. (Responding to #1): It shouldn't be a "choice,"

at all, for anyone. (Just like leaving my daughter
intact wasn't a "choice" that I saved for her to make.)
32. No risk of the parents or physician being sued

when the boy turns 18y.o.
33. It looks nicer to be intact and, as the circ rate

drops, intact men will be in demand as lovers.
34. it enables the man to enjoy the skin of the penis

fully (1/3 to 1/2 is removed by circ.)
35. no worry for the parents about the baby dying

(200 per yr in the U.S)
36. parents don't need to apologize to their son
37. his future sex partners will thank you
38. he'll save money on lubricants, counselling and

restoring equipment.
39. foreskins are sexy.
40. his glans will not be skinned alive.
41. you can start a college fund with the money that

doesn't go to a circumciser.
42. Because they were born whole and perfect. (this one

got left out of the last list, so I'm adding it here.)
43. No unnecessary rise in cortisol levels, that impact

brain development.
44. Avoid having one of baby's first experiences with

his genitals be violent/painful/traumatic.
45. Baby avoids the discomfort of being strapped down

on a molded, plastic board.
46. No pain from shots in the penis!
47. Medicaid savings.
48. No discovering hemophilia a day or two after birth

because of a circumcision-caused hemorrhage.
49. Promotes gender equality.
50. Reinforces, from the earliest age possible, that

we love our children, just as they are.
51. Reinforces children's acceptance of their bodies,

and that changing ourselves to fit in/follow the crowd isn't necessarily healthy or wise.
52. Increasing the rate of intact children forces doctors

to become more familiar and comfortable with intact penis
53. Leaving your son intact presents an opportunity to

educate others about your decision, circumcision, and
the proper (and simple!) care of intact penises.
54. Not circumcising preserves the frenular/ridged band

and it's functions.
55. Preserves the temperature-sensitive Dartos Fascia

(smooth muscle sheath) of the penis, of which circumcision
removes approximately 50% of.
56. Preserves the immunological system of the inner

57. Preserves the pheromone-producing Apocrine Glands

of the inner foreskin.
58. Preserves the bright, rich, shiny natural coloration

of the glans.
59. Circumcision removes part of the penis, therefore

making the
penis-at least to some degree-smaller.
60. Not circumcising prevents damage to the dorsal

nerves which, if severed can cause a drastic decrease
in sensation to the top 2/3 of the penis.
61. Intact penises are much easier to deal with- both

as babies in
diapers AND for future sex partners!
62. Your son will enjoy doing the "penis trick" (When

he figures out that his foreskin retracts!)
64. Circumcised men suffer erectile dysfunction/impotency

7 - 10 years earlier than intact men.
65. Male circumcision is believed to be the main or only

cause of female arousal syndrome or painful sex after
66. this may sort of be a repeat of #42, but.......

because that's the way Nature made him!!!
67. Leaving your son intact might just really piss

off the in-laws, and hey, that's always good for
68. Somehow, your circ'd dh will be able to heal his

own childhood
through leaving your son intact. (The cycle of violence

will be
69. When your son is 15 and wants a tongue piercing,

you can HONESTLY say that you don't believe in body
70. It took 9 months to help him grow that perfect
foreskin! Why mess with a work of art?

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(Compiled by participants on the "Case Against Circumcision" forum on

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