Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Circumcision FAQs


What is circumcision?

Circumcision in men involves the cutting off of the
foreskin protecting the head (glans penis).

It contains nerve endings that play a part in sexual pleasure
and its glands produce of the penis.

As the only moving part of the penis, the foreskin
facilitates sexual activity.
Lubricants that help protect both the head of the
penis and the female vagina.

It is generally removed for religious reasons but may
take place for medical ones.


Stop! You’re making my eyes water!
Why is it such a controversial subject?

Circumcision is a painful subject in more ways than one.

Wars have even been fought over it.

Because of its religious associations, it can be difficult for
people to talk about circumcision on health terms alone.

Malehealth, however, deals only with the health side.
Many men are happy with their circumcisions but we’ve
had emails from men who are suicidal because of the
problems resulting from their circumcision.

We even heard from a terrified fifteen year-old who had
been told at school that if his glans was not visible when
he had an erection he would have to be circumcised.

Our doctor’s reaction? ‘Who is teaching this guff?’

If you’re considering circumcision for yourself or a child,
you’ll want to know all the facts not just the religious ones.
Fact number one is that the foreskin is perfectly healthy and
harmless and, like any other human tissue, should only be
removed for a good reason.

Whatever your personal views on what constitutes good reason,
remember that no surgery is without risk and that circumcision
is surgery in a very delicate place that can fundamentally
effect both physical and psychological well-being.


How many men are circumcised?

Nobody really knows but organisations campaigning against
it estimate that worldwide about one in four males are circumcised.

National rates vary widely from about 80% of males in the
USA to 2% in Sweden, where non-medical circumcision
is now illegal in children.

In the UK, the number of circumcisions for medical reasons
has fallen from 35% of English boys in the 1930s to 6.5% in
the 1980s and today some 12,200 such circumcisions
are performed annually.

Some doctors consider that this is still far too many.


What are the medical reasons for circumcision?

There are three main reasons for circumcision but
doctors disgree on how promptly circumcision should
be offered as the treatment.

Some see it as a last resort;
others will suggest it sooner.
Phimosis... In babies, the foreskin and the glans
develop as one, only separating during childhood.

As a result the infant foreskin is frequently tight and inelastic.

Some doctors may suggest circumcision in these circumstances.

Others say that generally the foreskin loosens by the age of
three and that true phymiosis, which affects fewer
than 1% of boys,
is very rare before the age of five.
If possible, watchful waiting is sensible in suspected phimosis b
ecause the vast majority of foreskins loosen themselves naturally.

While only 4% of baby boys have a retractable foreskin,
98-99% of 18 year-olds do.

The figures are from the British Medical Journal, 1993,
the same article that revealed that many surgeons
simply cannot tell the difference between an everyday
tight foreskin and true phimosis.

Balanitis...In Balanitis the glans and/or the foreskin
become inflamed.

It can affect men of all ages including boys
(most commonly around the age of three or four).
Poor hygiene, a tight foreskin, skin disorders allergy to
products such as soap or washing powder or to the latex
or spermicides in condoms can all damage the skin and,
if this becomes infected, balantitis can develop.

Balanitis is not transmitted sexually but a bacteria called
candida which can cause it is. Sex may also damage the skin.

It is best avoided by keeping the penis clean, especially under
the foreskinm but in recurrent cases circumcision might be offered.
(In adults it may be offered as a treatment if a tight foreskin
is making sex painful.)


Can circumcision help prevent cancer?

There is little evidence of this.

Circumcision in childhood - but not as an adult - may reduce
the risk of penile cancer but this disease is very rare
anyway and the real risk factors are poor personal
hygiene and smoking.

Indeed, the countries with the highest rates of circumcision
(USA, for example) are also those with the highest
rates of penile cancer.


Can circumcision reduce the risk of a sexually transmitted disease.


Another controversial area.

Some sexually transmitted diseases appear more common
in uncircumcised men, others in circumcised men.
Two particular concerns for circumcised men are that:
they are less likely to notice the symptoms of the STD
chlamydia - the incidence of which is increasing in the UK
- so heightening their risk of passing it on; and,
appear more likely to develop penile warts.
As regards AIDS, the iinternational not-for-profit health
organisation the Cochrane Collaboration has reviewed
all the research into circumcision and HIV and
concluded that that there is insufficient evidence
to support the idea that circumcised men have less
chance of contracting HIV.

However, it should be said that not all scientists agree with this.
What everyone agrees on is that all men can reduce the
risk of an STD or HIV by using a condom.


Is circumcision safe?

It is generally accepted that there are serious complications
in perhaps 2% of medical circumcisions – 1 in 50.

(Figures are obviously higher if the surgeon or hygiene
practices are below hospital standard.)

Complications include bleeding, infection, ulceration
and psychological and sexual problems.

The operation is generally carried out under local
anaesthetic for boys and general anaesthetic for men.

Usually, the patient is discharged the same day but
many describe the operation and its aftermath as painful.


Is it reversible?

Some men think so.
There are videos and packs available which claim to
show circumcised men how to restore themselves
but these should be approached with caution.


Are there alternative treatments for a tight foreskin?

Yes. These include steroid creams, stretching methods
and less-invasive surgery.

Most physicians will try these before resorting to circumcision.
Dr Ian Banks, president of the Men’s Health Forum says:
‘In the UK we circumcise boys and men more than
most other European countries with no real evidence
to support the practice.
You should lubricate your penis well with a water
based jelly and pull the foreskin increasingly further
back until you can achieve a full retraction while the penis is flaccid.

Do not do this with an erect penis as it may prove difficult to
bring the foreskin back to its rightful place.

Real eye watering stuff.

Once you can achieve this, and it may be painful, try
doing it with the penis in various stages of increasing erection.

Always return the foreskin immediately.

If you leave it retracted while very tight it can cause the
blood to remain inside the penis making it get even bigger
(the basis of 'cock rings' and the vacuum device for impotence).’


How can I avoid a tight foreskin?

You'll like this one.

There’s one very easy way.

A study in the British Journal of Sexual Medicine in
1997 of men aged 18-22 found that those with a tight
foreskin either never masturbated or used an unusual technique.

Once they did masturbate in a more conventional way
(ie. an up and down motion mimicking sex), the problem
righted itself in a few weeks.


Just so I know, what are the religious reasons?
The majority of religious circumcisions are carried out
among Jewish, Muslim and African tribal communities.
To Jews, the practice, which is usually carried out when a boy
is eight days old, represents the covenant between Abraham and God.

To Muslims, it as a sign of submission to God although most
do not regard circumcision, which is not mentioned
in the Koran, as obligatory.
Those who oppose religious circumcision say it is a painful,
psychologically damaging and oppressive tradition designed
to subjugate the individual and his or her sexuality.


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